24 Hour Roll


Active Member
I ditched my original screen name, this is ConnorCaff.
Here's the list for the most part. I found a big vat of the vitamin b complex with c, not sure if anything in there would have negative effects on the roll but it would be great if that works as i wouldn't have to buy the b6 separately.
All input is appreciated.

A Week Prior Daily:
5-HTP - 100mg (none the day before)

Day Prior
Alpha Lipoic Acid - 400mg
Magnesium - 500mg
Vitamin C - 1000mg

Vitamin B Complex with C ???mgs:

Vitamin C 180 mg
Thiamin (B1) 100 mg
Riboflavin (B2) 20 mg
Niacin (B3) 25 mg
Vitamin B6 5 mg
Folic Acid 400 mcg
Vitamin B12 45 mcg
Pantothenic acid 5.5 mg

Post Roll:
1. 5-HTP - 150-200mg
2. Vitamin C - 1000mg
3. Magnesium - 500mg


Well-Known Member
I ditched my original screen name, this is ConnorCaff.
Here's the list for the most part. I found a big vat of the vitamin b complex with c, not sure if anything in there would have negative effects on the roll but it would be great if that works as i wouldn't have to buy the b6 separately.
All input is appreciated.

A Week Prior Daily:
5-HTP - 100mg (none the day before)

Day Prior
Alpha Lipoic Acid - 400mg
Magnesium - 500mg
Vitamin C - 1000mg

Vitamin B Complex with C ???mgs:

Vitamin C 180 mg
Thiamin (B1) 100 mg
Riboflavin (B2) 20 mg
Niacin (B3) 25 mg
Vitamin B6 5 mg
Folic Acid 400 mcg
Vitamin B12 45 mcg
Pantothenic acid 5.5 mg

Post Roll:
1. 5-HTP - 150-200mg
2. Vitamin C - 1000mg
3. Magnesium - 500mg
Nice find, I suggest you print this out and staple it to your "to do list"

Another, its vital to eat! Especially, if your gonna be popping all those pills which are gonna play havoc on your stomach! However, your gonna be one shredded cat after you take about 1 gram of molly. You'll definitely be hungry, but since your serontonin is gonna be like one drain lake, the desire or energy to eat will be difficult.

I suggest you buy a platter of fruit which is light on the stomach put has plenty of vitamins... and a decent size of assorted peanuts ;)


Active Member
Nice find, I suggest you print this out and staple it to your "to do list"

Another, its vital to eat! Especially, if your gonna be popping all those pills which are gonna play havoc on your stomach! However, your gonna be one shredded cat after you take about 1 gram of molly. You'll definitely be hungry, but since your serontonin is gonna be like one drain lake, the desire or energy to eat will be difficult.

I suggest you buy a platter of fruit which is light on the stomach put has plenty of vitamins... and a decent size of assorted peanuts ;)
So everything looks good on that list? I wasn't sure about the super b complex, hence the ??? after it. I typed out the contents following the question marks. If anything would have a negative effect please let me know. :confused:

Also i was planning on drinking some sort of sugary electrolyte filled drink (preferably without caffeine) throughout the night as i read that it helps get the vitamins in the blood stream.
Thanks for the tip on the fruits and nuts, i'll deffinetly be stocking up.


Active Member
Very glad to hear that list is up to par. I'll stick to 2 or 3 of the complex i guess, to play it moderately safe.
A month from now this thread should should hopefully consist of joyful posts describing a beautiful long mother fucking roll. :mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Very glad to hear that list is up to par. I'll stick to 2 or 3 of the complex i guess, to play it moderately safe.
A month from now this thread should should hopefully consist of joyful posts describing a beautiful long mother fucking roll. :mrgreen::mrgreen:
Or it can consist of one long fucking comedown... having the best of both worlds ;)


Well-Known Member
Maybe if you set your clock back 20 hrs in one room.. and the other room you kept the "tick-tock" at an equavalent constant... you can imagine in your own head that you rolled for 24hrs ;)


Well-Known Member
No it's not.... It's completely doable and has been done before. It's of course not practical and has no real beneficial point to it. But still. For the sake of principle. :-)
Their is no principle nor standard in any regards to this whole fiasco!

It cant be done... rolling can never be achieved for so long.. the term rolling, not cracked out on mehtamphetamine... thats the only possible way that it may feel like your rolling... if you mash some of the rolls with a dabble of speed!


Well-Known Member
I would think with your grade of knowledge on this whole topic of psychedelics that you wouldn't agrue towards this "24 hr roll" to be possible.. maybe you love debates ;)


Well-Known Member
No it's not.... It's completely doable and has been done before. It's of course not practical and has no real beneficial point to it. But still. For the sake of principle. :-)
Their is no principle nor standard in any regards to this whole fiasco!

It cant be done... rolling can never be achieved for so long.. the term rolling, not cracked out on mehtamphetamine... thats the only possible way that it may feel like your rolling... if you mash some of the rolls with a dabble of speed!
i believe what brevity is saying is that you can get away with eating rolls/molly for 24 hrs because, yes you can. but you will not maintain a peak roll for the duration. my guess is 10 hrs max peak.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
i believe what brevity is saying is that you can get away with eating rolls/molly for 24 hrs because, yes you can. but you will not maintain a peak roll for the duration. my guess is 10 hrs max peak.
I know some dude who ate rolls for nearly 3 days straight.. I'm sure he wasn't at the highest peak of the roll for the whole time, but he was most definitely fuckin rollin. lol


Well-Known Member
I know some dude who ate rolls for nearly 3 days straight.. I'm sure he wasn't at the highest peak of the roll for the whole time, but he was most definitely fuckin rollin. lol
If rolling could equate to being one fucked up lad... then I assume the responsibility of being wrong. But the monkey shot me curious before and I was never more baffooned :lol:
I don't roll for the peak. I suppose I'm an anomaly. I roll to ensure a good day! But then again I'm on a daily 5-htp regimen. Every day I take it. After a while you don't have to take as much but it still gets the same effects.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I don't roll for the peak. I suppose I'm an anomaly. I roll to ensure a good day!

Essentially, it would be like wackin it without ever getting off.. it could feel good for a while, but it never hits its peak.