2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

Set up this rig at 8 this morning bc of Steady rain all day. The best I can do at the moment is protect the middle plant bc she has the fattest buds. Bustin out all the stops to prevent the M word. Getting another 6000 cfm fan tonight for tomorrow morning. It’s a jungle in this habitat

Funny you wont even say the word Lol.. all joking aside that looks fucking awesome... I've been delaying putting my plastic on top of my "zipline" and keep telling myself the buds arent big enough yet, they'll dry... Then we keep getting this rain..
Outdoor Grow August 29 2020 Update (1).jpg

Funny you wont even say the word Lol.. all joking aside that looks fucking awesome... I've been delaying putting my plastic on top of my "zipline" and keep telling myself the buds arent big enough yet, they'll dry... Then we keep getting this rain..
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moldemort hahah perfect. I’ve been putting off making a covering too. I’ve been thinking setting up 4 pvc posts and make some kind of detachable slanting roof with plastic wrap as the roof. Tough to tell bc of perspective but yours pictured looks like a giant lol how tall is it? Gunna need a laddah to hahvist that thing. Fackin jacks bean stalk over there Haha. We got A good stretch of sun comin so I think we’ll be ok for a while after this stretch. Gunna try out the leaf blower in the am too
moldemort hahah perfect. I’ve been putting off making a covering too. I’ve been thinking setting up 4 pvc posts and make some kind of detachable slanting roof with plastic wrap as the roof. Tough to tell bc of perspective but yours pictured looks like a giant lol how tall is it? Gunna need a laddah to hahvist that thing. Fackin jacks bean stalk over there Haha. We got A good stretch of sun comin so I think we’ll be ok for a while after this stretch. Gunna try out the leaf blower in the am too

I think your pvc will work, I am considering doing something similar for a different set of plants that are up against a fence, Its limited on light so I do want something I can remove easily and quickly.. But at the same time I know we're getting hit with another 1-2 windy storms before this is harvested so I definitely dont want the thing to become a kite either.

and Yeah lol they're getting up there, I think they've maxed out height wise though....
Thats probably about 10.5-11+ feet from the top of the soil line by now maybe? not sure, I dont really keep track..My little brother measured them about a month and half ago and the middle one (not tallest, not shortest of the 3 untopped plants) was 10 ft. 2 I am maxing out a 12 foot A frame ladder But its good, Im liking it a lot better than bushing out the plants Im not as worried about mold because I can see right through those plants but at the same time, each branch has a solid amount on it.

Surprisingly, they're really not as bad to work with, they arent wide, so you can reach everything if you circle around the plant, whereas having a wide circle bush would be hard to reach the tip/center/"north pole"

This is all an experiment for topped vs untopped planting outdoors So we'll see how she turns out. Thanks for the input. I still havent ordered the fischer price leaf blower yet, I should probably get on that. Keep it up bud, Cheers :joint: :peace:

Scaffolding Plank and Ladders.png
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Currently working on making a detachable pvc structure I can throw a tarp over.. comes out to like 7-10$ worth of supplies per plant, just gotta drop height down on the pvc posts then the plan is secure it to the bamboo to create that roof slant shape and then stake the tarp down all around
Currently working on making a detachable pvc structure I can throw a tarp over.. comes out to like 7-10$ worth of supplies per plant, just gotta drop height down on the pvc posts then the plan is secure it to the bamboo to create that roof slant shape and then stake the tarp down all around
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Nice yeah, That seems perfect for what I need to do on a couple smaller plants that are only about 6.5 ft or so tall,
I have some 10 ft pvc 1/2in. lying around from a hoop house, was going to make an X with those, then putting the tarp on that.

But I may just do this with a few extra pvc fittings... I want something a little more sturdy than the X... Feel like the 1/2in. pvc I have wont stand up to the task.
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It's been 6 days since a microburst tried to destroy my ladies with sudden super strong winds and torential rain. They all made it and continue to thrive, although I did have to break out my best plant doctor skills on some twisted and sad looking branches. I only lost a single branch that was already broken. It's Zkittles strain, and a few leaves just started to turn purple due to the recent cold nights. Can't wait to see how deep the purples are by October.
Currently working on making a detachable pvc structure I can throw a tarp over.. comes out to like 7-10$ worth of supplies per plant, just gotta drop height down on the pvc posts then the plan is secure it to the bamboo to create that roof slant shape and then stake the tarp down all around
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dang that reminds me of Big Rhonda in high school... That girl had bush!!!!!
Set up this rig at 8 this morning bc of Steady rain all day. The best I can do at the moment is protect the middle plant bc she has the fattest buds. Bustin out all the stops to prevent the M word. Getting another 6000 cfm fan tonight for tomorrow morning. It’s a jungle in this habitat

I use the same squat black fan I see in your pic - great fan moves plenty of air for me. I just started running it last night may add my other one will see. I worry about no airflow at night after rains; I will turn off in the morning and let the sun do its thing for now I think.

The only problem I have now is a small amount of botrytis on my SFV caused my caterpillars. The BT killed those suckers dead lol - I was picking their corpses off yesterday after the BT did it’s thing. No caterpillars on any of my other girls, so BT putting in preventative work, too.
Could be wrong, but I suspect you need to delete "/quote" from the end of that link.
Unfortunately no, didnt work on Chrome, mustve been something with the pay wall or hotlinking from this website because I just googled another link for it, and not connecting to it from RIU worked.. Strange.
I use the same squat black fan I see in your pic - great fan moves plenty of air for me. I just started running it last night may add my other one will see. I worry about no airflow at night after rains; I will turn off in the morning and let the sun do its thing for now I think.

The only problem I have now is a small amount of botrytis on my SFV caused my caterpillars. The BT killed those suckers dead lol - I was picking their corpses off yesterday after the BT did it’s thing. No caterpillars on any of my other girls, so BT putting in preventative work, too.

Started B.t. last month after spotting a few caterpillars. None since. Buds on the Balkhi and Afghan Kush in the pot are really fattening up, so I’m using it every five or so days - as you say it’s a fine preventative. Going out to re-apply now.

Getting strong fruity medicinal smells when I touch the flowers. Seeing some light purpling on one of the Balkhi too, and crystals are starting to accumulate. Home stretch here we come! Thinking the Balkhi and AK will be done by the end of September and it’ll be the Waziri slowpokes I fret over halfway into October.
I use the same squat black fan I see in your pic - great fan moves plenty of air for me. I just started running it last night may add my other one will see. I worry about no airflow at night after rains; I will turn off in the morning and let the sun do its thing for now I think.

The only problem I have now is a small amount of botrytis on my SFV caused my caterpillars. The BT killed those suckers dead lol - I was picking their corpses off yesterday after the BT did it’s thing. No caterpillars on any of my other girls, so BT putting in preventative work, too.
I like the fan a lot... I went and got another. I don’t understand why is was only 45$, there was a less powerful one, same brand for less money. I wanted a pedestal Oscillating fan but settled for this one for the price and just put a cheap oscillating to help move the air around. When I shut it offlast night, my plants were dry as a bone.

good luck battling those pillars. They pretty much destroyed my autoflower garden this year going to try bus washing but I’m not optimistic
I've got one weird one. It's a lighter color green than all others and the new growth is kind of twisted. It's about 6 feet tall and bushy. Seems to be growing well enough. Any thoughts?
Already had gotten it, Thank you though brother. :blsmoke:
This is a new one I just discovered. It just amazes me how once we are able to produce our own legal medicine, Big Corp steps in and begins the thorough process of locking out what should be simple rights, while designing the laws to squeeze out as many nickels as possible. My friend did a six acre CBD grow last year, but very swiftly the laws were changed to shut down any future growth.
When I talk about having simple rights, I mean things like, why aren't we able to trade our medicine to our brothers and sisters that grow also?
For example, at a farmers market I am able to sell my corn, cabbage, tomatoes, without 'inspections' .... And this is food people eat! IPA's are the same way, bought, sold local. But marijuana? Gosh no..I can grow it - smoke it- maybe gift it in small amounts, but trade or barter and your a dealer.
On the flip side of that, I am EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for the rights we do have, and don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. I don't want to sound like a whiner, my house and I am blessed to be able to produce our own staples. It's just too bad we couldn't make a few clamshells on the up and up. We grow our own food, not a lot, yet we do some canning, I hunt to put meat in the freezer, and these things go a long way in this economy. In fact, I am having some of the last venison in the freezer, and hunting season starts in 6 weeks. And I am also smoking some of the last of my medicine from last year before I go to sleep at night, it has kept me off the.morphine for a lot of medical reasons I don't want to get into.
I'll end this rant with, I am blessed, I wish I could help others more, and it's wonderful not to have to worry about going to jail for a few plants.
May your harvest be amazing, your curing trouble free, and your medicine all it can be.