2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

same here, mine are just starting to flower now. Weird because I had flowers forming by end of July last year. Definitely gonna be growing deep into October this year so I’m gonna prepare as such
Very true on the first part, yet mother nature in her perfect design will balance things out. Look for a late season push, juice them on that button.... It will be easily identifiable if you watch closely, branches may bend heavily, perhaps a slight color change, at that exact time whack email with some nutes, (personally I use a higher potash at this stage, but I'm just a rookie) and pray for no frost on second thought, late October sounds pretty good. Lol.
Hope everyone in the path of the thunderstorms today made it through unscathed! 3/4” hail here with very strong winds and sideways rain, but no casualties -

Im SE MA as well... Rolled through my street, in and out in 5 minutes but damn that was a crazy 5 minutes.

Had some unrelated damage... After having the fire dept. show up and say dont walk around the front yard... Now looks like Im going to bed with a 500 lb branch hanging about 10 feet above the ground just weighing down a power line that is strung across a major road... This picture looks like theres a tree crew working... There isnt... hes just waiting for someone to pull out of a driveway and happen to be in the picture... The whole town got hit and branches everywhere, I luckily lost power for a couple hours but still no internet so using hot spot...

Heres some of the damage..

Now for the silver lining:

Everyone was okay..
Plants were okay.. (These are the moments I prepare so much for, glad it pays off...Ive come to expect multiple storms like this per year...)
No damage to house..
Third picture, theres usually a car parked there 9 times out of 10, happen to be grocery shopping and parked on lawn out back to bring groceries just before this.

My crop is surrounded by old ass trees, hundreds of years old, really tall, a lot are probably rotten, I was expecting a massive tree to come down on the plot, especially because there are two right near there that are dead and already leaning in that direction... But heres the best part (Hopefully... We'll find out tomorrow morning..)

Heres a picture from August 1st, This is my Easterly facing woods where the sun would be blocked in the mornings which always sucked..
Outdoor Crop Update 8-1-2020 - 255pm (30).jpg
That was an interesting 5 minutes here as well! I was in the garden yesterday when lightning struck so close you could feel it in the air; needless to say I got the F in the house Real Quick! Neighbors, who were still in their pool, did the same I think lol.

Anyway, I’m so glad everyone and their plants are okay!
Glad everyone in this corner of the state did OK - it was pretty wild here for about a half hour!

On to some experimentation. Just selectively (I hope!) pollinated lower branches on my two Balkhi girls with pollen from the sole Hawaiian Hashbud plant that germinated from five bonus seeds from The Real Seed Co. The HH is a highly inbred 30+ year old line that is claimed to produce tasty and strong flowers, but has lost seed viability from inbreeding depression. The HH is said to be very fast flowering to the point where it produced three yearly crops in Hawaii, so I chose the Balkhis as his partners as they are the fastest of my girls to bloom and I’d like to preserve the rapid quality. 80BAD044-DA75-400B-B328-5048AB036E1D.jpeg
Glad everyone in this corner of the state did OK - it was pretty wild here for about a half hour!

On to some experimentation. Just selectively (I hope!) pollinated lower branches on my two Balkhi girls with pollen from the sole Hawaiian Hashbud plant that germinated from five bonus seeds from The Real Seed Co. The HH is a highly inbred 30+ year old line that is claimed to produce tasty and strong flowers, but has lost seed viability from inbreeding depression. The HH is said to be very fast flowering to the point where it produced three yearly crops in Hawaii, so I chose the Balkhis as his partners as they are the fastest of my girls to bloom and I’d like to preserve the rapid quality. View attachment 4662254
Following for sure, interested in how it turns out. Keep us updated.
That was an interesting 5 minutes here as well! I was in the garden yesterday when lightning struck so close you could feel it in the air; needless to say I got the F in the house Real Quick! Neighbors, who were still in their pool, did the same I think lol.

Anyway, I’m so glad everyone and their plants are okay!
this happened to me this morning!!! Was taking pics when lightning struck both east and west of me followed by those crackling booms that sends the cat zooming into the house with daddy not far behind!!
Juices the girls last night and am pretty stoked to see the flowering started, and finally all plants showed as females, very stoked to see the individual characteristics of my Jack Herer, some Gorilla Glue and some surprise seeds. I'm not real hung up on the strain, just the end result. Keeps it interesting. Plus, I love the look I get when my fellow growers expound for 20 mins about this strain and that strain and when they ask what strains I have, I shrug my shoulders and say 'I dunno.' Epic. Their all quality seeds, especially the ones I've been growing and seeding here in the valley for the last decade or so. Anyeays, here's some pics...IMG_20200823_134354_1.jpgIMG_20200823_134119.jpgIMG_20200823_134238.jpgA+ Gallery_6.jpg
First timer here.Wish I found this website months ago. Started off with nine hadto get rid of two males yesterday nearly broke my heart. All different strains. Four of the seven left has started flowering the other three I'm still not sure about. Any insight would be appreciated.


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First timer here.Wish I found this website months ago. Started off with nine hadto get rid of two males yesterday nearly broke my heart. All different strains. Four of the seven left has started flowering the other three I'm still not sure about. Any insight would be appreciated.
Looks like your doing great, males are at the stage they should be exposing themselves already or anytime now, stay vigilant and wait for the clusters of ballsacs or your fine white hairs. Culling males can be a bummer, but look at it like you are giving life to the girls, in the fall the sting will be long gone.
First timer here.Wish I found this website months ago. Started off with nine hadto get rid of two males yesterday nearly broke my heart. All different strains. Four of the seven left has started flowering the other three I'm still not sure about. Any insight would be appreciated.

The third pic with the AC unit in the background is showing pistils -

At this stage of growth,do you have to worry about rain and mold setting in?

I’m keeping an eye out for powdery mildew and mold issues, but so far the powdery mildew has been very sporadic and I’m not seeing caterpillars since I hit them with B.t. a few times after finding a couple a few weeks ago. Last year I lost a very small bit of the crop due to a few instances of bud rot, but each instance was associated with caterpillar damage so the strategy is to keep them off of the plants.

I do shake them off after it rains, but the colas are just getting going so they still dry pretty quickly. Full-blown panic in the form of rushing for the leaf blower won’t set in for another couple of weeks, LOL.
Got a microburst here in Wakefield yesterday. It was perfectly calm one minute, and hurricane-like winds and rain the next. Hurried to take my six 15-gallon 6 ft monsters into my detached garage. Assessing the damage this morning, looks like 5 of the 6 may pull through if they don't herm from the stress. The fact that any of them could survive those winds is amazing. All of the plants were horizontal to the ground, but non of the stems snapped.
Got a microburst here in Wakefield yesterday. It was perfectly calm one minute, and hurricane-like winds and rain the next. Hurried to take my six 15-gallon 6 ft monsters into my detached garage. Assessing the damage this morning, looks like 5 of the 6 may pull through if they don't herm from the stress. The fact that any of them could survive those winds is amazing. All of the plants were horizontal to the ground, but non of the stems snapped.
Have you had that happen before? They herm from the stress?
Have you had that happen before? They herm from the stress?
Whenever I have encountered heat stress or severe broken limbs I try to shade them as well as adding Epsom salts to their water. I have broken flowering plants in half and duct taped them with a splint. They are pretty resilient plants. But, watch out for the heat today especially if they were damaged.