2019 Election Talk

I hope you don't have children?


^^^^^^^^^^ This doesn't sound like satire lol
Funny how you’re a “new” member yet you know to keep your profile private. You seem like a troll to me. And guess what? If you wanna troll, let’s have at it.

Quad breath? More Like 4 dicks in your mouth at one time?

Seems legit from what your family says about you. Cock smootch
I explained above but I actually according to the TOS don’t have to clear anything up to you if I don’t want too because no matter what I say if people wanna believe the user over me they will nothing I ever say will ever be believed if people don’t like me

I can’t control any of that or make people believe what they don’t want

And tbh I don’t really care anymore what people on here think of me
They come in ask me to explain I do and they go Everytime nope you’re a liar you lied I believe the user you’re a loser etc etc
So I don’t give a shit anymore
just seemed out of character is all..maybe it was misread? I get that A LOT hahahahah lol (:
Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Believe the things that are blatantly right in front of your face.

Don't believe anything instead try to understand the facts, like 10% of all animals are gay.

You can believe anything you want you can even believe that you just shit a piece of pie. You can even eat said piece of pie and claim it came a la mode. But to those of us who can understand the cause and effect reality we all exist in your just a shit eating moron who has faith.
No..she;s quite real actually and is very fair like has been said already..
She has excused herself from the matter. She can retract the bulshit threats of violence or forever be a liar.

She has already tried to distance herself from these allegations. That's fine the corporation will accept that.
Don't believe anything instead try to understand the facts, like 10% of all animals are gay.

You can believe anything you want you can even believe that you just shit a piece of pie. You can even eat said piece of pie and claim it came a la mode. But to those of us who can understand the cause and effect reality we all exist in your just a shit eating moron who has faith.
Ahh name calling..youre offended so you must be right lol.
just seemed out of character is all..maybe it was misread? I get that A LOT hahahahah lol (:
Maybe I can’t go back to check it unfortunately
I don’t know why but profile posts get
Completely removed unlike regular posts where I can read them but users can’t

However the basis of the ban was we asked to comply with rules they refuse and redid the offense TWICE with the caption “ the admins won’t allow this so ...”

You do that you’re going to get banned
Not my fault lol
Maybe I can’t go back to check it unfortunately
I don’t know why but profile posts get
Completely removed unlike regular posts where I can read them but users can’t

However the basis of the ban was we asked to comply with rules they refuse and redid the offense TWICE with the caption “ the admins won’t allow this so ...”

You do that you’re going to get banned
Not my fault lol
Not sure if you get paid but I'm sure it's mostly a thankless job. We appreciate your efforts here. I've been scolded by you before and your always very fair and provide the proper warnings. I personally think you do a good job. Sorry it's so disheartening maybe.
I missed everything that happened so not adding anything to that part.
Ahh name calling..youre offended so you must be right lol.

You are what you are just like Andrew Sneer proved who he is by denying minorities their human rights. BTW stating a fact is not name calling unless you really did eat shit but then you would be a shit eating moron, that is if your faith is strong enough.
You are what you are just like Andrew Sneer proved who he is by denying minorities their human rights. BTW stating a fact is not name calling unless you really did eat shit but then you would be a shit eating moron, that is if your faith is strong enough.
As ive stated. If you're an adult and wanna operate or use hormones..whatever. I dont think you should be doing it to children. You shouldn't have the right to alter your child's body in anyway you see fit. Especially in such a perverted way. That's my argument. Maybe you got lost somewhere. HOWEVER. Just because you operate or take hormones that does not mean that you are the gender or sex that you claim. That's basic as hell.
That's if you believe they're separate. Which is an ideology. Gender is visibly attached to sex.

The premise is: sex is binary, gender is fluid. Just like our brains are fluid in their capacity to generate thought and action. Seems fairly straightforward, unless you believe that the human mind is a prison, and that consciousness, thought and choice are an illusion. If that's the case then there is little point to humanity itself. I prefer to believe that if a person's choices aren't hurting others, then what business is it of mine. So in this scenario how does this hurt you?

I believe we have freedom to choose many things, including our gender based on our underlying genetic structure and the environmental factors that make us who we are. In some cases choice maybe almost compulsory, due to some deep fundamental incroguity such a conflict between sex and gender. In that case technology enables a person to make the choice to modify their sex and hopefully eliminate that deep incroguity within the core of their consciousness.

In these special cases we can even say that there is little choice I'm the matter, it's akin to pulling out a thorn from their side. Sure they could choose to live in pain and leave it alone. But we've advanced technically and are able to remove that thorn for some folks. It's not end of days and the plain ol P and V still reigns supreme, progress. Who cares, I'm more concerned about the economy and taxes :D
The premise is: sex is binary, gender is fluid. Just like our brains are fluid in their capacity to generate thought and action. Seems fairly straightforward, unless you believe that the human mind is a prison, and that consciousness, thought and choice are an illusion. If that's the case then there is little point to humanity itself. I prefer to believe that if a person's choices aren't hurting others, then what business is it of mine. So in this scenario how does this hurt you?

I believe we have freedom to choose many things, including our gender based on our underlying genetic structure and the environmental factors that make us who we are. In some cases choice maybe almost compulsory, due to some deep fundamental incroguity such a conflict between sex and gender. In that case technology enables a person to make the choice to modify their sex and hopefully eliminate that deep incroguity within the core of their consciousness.

In these special cases we can even say that there is little choice I'm the matter, it's akin to pulling out a thorn from their side. Sure they could choose to live in pain and leave it alone. But we've advanced technically and are able to remove that thorn for some folks. It's not end of days and the plain ol P and V still reigns supreme, progress. Who cares, I'm more concerned about the economy and taxes :D
Well thats a very fair argument. So I'll just list my points here.

1. There have been cases of pedos entering female washrooms and claiming to be trans as a means to gain access.

2. Trudy made it a punishable offence to misgender someone. (There are underlying issues here too.)

3. Parents are hormonally and surgically fucking up their children.

4. I dont want my 4 year old daughter in the same bathroom as a grown man who thinks hes a women. Not saying all transsexuals are pedos. At all. But i don't think its appropriate.

I understand that people are trying to make the trans argument on the premise that sex and gender are separate but hard ass science proves otherwise. I dont believe the mind is a prison. People do extraordinary things every day. You dont have to be confused about your gender to be exceptional. In fact that makes you mentally ill.

Having said that, i even have trans friends who are very good people and I respect their pronouns. It's not trans people I have issues with. It's the extreme side of it that is becoming prevalent in society.