2019 Election Talk

The true challenge is finding someone willing to read a post that big from your dumb ass.
Maybe one of your dick riders
@radiant Rudy

Please, read this dumb shits post gimme a TL:DR

Sorry you’re too fucking dumb and illiterate to read 17 sentences

Much less too dumb to even type more than one misspelled, mispunctuated, dripping with dumbfuck sentence to try to rebut it
Did our babboon just shit down your thought hole? Regurgitated word shits give away your cowardly, obedient groveling servitude.

Son you're a f'en frightened bitch, a slave to your own ignorance .
"Oh, God" his butt plug has been eaten by his thought hole

Felcher series, a bitch moaning for protection after relentless smack downs and pant shittings. Quit squawking you f'en hysterical hen

you sound like dis guy .....EH :lol:

It would make an enabler to your childish ways.
Well, you almost posted a proper sentence in English. But you are too dumb or drunk to do so I guess

Anyhoo, what was childish about the cogent thoughts I just posted on the topic of this thread?

As a smart guy, you should be able to knock this one out of the park
Let’s see f series show us his intellect by rebutting anything I say here

Gender dysphoria is a condition listed in the dsm-v, just like depression or adhd or social anxiety or substance abuse.

Just like those other conditions, it is diagnosable by a list of criteria. If you meet enough criteria, you are said to have that condition.

If your child were suffering from depression, you would want to treat them to help improve their lives and mental condition. You would also want this for them or yourself as an adult.

In treating gender dysphoria, you may take drugs that alter your body and or mental state, just the same as you would for depression. Those who try to attach a stigma to this for gender dysphoria, but not for depression, are showcasing bigotry that they have learned. Hence why not one single loud angry bigot yelling about treating children with gender dysphoria has even attempted to answer my repeated questions about whether they would treat their child for depression

Those that showcase this bigoted stigma will often pretend that parents simply see their boy child play with a doll and go and hack off their genitals. This is very dishonest and lazy, just like all right wing propaganda is. Surgeries for full gender transition are very rare and performed almost exclusively once someone has reached or nearly reached adulthood

The dumb, loud, angry bigots spewing this propaganda did not even think of it themselves. This propaganda has been marketed to them because they fit a profile that online algorithms pick up.

These algorithms are designed to prey upon angry, disaffected white males. The propaganda is designed to give these lonely, embittered white males an enemy to blame for their lack of success or happiness in life. A common enemy often feels like a better and easier solution than doing the actual hard work of self care and actualization

Proof of this can be demonstrated by the fact that these right wing grifters are now preying upon depression and suicide help websites for recruiting their unsuspecting targets. It is extremely difficult to break this grip of right wing propaganda because cognitive dissonance will prevent a mark from ever actually admitting that they were conned by a shitty grifter

Now I challenge anyone to actually rebut anything I just said.
God damnit, you manage to convince me that you actually believe in what you're talking about.

1) DSM - ok, homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder just a few years ago, and you will take anything they say as fact? This doesn't even touch the fact that the dsm is not science based in the least - see apa (activism) vs aps (science).

2) Diagnosis - Lets talk stats. 0.2% of people have extreme gender disphoria, 80% of those will work past it, half of those that transition will kill themselves. Now diagnosis is based on a self declaration really and the number of women that want to be men is way way way up? Funny that people always talk about men transitioning when the majority of new trans people are teenage girls. (Perceived or real advantages in life for men?)

3) Treatment - Noone is saying not to treat people, but drugs and hormone blockers should be the last course of action, not the first. It's irreversible and increases the likelyhood that they will kill themselves. It shouldn't be given to mentally immature people period, they don't know what they want and are highly susceptible to outside influences.

4) Brain scans - you brought it up, so you admit men and womens brains are fundamentally different? That the modes of thinking are fundamentally different? Does this justify treating men and women differently? (If you answered yes to the first two questions you have to answer yes to the last one, if you answer no then your whole trans idea is bunk and a fancy name for 'what people like'.

Not gonna respond to the rest of your... bait?
God damnit, you manage to convince me that you actually believe in what you're talking about.

1) DSM - ok, homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder just a few years ago, and you will take anything they say as fact? This doesn't even touch the fact that the dsm is not science based in the least - see apa (activism) vs aps (science).

2) Diagnosis - Lets talk stats. 0.2% of people have extreme gender disphoria, 80% of those will work past it, half of those that transition will kill themselves. Now diagnosis is based on a self declaration really and the number of women that want to be men is way way way up? Funny that people always talk about men transitioning when the majority of new trans people are teenage girls. (Perceived or real advantages in life for men?)

3) Treatment - Noone is saying not to treat people, but drugs and hormone blockers should be the last course of action, not the first. It's irreversible and increases the likelyhood that they will kill themselves. It shouldn't be given to mentally immature people period, they don't know what they want and are highly susceptible to outside influences.

4) Brain scans - you brought it up, so you admit men and womens brains are fundamentally different? That the modes of thinking are fundamentally different? Does this justify treating men and women differently? (If you answered yes to the first two questions you have to answer yes to the last one, if you answer no then your whole trans idea is bunk and a fancy name for 'what people like'.

Not gonna respond to the rest of your... bait?
Your post is just riddled with lies.

Homosexuality was removed 40 fucking years ago, not “just a few”

The APA and dsm-v are science based, otherwise would be useless

Every single stat in section 2 you listed is wrong. You’re a bad liar

Drugs and hormone therapies are not irreversible and do not increase the chances of suicide

Where did you learn to repeat all of these lies from ? Cite your sources so that I can laugh at them
Your post is just riddled with lies.

Homosexuality was removed 40 fucking years ago, not “just a few”

The APA and dsm-v are science based, otherwise would be useless

Every single stat in section 2 you listed is wrong. You’re a bad liar

Drugs and hormone therapies are not irreversible and do not increase the chances of suicide

Where did you learn to repeat all of these lies from ? Cite your sources so that I can laugh at them you lying fucking clown bitch
40, few, six of one...

dms is published by apa which is "a society that represents psychiatrists" it's in the name psychiatry ie it is concerned with the practice of psychiatry only, not the science of psychology. It is not science based, whoever told you that lied to you. They are concerned with moral issues like ethics and... activism.. not how the mind works.

Ok, the numbers might not be accurate but are illustrative of the state of things. It's true that more teenage girls are transitioning than any other demographic. Very few people have gender disphoria, I have seen numbers as low as 0.05%. In the past most people with gender disphoria learned to live with it and the suicide rate for transitioned individuals is quite high (correlation is not causation I know). No lies.

Please tell me again how taking puberty blockers won't render you sterile in later life. ie an irreversible effect.
40, few, six of one...

dms is published by apa which is "a society that represents psychiatrists" it's in the name psychiatry ie it is concerned with the practice of psychiatry only, not the science of psychology. It is not science based, whoever told you that lied to you. They are concerned with moral issues like ethics and... activism.. not how the mind works.

Ok, the numbers might not be accurate but are illustrative of the state of things. It's true that more teenage girls are transitioning than any other demographic. Very few people have gender disphoria, I have seen numbers as low as 0.05%. In the past most people with gender disphoria learned to live with it and the suicide rate for transitioned individuals is quite high (correlation is not causation I know). No lies.

Please tell me again how taking puberty blockers won't render you sterile in later life. ie an irreversible effect.
Well, thanks for admitting you just lied and made all of that up

Go get some fucking mental help and break your dependence in that right wing propaganda you’ve been sucked into
You are a white deck builder that drives a white van. Kinda like the psychopath that mowed down people on the sidewalk in Toronto, you sick bastard.
I understand that you are lashing out because you have no argument, you are too stupid to make one, and this is what stupid people like you do when you get dressed down by smarter people like me

I accept your impotent rage
Well, thanks for admitting you just lied and made all of that up

Go get some fucking mental help and break your dependence in that right wing propaganda you’ve been sucked into
Name one false statement, I'll make it easy for you..
  1. dsm is published by apa which is "a society that represents psychiatrists" it's in the name psychiatric ie it is concerned with the practice of psychiatry only, not the science of psychology.
  2. more teenage girls are transitioning than any other demographic.
  3. very few people have gender disphoria
  4. in the past most people with gender disphoria learned to live with it
  5. the suicide rate for transitioned individuals is quite high
  6. puberty blockers will render you sterile in later life.
you could argue 4 I guess, but idk where you would get stats for that.
Name one false statement, I'll make it easy for you..
  1. dsm is published by apa which is "a society that represents psychiatrists" it's in the name psychiatric ie it is concerned with the practice of psychiatry only, not the science of psychology.
  2. more teenage girls are transitioning than any other demographic.
  3. very few people have gender disphoria
  4. in the past most people with gender disphoria learned to live with it
  5. the suicide rate for transitioned individuals is quite high
  6. puberty blockers will render you sterile in later life.
you could argue 4 I guess, but idk where you would get stats for that.
Im gonna need to see sources cited now that you’ve been caught lying over and over and over again

Even #3 sounds reasonable until you actually think. If only a small percentage of 330 million people have that condition, then you’d have to say very many people have gender dysphoria, not very few

Anyhoo, just post your fucking batshit crazy right wing propaganda sources and apologize for lying to us

Thanks tripledipshit
If I’m dumb then why can’t you rebut anything I say?

Doesn’t that make you dumb?

Suicide rates don't change at all after hormonal or surgical intervention. If someone thinks the radio is talking to them, you don't go "Oh yep. That's fine. Everybody..let this guy think that the radio is talking to him " lol. You dont fuckin give in to the disorder.

You're wronngggggg. If you're an adult and you want to have the surgery or take the hormones/blockers then fine. Your frontal cortex isn't even developed until you're 25. It is not ok to mutilate and manipulate children. If you think thats ok you should be locked away cause you're a fucking lunatic.
Im gonna need to see sources cited now that you’ve been caught lying over and over and over again

Even #3 sounds reasonable until you actually think. If only a small percentage of 330 million people have that condition, then you’d have to say very many people have gender dysphoria, not very few

Anyhoo, just post your fucking batshit crazy right wing propaganda sources and apologize for lying to us

Thanks tripledipshit
Haha no. Those are facts. Very few people have it. The rest are people like you trying to jump on the progressive band wagon and MARGINALIZE THEMSELVES.