2014 outdoor


Well-Known Member
Even if it drains quickly the topsoil and organic matter in the mix may be still holding too much moisture, OR you may be watering too often.


Well-Known Member
I put some reflectors in and the lower parts have been showing faster growth. Also put it on top of another pot with some dirt in it so that the heat from the concrete doesn't fry the roots.


Well-Known Member
The seedling and small plant both look over watered(leaf tips curling under). Let the soil dry out more. I let mine dry all the way out to the point that the plant wilts and then I know how long I can let them go before watering. Once you gauge the wilting time frame you will be able to water them shortly prior to wilting with no problem.


Well-Known Member
I think your plants would profit if you give them more N , but they are in good shape!


Well-Known Member
I think your plants would profit if you give them more N , but they are in good shape!
Her plants are experiencing N deficiency from moisture stress. There might be Nitrogen in the soil but it is not being used because the roots aren't recieving sufficient oxygen


Well-Known Member
Depends how much soil the roots have access too. But typically a plant that sizeinthe much soil can go 5-7 days with no water. Weed plants dont like there roots wet all the time. A good test is to stick your finger in the soil an inch to an inch and a half down.....if you feel moisture then dont water, if you dontfeel moisture water. That is just a common practice. Some like to lift the pot and water whenever it feels light asnot to disturb roots (I do this)