2013 Colorado Outdoor Med Garden!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

I am a caregiver for 3 family members and have posted some indoor grows in the past, as well as some large farms I've been blessed enough to work. For the past year I've been working in the COLORADO MEDICAL MARIJUANA INDUSTRY (MMED badge holder) and let me tell you folks, it is 95% a SCAM for big $$$ to come in and grow out a ton of pre mature poison laden beasters to sell at dispensaries!!! In fact most "meds" have 90% residual systemic insecticides like avid or systemic fungicides like Eagle 20, not to mention these plants are rarely flushed!!!!!! HOW DOES GARLICTRAIN KNOW THIS YOU ASK??!!!! He has been working 150 lights for over 6 months under the supervision of arguably the largest medical marijuana wholesaler in the state. I have PERSONALLY SEEN with my very own eyes the horrors and atrocities these "growers" put these rooms through only to flash dry 50+ lbs in rooms with black mold growing on the floor/walls/ceilings. I'm not saying this is ALL facilities and I sure as hell won't mention my employer but I want to show MY LOVE for CANNABIS and my home state of COLORADO by showing folks easy organic gardening without relying on "snake oils" and over priced watered down bottled nutrients.

At work I run everything from advanced to botanicare to canna to H&G so I am very well versed in synthetics, be it dwc, flood tables, run to waste etc. ALL I can recommend to my patients and any COLORADO RED CARD HOLDER is to be sure and seek out ORGANIC MEDS. It may not matter if you eat an organic apple everyday but it sure as FUCK matters if your puffing a bowl that leaves a charred heavy metal filled residual that has been sprayed with Eagle-20 1 WK before harvest!!!! I've seen it all and for all the MEN growers out there did you know getting E-20 into your fatty tissue can cause your body to cease producing testosterone???!!! WE"RE TALKING POISON PEOPLE! SHIT THAT ISNT EVEN SUPPOSE TO BE SPRAYED ON ORNAMENTAL GARDENS YET ALONE MED GARDENS! CALIFORNIA IS ONLY NOW SEEING THE EFFECTS THESE LARGER GROWS HAVE BEEN HAVING ON PATIENTS ALREADY INUNDATED WITH CARCINOGENS! CANCER FROM SOMETHING AS HEALING AS THE CANNABIS PLANT, GREED BEING THE PRIMARY FAULT!!!!

OK, ok, back to the weed love...
I have an outdoor greenhouse (no roof yet) roughly 24ft x 10ft. In this greenhouse is appox 30 plants (stuffed i know but wait til you see how we thin ;). They are in 20 gal trash cans, filled with foxfarm happy frog, (got a pallet for so cheap I cant even say)
I then mixed in plenty of dank organic goodness at the ratio of per 1 x 20gal container:
2 cups dte blood meal (N)
2 cups dte fish bone meal (n,P,k)
1 cup dolomitic lime (ph soil stabilizer)
1 cup sparetime trace minerals
1 cup kelp meal (micronutrients, plant hormones)
1 cup humic acid (another source of valuable micro nutrients as well as beneficial microbes)
1 cup mykos granular innoculent (beneficial fungi)
1/2 cup azomite (slow release additional source of trace minerals)
1/4 AZOZ (nitrogen fixing beneficial bacteria that produces hormone A)(recently found out it is counter productive to use H&G ROOT EXCEL in conjunction with Xtreme Gardening AZOZ as AZOZ produces hormone A and ROOTS produces hormone B)

Whew! So now that you know whats in the soil let me describe how and what I feed! Some may be thinking wait feed, don't you have all the food you need just mixed into the soil? Well yes and no. Much of what is mixed into the soil is considered "SLOW RELEASE", so it is available in limited amounts as long as I have a healthy and voracious beneficial bacteria micro heard breaking down all organic nutrients. Given cannabis's 8-10wk cycle much of the organic nutrients I've mixed in will still not be broken down and utilized by the plant. Therefor in order to get the most from the season it is smart to also use SOME bottled nutrients. For organics I love roots organics as well as Earth Juice. Also if you're hip to the flavor and quality of organics but need a little added cushion I cannot say enough about SOUL SYNTHETICS.

Also NOTICE my LACK of GUANOS in the actual soil! Heads up to ALL, guanos will fuck with your soil PH so badly, that it can wipe out all beneficial bacteria and fungi resulting in DEAD PLANTS. I LOVE the flavor and aromatics that only raw guanos can create so ALL guanos I use are BREWED in TEAS for at least 24hrs and watered down then ph'd before being fed. You wouldnt want to throw 8.5ph guano on your girls.

I'm about out of time but will be back to update with some tea brewing techs as well as the remaining insight into my feed schedule.

July 1
Aug 7
Mixing soil
July 1
Aug 7
Thank you doublejj for stopping by! I was just about to upload a feed post but I had to go back an snap a few shots of my numero uno partner in crime when it comes to medicating, MY VAPE! Have had this beast for going on 4 years after upgrading from a wooden vape where i was constantly pouring my weed in and onto the circuit board (won't say the company but bad design clearly).
Now every morning I grab a handful of bud from whatever turkey bag is currently getting burped (today it's dairy queen, yumm!) Where would I be without you my love?
You know when you stir up the top layer of dirt in your containers and find this :hump:
Todays "bottle tea" feed day in which I mix together a bunch of different shit based on being roughly 7-14 days into flowering depending on strain.
Call me paranoid but if I were to list the genetics in this garden I would be highly identifiable in my circles.... so... yeah. But everything is looking good just started having to feed/water nearly every day!
Also today is the last inoculation of mycelium these ladies will get. I love everything by this company and use everything from their feeder packs for teas, to the azoz, granulated mykos, and mykos wp (wetable powder). (hey Xtreme gardening how about some free swag? I'm CO MED compliant! ;))
It's cute they include these little 1tbsp/tsp measuring utensils but the application rate is literally 1/4 cup per plant root drench, so...
I will generally use the entire bag per one 32-55 gal feed. I feel like this is way under their app rate but I also used mykos granular in the substrate, as well as azoz nitrogen fixing microbe so I see a huge difference when it comes to using organics and organics w/ partial synthetics.

Stay safe all and grow hard!


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Hey everyone!
If you don't already know, whether you run synthetics or organics, it is very important to provide a source of carbohydrates, vitamins and amino acids in the form of sugars! My uncle Clem used to use plain white sugar water but these days there are so many better options! Basically by providing sugars you are feeding the micro herd colony of beneficial bacteria and fungi allowing maximum uptake by the plants which translate to enhancing the essential oils and trichcome production. In synthetics where there is very often times an absence of micro herd, the pre formulated "sweetners" are considered "stable" will still be absorbed by the plant as the rhizome is being literally penetrated by the nutrient as opposed to relying on beneficial bacteria to breakdown and make the nutrient readily available. The exception in this case would be if you DO run "water soluble" beneficial microbes (orca, mykos wp, etc). Here are just a few that I like to run, sometimes in conjunction with one another, sometimes as a stand alone.
$25-$30 5gal feed grade 79.5% BRIX
5ml/gal use every watering, 4tbsp/5gal if brewing teas
Earth Juice HI BRIX 2.5gal $25-$30 3%potash listed 0-0-3
5-10ml/gal use every watering, 4tbsp/5gal if brewing teas
Botanicare Sweet RAW 2.5 gal $130 "Major ingredients comprise sulphates of magnesium and iron"-SWEET MSDS
4-8ml/gal depending on stage of growth. I realize this is way under what they recommend but we've all learned that what a nutrient company recommends, is not always the way to go. Commercially when using in conjunction with synthetics I've seen no more "finishing potential" from 4-8ml/gal to their recommend 10-20ml/gal.
GH FloraNectar Sugarcane Natural Sweetener 6gal $230
0-0-1, Derived from Magnesium and Potassium sulphate. Additionally listed ingredients Cane Sugar, Malt Extract, Molasses.
I use as directed at 5-10ml/gal bumping up to 10ml/gal in "finish" or "flush".

There you have it! Running any of these products with any baseline nutes make you're girls frostier and contain more oils. Thereby giving you a true representation of whatever genetics you're working with. Plus they smell good too! Joking of course as the "flavor" of the sweeteners are purely for consumer satisfaction, sniff sniff, o fuck yea my girls are gonna love this candy cane pineapple blueberry dream flavor!
Good afternoon on this beautiful Saturday!
The weather is beautiful, not too hot, but of course each of my gals are getting dry those little piggies ;)
Some (Chemdawg x Mass Super Skunk) clone only (thank you Jackie Daniels ;)) stretching out in the back, with one fat (romulan x kush) cross cut (thank you NM!) in the front left corner.
This is overlooking a lone 8wk finisher Colombian Gold (thank you santa M), as well as some very hard to grow small leaved xxx fire crosses of (The White x Og Firecut), as well as few cuts of (The White x Skywalker Og cut) (thank you UMMA! :clap:)
Some blankety-blank :lol:
Some Island Sweet Skunk with some Blue Dream and Casey Jones in the back.
Lemon Sweet Skunk in the front, Colombian Gold, then Blue Dream and Casey Jones.

ALL strains have been gifts of some very generous growers and when received were in clone only form. Not to mention I've seen each one in a commercial Medical Grow CO Compliant and ALL are tried and TRUE examples of some of the finest genetics available within CO circles. A big thank you to everyone who has given me and my patients the gift of true medicine!
Today marks maybe 10 days into flower so I will be not only using Soul Synthetics Big Swell but also Advanced Nutrient Big Bud at varying strengths as we continue into flower. I recently was gifted a 2.2lb Big Bud powder, qt of H&G root excel, as well as a 6gal of FloraNectar Sugarcane (see above post :)), roughly $600-$700 of nutrient. Sometimes it really pays to clean up other peoples messes ;)
So I At work I've always run the Big Bud powder at 1g/gal which in clean filtered h2o runs about 200ppm. But just to be sure I did the 1g/1gal H2o bottle test.
at 1g/gal it brought the ph down to 5.8 (my h2o baseline is 6.5-7.0 ph and 10-50 ppm)
you can see it is approx 200ppm, as per what I'm used to seeing.
I am using it for the first time in this outdoor bloom cycle at .5g/gal and also in conjunction with the entire Soul Synthetics Lineup (plus a few other snake oils :fire:) including Big Swell at 5ml/gal, all planted into a fully amended soil.
So beautiful! Gold is much more triggering the consumer within me to spend spend spend! far more than the OLD silver bottles H&G! I want it!!!! (Seriously though thank you so much WET, for hooking up the BIG BUD, Floranectar and $230 bottle of H&G roots. you'll be seeing it put to good use brother! Just as I did that qt bottle of H&G Amino Treatment :))

I use the H&G root excel across the board indoor, outdoor, veg, and into bloom always at 1ml/gal H20. Make sure you PH before as it is primarily beneficial microbes. I keep mine in the fridge because it's ever so precious to me. Roots Excel with hygrozyme with any base nutrient plus kelps and humics and carbs fed to promix or a like substrate KILLS it commercially for not that much dinero. Speaking of PH'ing check out this next picture.
This is my organic version of PH UP on the left, and PH DOWN on the right. Does the trick every time! Do you know how many times I've heard a grower licensed by the CO MMED say, "OH YEAH, I guess I forgot about how plants need SILICA, oops! No matter if it takes 500ml Silica to bring up your ph in a 55gal from 4.5 to 6.0, plants need it, love it, want it, gotta have it!
The earth juice catalyst is .03-.01-.1, and is derived from oat bran, sea kelp, wheat malt, molasses and yeast! It works wonders to top off any rez for a ph down if you're using beneficial bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi and prefer not to throw fucked up chemicals on them. It's also a wonderful addition to any tea!

Have a good weekend everyone! And remember to always re-inoculate! OH yeah, VAPE TOUGH! :weed:
garlictrain avalanching information on us from the rocky mountains! damn dude, sounds like you have yer program dialed in pretty tight. just curious, I didn't see it if you mentioned it, but how often do you re-inoculate? I always add mykos when I transplant but haven't added any since spring... also I'm a little gunshy after reading about somebody killing a huge plant of theirs by giving it weekly feeding
Hey Hoonry thanks for swooping up to these higher elevated mountains ;)!
Just to be clear you're saying somebody killed their large plant feeding it mykos every week?
Or maybe you're saying that feeding nutrients every wk killed their plant?
Commercially speaking I re-inoculate with either mykos wp, orca, plant success granular or soluble, or a brewed tea for the stage of growth 1x/wk and every single time I have to do a root drench of IMID or any other heavy duty keep em down kinda shit.
For my personal gardens specifically my outdoor, I inoculate upon transplant out of the cloner with the mykos granular and an EWC tea. Then it's about once a wk that I'll brew a specific tea with earth worm castings, humic acids, kelps, and guano being the base, so that's a TON of beneficial bacteria to be re-inoculating. At this point I will only inoculate 1x/month with a mykos wp up until wk2 bloom. At wk 2 I rely heavily on my brewed teas as well as the catalyst products I use (Earth Juice Catalyst, Soul Synthetics Infinity Catalyst) to re-inoculate with benny backs. Not to mention I brew a lacto b culture to spray on the plants to naturally prevent pm, but also I will add this lacto b culture to my rez when I am doing a "light tea/ bottle flush". Plants go crazy because you're creating a voracious and highly populated rhizome full of everything the plant needs to succeed!
thx gtrain for yer prompt and articulate answer. to be clear I read (somewhere on RIU I think) about somebody who nuked a plant with not mykos from xtreme gardening, but something they called mycos tea - something they applied weekly - it was my understanding that it was their allegation that the overabundance of myco applications was the culprit, not overfeeding. I'd love to see a cannabinoid profile on yer outdoor nugs - I bet that high altitude UV pumps it up a bit!
No problem Hoonry I love to help other growers perfect their skills, provided they're not egotistical douchebags ;)

I think I understand exactly what your talking about, and that is when people brew beneficial fungi dominant tea vs beneficial bacteria dominant tea.

To brew a fungal dominant tea one could take ground oats/ rice and earth worm castings and mix them 1:1, adding just enough water so that when you squeeze it a few droplets of water are squeezed out. Cover with a plastic bag and rubber band it to seal it tight (or use a plastic container and lid).

Let sit in warm room for 4-7 days. After that time put on some gloves and some sort of respirator, even if it's just a bandana (it's great for the plants but not for humans/ lungs ) and uncover your creation! What you will have is a living sponge of whatever beneficial fungi was in the ewc. Take a spoon and pop it out (most times it will stay in one solid living mass leaving little to no residual on your container).

Then you take this living sponge and you can top dress it at each plant sight or most often I have crumbled it into my rez right before I feed, literally 5 min before feeding, if it stays in H2o too long it can die and do more damage than good.

If someone killed their plant using this method it is because cannabis prefers bacteria over fungi. It is important to develop a healthy living substrate balanced by beneficial microbes but I would only apply a fungal dominant tea maybe 2x in a entire (outdoor) plants lifetime.

Whereas I brew beneficial bacteria dominant teas 1x/wk!

I do think the high altitude has an effect on potency but have yet to see any circumstantial evidence. However The White x Fire OG cut I have had some bho beautifully purged wax test in at fucking 92% thc!!! Of course credit must be given to the wax master but it is indeed xxx FIRE:fire:
The sun is going down so I am bringing my army of lady bugs out of hibernation and spreading them throughout the garden. Whether they stay and fight the good fight or fly of into the sun I LOVE seeing lady bugs lounging around my gals! It's second only to finding a praying mantis in your garden. A medicine garden with a mantis is a truly blessed garden.
excellent post, So sorry to hear how your buds are being treated where you are! IL doesn't have dispensaries yet, med marijuana goes into effect in a few months woooo hoooo! so I will probably see some, I hope I get to get in on the action to work there or something, how does one get into doing that? I hope we don't do the same poison to ours, but I bet it will happen. very informative, and your plants look beautiful!
hey garlic T thx for explaining the diff between fungal v bacterial feedings - I find this info enormously helpful and I imagine many others do to. next summer I will try the teas for sure - I would be this year but economic factors have been limiting... anyway I do have another question if you have time - you mentioned in one post that yer not down with the guanos, or if I understand it you don't top dress or amend with it, just brew teas with it? Is it because it causes mad PH swing? and if so couldn't that be corrected? I ask because I have always been a fan of guano and I don't feel like it's caused problems before... I will sheepishly admit that I nuked one of my plants this year and it could well be the guano that did it - but the rest of the garden on the same recipe thrived! cheers
Hey there Mikek420 thanks for stopping in!

Here in CO in order to work in "the industry" you apply for what is called a MMED badge from the dept of revenue. They have a long list of things that will not allow you to get a badge but it is almost a joke atm and almost everyone gets approved. Sadly though unless you're a big $$$ investor or starting you're own MMJ business grow/dispensary, more than likely one would be just an employee. I was disillusioned when I got my badge because I've been serving patients for over 6yrs on my private care giving circle, and I have mad indoor outdoor commercial experience from CALI so I pretty much floated to the top based on shear knowledge and applicable skills. What I saw is sad and especially sickening to real MMJ patients, which is why I do what I do away from work. I was lucky enough to know enough to get a $30-$50/hr wage based on ability but I saw growers under me only making $12-14/hr! Even the managers of dispensaries for mega weed conglomerates only get paid $10-$12/hr! If the medicine is worth so much money than surely the workers should see some of it, THEY DON'T. Every super skilled grower that I know who doesn't rely on nutrient company feed charts that got badged and went to work in the industry eventually quit and went back to their old ways as it just doesn't pay, WHO'D OF THOUGHT?
Good luck to you though!

Hey there Hoonry!
To clear that up for you, I LOVE GUANO! High N, High P, LOVE THEM ALL!
What I meant though is that by adding it directly into your soil or even top dressing you can cause a damaging PH shift, as the guano is still considered RAW.
I brew a beneficial bacteria dominant tea once a wk with earth worm castings and at least one guano source if not two. By brewing (bubbling) the guano first you're allowing the beneficial microbes from the ewc to "eat" or "breakdown" the RAW guano and literally shit out the nutrients (be it N, or P) and make them more readily available. Then before you feed you'd PH just as you would any other feed.
In fact my next feeding will be a brewed tea with heavy P guano and I'll be sure to snap a few pictures of the process, making tea 101 style!
Grow tough!
The sun is going down so I am bringing my army of lady bugs out of hibernation and spreading them throughout the garden. Whether they stay and fight the good fight or fly of into the sun I LOVE seeing lady bugs lounging around my gals! It's second only to finding a praying mantis in your garden. A medicine garden with a mantis is a truly blessed garden.
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002.jpg007.jpg009.jpgwe got a few of these buggers in our medical garden here in ca. pest bugs are haven't got a chance now lol..
Hey everyone!
Let's start out the post with a runt I ripped from the greenhouse! NO ROOM FOR LIL LADIES ONLY BIG GIRLS ALLOWED!!!
I've been super busy as I'm sure most of you outdoor growers have been (especially if you're also working an indoor:hump:), but I wanted to take a moment, and shed light on one of the most misunderstood aspects of growing, which is BREWING TEAS!

Ever wonder how those commercial growers get crazy yields with A++ product while still using the saltiest of synthetics or bottled nutrients??? UH OH, here I GO! GARLICTRAIN is ABOUT to BREAK the MAGICIANS' CODE!!! They brew beneficial teas OF COURSE! High in N, P, and K depending on what ingredients are being used, teas feed the beneficial bacteria micro herd that in turn break down nutrients in the plants rhizome, making them readily avail to the plant.

But GarlicTrain, don't synthetics KILL BENEFICIAL BACTERIA and PENETRATE the RHIZOME??!!! SO WHAT'S THE USE?!
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS BOYS AND GIRLS!!! By using a bottled nutrient as your feed schedule backbone (synthetic or not), and consistently reinoculating (brewing and feeding teas) you will have commercial yield with medical quality! This will just be our secret OK?

At 2-3wks flowering I will be brewing up a 5 gal CONCENTRATE tea, containing earth worm casting (4 cups) and high p guano tea (2 cups Indonesian .5-12-.2). Included are liquid humic acid (2 cups), AgeOld kelp (2oz), Nitrozyme (2oz), Earth Juice Microblast (2oz), Earth Juice Catalyst (2oz), and Earth Juice Hi -Brix (couple glugs:eyesmoke:). This CONCENTRATE will be added to 55 gal h2o. Use water that has been dechlorinated so you're not killing off the microbes you're trying to culture!
NOTICE MY RESPIRATOR!!! Powdered nutrients are great for plants, bad for lungs! Every pro should have an OV RESPIRATOR!
I start by putting on some panty hose, I mean...:oops:
Start by getting some panty hose or paint strainer bags to hold the dry ingredients. If you choose to go with panty hose make sure you get size Q for Queen ;), as it is the largest size and holds the most material.
Earth Worm Castings are slow release but we're using them for the microbes contained therein. If I had to use only one base ingredient for all my teas it would be EWC, chock full of life!
Respirators ON! Handling the high phosphate guano without stirring up too much dust. By brewing the guano in a tea we are breaking it down to be absorbed quickly. ALWAYS remember to PH, as generally my guano teas even after added to 55gal h2o, still read around 8.0-8.5 PH!
Now tie a knot in your hose so none of the dry ingredients escape. I guess this is a good time to mention that you MUST aerate the tea, I use a air stone. But in the past have used recirculating pumps in 55gals when doing extra large batches.
Now I'm adding my liquid humic acid. You can use powdered (have used Down to Earths powdered, also Bio Ag's Humic Concentrate), basically we're trying to fit as many different sources of beneficial microbes, micro nutrients, as well as plant hormones (kelps) that we can into one deliciously poopy tea!
Notice how quickly it starts to foam, this is good and I have yet to even add the hi-brix molasses to feed the microbes!
So pretty science isbongsmilie
Yumm, looks like a dank beer. Hmmmm beer....
Once ALL ingredients have been added I cap it off as it tends to get a nice thick frothy head, that means you're doing it right. I will post a picture of it once it really becomes alive! Once it is done, in 1-3days, I add it to my 55gal fresh h2o and will generally see a ph of around 8, and a ppm of 600-800 (which is plenty for an organic tea with so many source ingredients). Ph it down to between 5.9-6.5 and serve it up!
Excellent GTrain. One of my new additives to my garden this year is an EWC tea at my buddys down the road. Along with the "Backbone" of MaxSea and the rest of Cast on schedule. After our first batch of tea we were rewarded with an explosion of new bright green growth :idea:. Now I'm a believer LOL. Its not nearly as intimidating as it seems to whip up a batch. I will def journal this so I don't smoke away your recipe :) Thanks man.
Thank you for stopping in Garden Boss! Isn't that explosive growth amazing? When it looks like your plants are hands together worshiping the sun you know they're loving what you're giving!
Happy Saturday!
Mate, Durban Poison, da vape!
Starting to feel a little more human...
Just finished trellising this week, took 5ft x 90ft of trellis, 9 rows of 5ftx 10ft.
the ISS, blue dream, casey jones, chemdawg x super skunk, and juicy fruit all want to peak over my 7ft greenhouse wall. Next I will tying the trellis and top colas to the stakes.
The "side garden". Planted a week after the greenhouse. As a patient of mine got their plant count raised :mrgreen:.
Good growing to allbongsmilie
This is a healthy aerobic tea that will be used by tomorrow. It is high in P and full of beneficial bacteria as well as plant hormones and micro nutrients . It is brewing in a corner of my mother room, which is located next to my flowering room. Any time I brew up a guano tea the whole grow side of my house smells musky like shit stew but in a healthy bacteria kind of way. Having smelt rancid teas (air pumps or recirculating pumps get clogged or break) mixed in 250 gal rez's I can tell this is a happy and healthy tea, even if it does make me gag a little...:spew:
This is what your tea should like like after you remove the airstone. Notice the lack of particulate on the surface, no mold, film or oil like sheen floating on the top. Good and healthy.
I grab out my sludge sack and transfer it into the 55gal with clean h2o.
It is crucial that I handle the sludge sack and ensure any left over goodies that can filter through the hose do so.
You will notice the sludge at the bottom and bio-slime rings near the top of the bucket. All that is good stuff so I take a brush and get as much of it off as I can to add to the mix.
I noticed that this tea had a ph of 6.8-7.0 when added to 55 gal h2o, where as last time I brewed this tea it ranged 8.0-8.5ph My h2o is very consistent so my hypothesis is that this time I used only one source guano (indonesian .5-12-.2), where as last tea I also used Peruvian 10-10-2, interesting.
Now I let it recirculate while I might add anything else to the tea. I added silica and hi-brix to this one as well as some ej catalyst as ph down.
Final readout is Ph=6.1 PPM=750

Hope everyone has been enjoying their weekend and staying medicated!8)

ps. WASH YOUR HANDS after HANDLING GUANO TEA, especially if you have any cuts or open sores exposed to the tea. I prefer not to use antibacterial soap so I will generally use white vinegar to sanitize my precious fatty tissue.