again?!? did i miss an alien invasion? wow i need to get out more.yall dont understand when all the planets are aligned that is gonna produce a mass gravitational pull that can i repeat "can" do alot of different things. i like to see em all happen fuck it whats there to live for. i hope aliens come and try to take over again. ill beat em with my stick n even getem high
So in 3 years can the world actually end? It sounds like another y2k scam for sure but i have heard hundreds of pretty legit theories on how this might actually come true. So i was wondering what the thc filled minds of rollitup have to say about it.
my personal favorite story is that in 2012 the plant niburu or "planet x" (google it) will come close to earth in its 2,000 something year orbit and when it gets close enough the aleins that live on that planet the Annunaki will come on down and take our gold to fuel their own planet. Some say they created us specificly to harvest this planets gold and they just come and collect it.
Its a little far fetched i know.. but what if?? im down to go hang with some aleins and convince them to take me with them wherever they go.
anyways.. what do you know?
what if there is something to do with it? i honestly think that the elite bankers that run our government is going to stage a catastrophic event on dec. 21, 2012. if there is one - i think it will be staged. They may use it to start martial law and have a reason to form a world government. Watch "Esoteric Agenda" its a really good movie. Especially the end where they talk about Reality vs. Illusion - it gets into theories on quantum physics.I'd say this thread should stop right here.
nothing is going to happen . . . most likely.
what's the point of speculating a future we likely have no control over?
what if there is something to do with it? i honestly think that the elite bankers that run our government is going to stage a catastrophic event on dec. 21, 2012. if there is one - i think it will be staged. They may use it to start martial law and have a reason to form a world government. Watch "Esoteric Agenda" its a really good movie. Especially the end where they talk about Reality vs. Illusion - it gets into theories on quantum physics.
It's proven now that Chem Trails are real. Which is a weather controlling procedure that our government and military uses. They had a focused short documentary/tv show on Discovery i believe; maybe history channel.
So all I'm saying is they may use chem trails to stage a "apocalyptic" looking event.
Just some thoughts.
you can watch it on youtube in like 8 different parts.oh yes ive seen the special on chem trails. it was on discovery channel. i think its kinda lame but w/e. but that movie sounds good. where can i find that?
thanks. ill probably watch it tonight. maybe after a lilyou can watch it on youtube in like 8 different parts.
here's the link:
that's only part 1 out of 13. the reality vs. illlusion is the last chapter of the movie. but i would suggest watching the whole thing. Stay open minded to it. And it actually gets into 2012 right in the beginning. It's a really interesting movie. I think everyone should watch it - with an open mind.
Let me know what you think when you watch it.
haha that's definitely the best way. message me with what you think - because i don't look at the forums everyday and shit you know?thanks. ill probably watch it tonight. maybe after a lil.
the elite bankers are known as the bilderberg group. its real. they have meetings to control EVERY economic decision... they control everything it sux.. Chem trails are scary man.. FUCK NWO (new world order) or world government. it will be here before you know it. Even if anything doesnt happen in 2012 the government has the power to induce twisters etc..what if there is something to do with it? i honestly think that the elite bankers that run our government is going to stage a catastrophic event on dec. 21, 2012. if there is one - i think it will be staged. They may use it to start martial law and have a reason to form a world government. Watch "Esoteric Agenda" its a really good movie. Especially the end where they talk about Reality vs. Illusion - it gets into theories on quantum physics.
It's proven now that Chem Trails are real. Which is a weather controlling procedure that our government and military uses. They had a focused short documentary/tv show on Discovery i believe; maybe history channel.
So all I'm saying is they may use chem trails to stage a "apocalyptic" looking event.
Just some thoughts.
me three !!yeah me too!!!
You are excellent at proving your points.removed![]()
Bro, this better not be some fucking Miley bullshit... Its got that tacky bitch written all over it. Confirm/deny?...Like a great teen sex symbol says.... Lifes what you make it.... So lets make it rock....
wormhole?Oh and I forgot, the last time the planets alligned was 2000 hmm! we are still here, oh yea maybe it has something to do with the wormhole that is supposed to be perfectly alligned with us to. The planets can never perfectly allign because we are all differnet sizes and in a different degree surrounding the sun!