People need to stop watching you tube videos for all there information, maybe read a book, and talk to some scientist/physcists
yeah there are books and interesting interviews with john lear and buzz aldrin and many other astrounauts that talk about extraterestrials and the origins of life. this is a fact. You should read the book chariots of the gods.People need to stop watching you tube videos for all there information, maybe read a book, and talk to some scientist/physcists
I dont know if that whats directed towards me but look at the last past on the page before this. You stated a theory thats kinda of farfetch and backed it up with a youtube video. Its not the theory, but lacking of creditiable should ask before making an "ass"umption
heres wat happenes on 2012 at 11:59pm on the last day in december i grow huge and kill everyone with my laser vision and giant feet
ding ding dingPeople need to stop watching you tube videos for all there information, maybe read a book, and talk to some scientist/physcists
astronauts and ex cia members sound creditable to meI dont know if that whats directed towards me but look at the last past on the page before this. You stated a theory thats kinda of farfetch and backed it up with a youtube video. Its not the theory, but lacking of creditiable source.
misconstrued perception of the significance of 2012. Its really quite a hyped up occurence, but is unlike y2k in that it doesn't have some sort of digital-age false prediction.So in 3 years can the world actually end? It sounds like another y2k scam for sure but i have heard hundreds of pretty legit theories on how this might actually come true. So i was wondering what the thc filled minds of rollitup have to say about it.
my personal favorite story is that in 2012 the plant niburu or "planet x" (google it) will come close to earth in its 2,000 something year orbit and when it gets close enough the aleins that live on that planet the Annunaki will come on down and take our gold to fuel their own planet. Some say they created us specificly to harvest this planets gold and they just come and collect it.
Its a little far fetched i know.. but what if?? im down to go hang with some aleins and convince them to take me with them wherever they go.
anyways.. what do you know?
You have the same birthday as my son's mom.December 15, 2012...Stoney's 35 birthday. I predict my tits will become acquainted with my ankles. And it will rain drugs.![]()
if im not mistaken ist this new age thing is just basically a different view of the sky. it has something to do with the constelations. nothing scary or catastrophic at all. and the world isnt going to stop tilting. it spins like a wobbling top that is losing speedThere's one theory that I kinda believe and its that the earth will go from its tilt to no tilt, lacking scientific lango but am kinda buzzing right now. This suposedly happens every 20,000 years or new age. My physics teacher in my junior year of high school talk to us about this for a class and its not a crack head theory like most of them are. This is a supported idea in the scientific community, meaning some of the smartest physicists believe this could be possible but, am not saying its going to happen for sure. Just one of the more logical theory's to believe
haha that was make up on the spot and creepystevie your the fuckin man lmaofor you too
I its down to...
global chaos
and the antichrist
any more ideas?
Why didn't the world end when the planets aligned like, 3 years ago? Which BTW isn't going to happen again for a couple thousand years.yall dont understand when all the planets are aligned that is gonna produce a mass gravitational pull that can i repeat "can" do alot of different things. i like to see em all happen fuck it whats there to live for. i hope aliens come and try to take over again. ill beat em with my stick n even getem high
You can't be serious.yall dont understand when all the planets are aligned that is gonna produce a mass gravitational pull that can i repeat "can" do alot of different things. i like to see em all happen fuck it whats there to live for. i hope aliens come and try to take over again. ill beat em with my stick n even getem high
finaly someone knows about nibiru! do you know anything about the annanaki?This is my theory. Not only will all the planets align 12/21/12 the 10th Niburu will also be aligned with us. This planet has an orbit of 3600 years. just you tube it very interesting shit.
youtube=waste of time. there are TONS of books about 2012.. just read one of them.something will happenPeople need to stop watching you tube videos for all there information, maybe read a book, and talk to some scientist/physcists
very possible.. the mayans also predicted their own exstinction so.. i dont think this date december 21 2012 is by accident.maybe the calendar stopped because the Mayan Culture ended, so no one was around to update it...
idk juss sayin
im right there blazinI'm ready for a wicked light show![]()
i hope hes not serious! there are so many things to live for.shit.. im trying to be a part of the 20% surviving and repopulating this planet!You can't be serious.![]()