1st pic is a harvest of last night, its like this every other night so i am stocked on them for awhile. i am making home made salsa tonight

my tallest sunflower has now hit 10'7 so i did end up hitting my mark, i should be able to harvest the older heads in about a week for the seeds. my toms are coming on very strong now thanks to my new tech of dry farming.
on another note i dont think i told you guys i am on a new farm, its called runnymede farm. i moved cuz the other farm was going under and it was to much work to be the farmer/landscaper on 10 plus acres and have only one other worker who worked less then a 10 year old. so now i am loving this new farm, more my style.
we do all our own composts, we raise chickens for eggs (250 of them) we just got pigs to be butchered in january, we have cows and goats for milk, and i am the new Official goat milker every day, it was odd at first but now i like it. im learning a bunch of new use full stuff there. plu every one theri smokes,grows pot and doesnt care at all about pot, even the bosses and owners.
ah i love my job, its just to bad theri is a close down for 2 months of the year but all well i will survive in those months doing odd jobs most likely.
oh and the green plant is a red cardinal climber, it needs a stake it should bloom soon i hope