Hey veggies

Iv harvested maybe 6 cucumbers so far, they are tasty.
These arnt ready yet.
Also, for the past 4 days Iv been eating a dozen or so cherry tomatoes a day

Snagged a few "regular" tomatoes from this plant. They are also tasty
Orang bell peppers coming around, about 6 on this one plant.
Sunflowers and watermelon, also cantaloupe on the left,,, nothing showing on the cantaloupe. The watermelon is about the size of a softball.
Sunflowers have been budding for maybe a week now.
Apricot tree didn't bear any fruit this year

they were plentiful and delicious last year.
Time to post something weed related haha.
Oh, heres some of the best hotdogs Iv ever had.
Put fresh stuff from the garden on,
Also added some green chili, hot SOUSE, mustard, tiny bit of mayo, and a couple shakes of tony chachere's...
Oh yeah the hot dogs had melty cheese inside of them

And to top it all off,, a beer you found in the back of the fridge when you thought you didn't have any left
wow, not as sloppy as it looks