2010 Revised Super Soil Recipe

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this is my understanding: cooking basically is "growing" the live organisms in the soil. the microbeasties will be able to "hatch" or reproduce in a warm environment with h20. this gives you a way healthier soil. as well as the micros make the nuttrients more available to plants roots.

anybody care to clarify?

I have posted these links a couple times and nobody has responded but yet I keep seeing questions about the "cook" and micro organism growth. It looks more n more like people are interested in the microbiology of the soil and I mean after all nobody fertilized our ancient forests... so here is a couple sites I highly recommend reading. Its not easy reading and to most it won't be fun...but it is very educational and it is the only sustainable way to gardening. If you can master the soil food web and let microorganisms do the nutrient cycling for you then you wont ever find a need for fertilizers again.

Nate go here http://urbanext.illinois.edu/soil/SoilBiology/soil_food_web.htm make sure u continue through the chapters by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.
This next link is a little more straight forward and a little easier reading http://www.soilfoodweb.com/sfi_approach1.html

I also bought a couple books but I would only recommend Teaming with Microbes.
So i Went to pick up all my Ingrediants for 1/2 Mix Just though id list my Ingrediants and see if i would be fine as is Because i couldnt find any Azomite.
2 Big Bags of Roots Organics
1 Bag Of Bio Biz Light
A Bag Of Dolomite Lime
Wiggle Worm Castings
Happy Frog Bat Guano
Something Called Humisolve it was the only Humic acid they had but i dont see anything about Trace Minerals on the Package
DTE Blood Meal and
DTE Fish Bone Meal for a total of $$139.57

So since i couldnt find the Exact Sweet Dolomite Lime and my Humic Acid doesnt seem to be Trace Mineral will i be ok??? Ill post pics of all my stuff together a little later
Can someone post a link to buy these products online? I have been searching on google and I have found the products, but I will have to buy from multiple sources. I am looking for more of a one stop shopping experience.

The concept of Super Soil requires effort and work minimum effort put in will mean the same results.
Azomite can be hard to find at your local nursery, I generally get what I can in-store such as bio-biz, roots, bone and blood. But I would say look online for what you cant grab locally, at best its probably going to be a 2 stop shop. Best of luck.
:wall:speaking of harder to get ingredients
i just got 2lb of 90% humic acid online,from a place called- Keep It Simple, Inc.
simlici-tea. its a black grainy powder and its called TeraVita SP-90 soluble humate powder.

quick question though, is it the right form of humic to be used in subs recipe
hope so, it costed about 12 buks for the 2lb bag

any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys
anyones that knows could help me out for that matter SOS haha thanks guys
I got some Humic Acid that i am not sure is the right one but like Sub said the only way to know is to try it. I'm guessing the main components we need are in almost any Humic Acid but i could be wrong. Like i said im going to try it and ill let you know if mine works for me. Heres a picture of my Humic Acid
hey sub,first of all let me thank you for your knowledge.this is my question,does your soil have to be baked in the sun?the reason i ask cuz where im at its cold.thank you for your time.disregard my question just found my answer.sorry
Guys jeeze...your making my head hurt when its all on this forum already...I know what I've posted and I've read what sub has posted and many other skilled growers just on this one thread...humic or humate is what is left after decomposition over n over n over n over for millions of years. You can NOT decompose humic or humate any farther. Since this is the case the reason why we want this in our soil is simple. Humic acid actually helps retain ur nutrients by bonding and holding on to them. It also helps retain moisture and increase your organic matter in your soil.

I really think you guys are over thinking the whole is this the right humic acid or not. www.earthcrews.com this one simple site has everything u could possibly want to farm OR garden organicly. By the looks of it you guys have humic acid and that should do just fine. I'm really wish I could get some response or feedback from someone out there on some of the ideas I have tossed around...It seems like peeps get on this thread go to the last page and post a question about things that are covered on page one!

I might not have the long track record here as a grower but I do run and maintain a large scale medical grow 28*96 ft greenhouse currently running super soil in buckets and a raised bed so I thought maybe my input might get used but apparently not
whats up sub...like a good student, i read this thread in its entirety.it wasnt much diff. than your first thread started way back when...lots of redundant questions,bla,bla,blah...my question, 5 bags of my roots soil froze pretty hard. do you think it did any harm to the soil? thats 100.00 worth of soil. thanks man................
am i going to bring in bugs or other unwanted pests or problems when i bring my supersoil indoors to use after it has been outside baking in sun for 30 days. also i live in mi where its cold forfive months. Where should i store finished super soil that i want to use for winter months inside or out.
I have had more problems with the store bought soils containing gnats and thrips than I have had with bugs getting into the soil, Theres nothing in the soil bugs that eat plants can eat so they dont just go into the soil hoping a meal will come along
I wouldnt worry about freesing either its a natural part of life things thaw out and then they are fine.
None of these conditions are things that I dont deal with each day. It was 23 outside last week my soils outside.
My Roots was so hard I had to bring a few bags indoors just to transplant into.
Our Roots comes with gnats latly a few sticky traps does the trick

Sooooo wat would be a good mix for anyone to run from seed prior to using the Super Soil mix? Would just feeding BioBizz or something like that work in early stages? And when would anyone recommend to start using this mix(what week/stage of the plants life) if growing from seed?

Sorry if Im askin too many dumb questions. Never have done a soil mix. Always used soilless and hydroponic methods. doin my first TGA run( Vortex & Dairy Queen day 2 of flowering, and looking good) so, I'm thinking about doin 1/2 my next TGA run(Plush Berry hopefully if u would release it already! LOL. J/K)but as I was saying... I wanna do 1/2 my next TGA run in Subcool's Super Soil, so any help explaining steps from seed would be grand!

Thanks my bros and sis!
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