2010 Revised Super Soil Recipe

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Ganja Geek

Active Member
When sub says "Do not put seeds or clones directly in this mix. It is a concentrated mix used in conjunction with base soil." I thought he was saying not to put them into the SS without the top base soil. I understand not using the SS in ur starting pots if ur going to be transplanting but what if ur not. What about 5 gallon buckets. I always try to plant into large containers so I don't have to transplant. If I through some clones into 5 gallon pots of this mix would it be all right or is there a negative side to doing it this way?


Well-Known Member
When sub says "Do not put seeds or clones directly in this mix. It is a concentrated mix used in conjunction with base soil." I thought he was saying not to put them into the SS without the top base soil. I understand not using the SS in ur starting pots if ur going to be transplanting but what if ur not. What about 5 gallon buckets. I always try to plant into large containers so I don't have to transplant. If I through some clones into 5 gallon pots of this mix would it be all right or is there a negative side to doing it this way?
They will be fine, make sure there is a good buffer region though between the base and the SS, other wise you will fry your babies....

Life Goes On

Active Member
When sub says "Do not put seeds or clones directly in this mix. It is a concentrated mix used in conjunction with base soil." I thought he was saying not to put them into the SS without the top base soil. I understand not using the SS in ur starting pots if ur going to be transplanting but what if ur not. What about 5 gallon buckets. I always try to plant into large containers so I don't have to transplant. If I through some clones into 5 gallon pots of this mix would it be all right or is there a negative side to doing it this way?
No. If you are going to start your plants out in 5 Gallon pots then yes I would fill the bottom 1/3 to 2/3 with the SS mix, top off with regular soil and let'em do thier thing.

Life Goes On

Active Member
So guys I've been reading and it seems as if there is alot of confusion on how to actually cook the soil. And I'm thinking the stirring and adding water throughout the 30-45 days of cooking may be wrong. Here is a quote from Sub

Do I need to come make it for ya.
Put in can water lightly leave the fuck alone!
Stir after 30-45 days and use
is it that hard??
Unless its freezing ass cold in ya house in case turn on the heat to a normal temp."

I've been told by Sub as have many users of this forum that if he doesn't mention it it's not part of the process. Which makes me wonder if he even covers his soil while he's cooking it as he doesn't mention it anywhere in this thread.


Well-Known Member
So guys I've been reading and it seems as if there is alot of confusion on how to actually cook the soil. And I'm thinking the stirring and adding water throughout the 30-45 days of cooking may be wrong. Here is a quote from Sub

Do I need to come make it for ya.
Put in can water lightly leave the fuck alone!
Stir after 30-45 days and use
is it that hard??
Unless its freezing ass cold in ya house in case turn on the heat to a normal temp."

I've been told by Sub as have many users of this forum that if he doesn't mention it it's not part of the process. Which makes me wonder if he even covers his soil while he's cooking it as he doesn't mention it anywhere in this thread.
exactly... Keep it simple... If you cover or dont, its not gonna matter...


Well-Known Member
I swear one day I'ma just delete the thread.
Yes cover the soil unless you want the neighbors cat sh i t t ing in it or every weed seed and leaves and god knows what else including rain would get in.
I would think it was common since but you are correct I don't actually say cover the soil but you actually do I just use garbage cans with good lids



Well-Known Member
Why in the hell would you not cover it? If you left it un coverd and it rained it would wash alot of the good shit away or at the very least make it less concentrated


Well-Known Member
Quit physco-analayzing and dissecting quotes. This isnt as difficult as some people make it out to be. Dont get me wrong but ive asked my fair share of questions. Follow the recipe and you should be all right and unless you transplant 10 times you should be doing most of your vegging in the finishing container.

Life Goes On

Active Member
There are entirely too many people on this forum who kiss ass. The man (Sub) made a statement let it be. It's not like your going to get free seeds/bud/or get to meet the guy for kissin his ass.

Life Goes On

Active Member
I personally don't get upset when Sub makes the statements he does. I'm new at this and I'm learning. I am just appreciative that the guy takes the time out of his rediculously busy schedule to jot down a few words of knowledge on here.


Well-Known Member
The education comes bundled with my stress and frustration deal with it.
I think people should work harder and do more of there own research thats all.

I also understand that many people don't deserve my rants and are just trying to understand and that is why I keep coming back, you guys need me!
The prob figure I'm just a massive asshat and not a guy who has answered the same questions literally for 5 years straight.


Life Goes On

Active Member
Lots of rants on this board. I hear people ranting about not getting their seeds and not getting their money back. You dont have time to answers ppls emails about where their seeds/money is, but you get on here, some two year old thread, to stick to a newbie. If you think your so needed, refund peoples money and give them their seeds.
I don't know where you get off making these claims against Sub. I have read just about every forum/thread that he shares his knowledge on and I have never seen anyone complain about Sub ripping them off. I have however seen people complimenting him for the greatness of his strains and how they were going to order this strain or that strain next. I've never ordered seeds from the guy so if he did jew you then I'm sorry for ya but to me he is an asset that comes with a pleathora of knowledge and I have took him up as my mentor and teacher. I don't know about you maybe you have the skills needed to grow ganja that's cream of the crop, but for myself I need Sub here and I most certainly don't need him to delete this thread.

Life Goes On

Active Member
The education comes bundled with my stress and frustration deal with it.
I think people should work harder and do more of there own research thats all.

I also understand that many people don't deserve my rants and are just trying to understand and that is why I keep coming back, you guys need me!
The prob figure I'm just a massive asshat and not a guy who has answered the same questions literally for 5 years straight.


Nope I understand perfectly. That's why I don't get upset when you rant because I am one of those new guys that "wants to understand". I myself am doing this all within the legalities of the law and just want the best medicine for myself and my patients. So no I don't think your a massive asshat. I can understand the frustration that accumulates throughout the day as you try to take care of your crop, your website, and the multitude of forum sites that you post information on in which you keep on answering the same questions. So I appologize if I am one of those guys that adds to your frustrations.


Well-Known Member
There are a LOT of people on this site that has taught a lot of us here about growing including sub and a hell of alot of others. So please dont start posting on a post and start a smear campaign against someone who has helped a bunch of people. This is a thread on how to make super soil if you want to know how then read and ask, its what i did and a bunch of people helped me. lets get back to the TOPIC OF THIS POST you know, the soil recipe.


Well-Known Member
aww men dude... my plants are just starting to flower outdoors here in cali and looking GREAT!!! Thanks sub gotta love the supa soil!!! I owe you oh so much...haha kiss-ass

Agent 47

Well-Known Member
I swear one day I'ma just delete the thread...


Shit, Copy...Paste..Save...

...I think people should work harder and do more of there own research thats all.

No doubt, I absorbed all the valid information I could find for a good 2 years before I started growing. Most of the time you have to weed through bullshit to get good advice, which is counter productive to growers who read & believe it, in turn creating a perpetual wave of repetitive questions in fear of failing again.

I can't really explain how one should go about deciding what is valid or not, you just have to have a feel for it.

I can say however, if you stick to this forum and read subcool posts, you won't be lead in the wrong direction. This I have come to learn & experience.


Active Member
So just to clarify, the 30 day bake isn't mandatory for this super soil to exert its awesomeness? If so, I'm in.
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