That's nice....but what planet do you live on?
The energy we use right now is anything but cheap.
Cheap compared with other sources of energy.
We're ripping up mountains for coal, tearing up the sea floor for oil and destroying most of our natural resources in the process.
This is a cliche...
Just because you don't pay for it at the pump doesn't mean there is no cost to what we're doing.
Have you seen what a landfill looks like once a golf course is planted over it? Do you realize how much cleaner America is than just 100 years ago? There were rivers that caught on fire due to pollution back in the 20's I believe.
Who is going to develop that technology?
Corporations. They do it all the time. When the price of oil skyrocketed above 80 dollars a barrel the cost of the energy would have allowed them to harvest it from shale. At a lower price it is not economical to do this because their are CHEAPER ways to get oil.
Government? All they can do is incentivize the right kind of energy and that's exactly what cap and trade is about, but you guys want none of that.
Again, cap and trade is a tax on gas and coal to force green energy such as solar and wind to be more competitive.
Here is the cycle. We use gas and oil until there is a shortage and the costs become prohibitive. Then some company develops an alternative cheaper fuel or technology that reduces the costs. We then switch to that technology.
Putting punitive environmental measures solely on America in the form of excessive taxation to force an agenda is simply political and ideological. If China and India are not interested in going along, all of our efforts will result in a slower economy, less jobs and less productivity for the country, for our country.