200W induction grow w/ Sannies Kolossus


Well-Known Member
day 29 of 12/12~

Just a few more pics as I had her out for watering today...probably not that exciting for you guys but every time I take a close look at her I see something that makes me smile!!! lol!! Trichs are coming in fast now... always a pretty sight when you peek in the tent:)009.jpg010.jpg011.jpg018.jpg

Threw the tape measure in on one of thie pics but keep in mind thats from the floor... not the soil... just to give a little idea of the height~ (34" btw...just realized it's hard to see)


Well-Known Member
lovely healthy plant m8 nice shade of green :)
great experiment too, i have always been interested in these induction lights
would you be comfortable removing the led, do you think it would be ok with the induction lamp alone ?

peace :)


Well-Known Member
lovely healthy plant m8 nice shade of green :)
great experiment too, i have always been interested in these induction lights
would you be comfortable removing the led, do you think it would be ok with the induction lamp alone ?

peace :)
That was my initial intention... to go strictly with the induction... but after much reading I saw a lot of talk about how the lamp is lacking in the red spectrum... I had the LED sitting around and I felt as though it would be a shame not to give this plant every chance to prosper... It's just a small 100w blackstar which I have angled from the side side for the canopy... The plant was just so beautiful I felt obligated to give her some red if that was what she needed...lol~ I'm sure there will be a solo run in the future though!

I should mention that they list this particular lamp as "bi-spectrum" so I'm not sure if that addresses the issue of the reds... just didnt want to take a chance!


Well-Known Member
nice m8, hope it finishes nicely for you, im sure it would work fine by itself .. i see your point having the led laying around, you might as well use it
not sure why these lights have not caught on more, when you read up on them they have a lot of good points
i know in some countries they are trying to implement them for street lighting over LPS or HPS
since they are white, they light up an area better than golden or yellow light at a lower wattage and the bulbs have a much better life span than HID'S
looking forward to the end results

peace m8


Well-Known Member
day 34 of 12/12~

getting FROSTY!!!!! Never had trichs like this at this stage in flowering although I have seen MANY grows of course that have... but it's exciting for it to be my plant this time...lol! Having no "control" grow in this experiment I can't say whether it's Sannies genetics or the induction light or a combination of the two but things are definitely going well so far!


The four "tops" are filling in nicely and I would guess that the buds are going to be 10 inches in length minimum...really quite a sight to behold:) Not to mention a multitude of others....this is a strain I will highly recommend to anyone who asks....it's really a beauty!!!

Sannie suggests a 9-10 week flowering time... I can NOT even imagine where this is going to be in 5 weeks....unreal!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
NICE! hows the shroomies if you dont mind me asking?
well... not sure... kind of thinking it was a lot of work without much reward... getting tons of pins but they seem to just stall out... Got the initial handful... now I'm just trying to figure out how to get more...lol


Well-Known Member
restart and be more uniform about it lol, it takes practice well worth the reward only reason i dont have any going myself atm is im just too tight to afford 20$ for a syringe.


Well-Known Member
day 40 of 12/12~

Just a few pics.... very subtle changes... to me anyway. Continuing to fatten up... frostier by the day:) Noticed a few red pistils today... other than that she just seems very happy!!! This girl can DRINK!!!! constantly having to water!


Well-Known Member
day 45 of 12/12~

just a few more pics from this morning... again, no major changes... just love snapping the pics!!!!!


*please note.... the plant is NOTHING but green.... the coloration in a few of the pics are just those that were snapped close to the Blackstar...


Well-Known Member
Looking good m8 .. i had no doubts that this induction bulb would do well
they seem a viable option for those with heat as a big issue
and for anyone that likes to experiment!

keep up the good interesting work looking forward to final pics
peace :)


Well-Known Member
thanks guys!!!!! things are definitely coming to a head. Today is day 53 of 12 and I've started using the loop to check trichomes... I'd say they're about 50/50 clear to cloudy. The smell is getting a bit overwhelming... smacks you in the face as soon as you walk in the house... kind of lemony pine...but obviously NOT a christmas tree;) lol~ have a few pics to post that are about a week old... will post some new ones when I have a morning off:)
043.jpg last one is pic of the tent.... you'll notice the Mad Scientist up front I put in there last week:)



Well-Known Member
2-3 weeks still donnnie. :) but she looks great now is the time to either cut back on nutes or go very low dose for another week.


Well-Known Member
2-3 weeks still donnnie. :) but she looks great now is the time to either cut back on nutes or go very low dose for another week.
already flushing Poly...but honestly went very light on the nutes throughout the grow...I never ran into any issues so after the initial few weeks I just gave her low doses of tigerbloom and molasses a few times. Easiest strain I've encountered to keep "happy":) also those last pics are 7-8 days old so when I put up some new ones I think you'll agree we're almost there:) ty for the post!!! new pics soon!


Well-Known Member
got home tonight with a few minutes to spare before lights out so snapped a few pics... I'll be able to get better ones when I have time to take it out of the tent:)