• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms


Active Member
how very ignorant of you to claim i watch fox news

the only time my tv comes on is to watch spartacus

the fact is, people are brainwashed into thinking if you dont want healthcare, your somehow anti american and dont care about the poor

but people dont understand is that when you take away the ability to choose, you are not free anymore

id rather be dead and free than healthy and enslaved


Thanks for making me laugh out loud. Todays lesson in reading comprehension....READ THE TITLE!!!!!

national medical DEVICE registry....as in they are going to monitor the effectiveness/safety of the devices. So...maybe the EKG is worried about having an RFID implanted in its forearm??? Thanks for the laugh retard.

I'm voting for Obama again and will do my best to get all of my neighbors, friends, families, and acquaintances to do so. My health care premium has increased 50% in the last two years with no increase in benefits to me. Its a broken system and those who say it isn't are either dumb, biased, or both.


National Medical Device Registry from H.R. 3200 [Healthcare Bill], pages 1,001-1,008:
(g)(1) The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that— ‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; ‘‘(B)and is— ‘‘(i) a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”

A “class II device that is implantable?”
Then on page 1,004 it describes what the term “data” means in paragraph 1, section B: ‘‘(B) In this paragraph, the term ‘data’ refers to in formation respecting a device described in paragraph (1), including claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary.”
Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable device is a “implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.”


New Member
So if this program is so fiscally irresponsible and unsustainable, why is it being endorsed the NON PARTISAN Congressional Budget Office who agrees this program will reduce the deficit?
The CBO hasn't ENDORSED anything whelp!

let me splain it to you Lucy.... :lol:

The numbers GIVEN to the CBO (they don't make the numbers, they run them) were FUDGED GREATLY. If YOU had used those accounting tricks with ur business....you'd be in JAIL. that's a FACT Jack.

Garbage IN....garbage OUT.

YOU will have to pay into the new system for 4 years before you can derive ANY benefits. Sound fiscally responsible to you? :lol:

But you see, Congress KNOWS that the CBO only shoots in ten year segments.... so they "hide" 4 years of cost of the first ten on the back end....outside of the CBO report.

See how that trickery works? many fall for it.... you? Now you know.

jeff f

New Member
WMD was 8 years ago, that is true, but people are still dying every day because of that bogus excuse to start a war. If the money being spent on the wars was spent on health care it would be free for everybody.
if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle....so what. you cant change the past. last time i looked nobody was talking about launching a full scale war in another country.

where you getting the money for your "free" healthcare?

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
The CBO hasn't ENDORSED anything whelp!

let me splain it to you Lucy.... :lol:

The numbers GIVEN to the CBO (they don't make the numbers, they run them) were FUDGED GREATLY. If YOU had used those accounting tricks with ur business....you'd be in JAIL. that's a FACT Jack.

Garbage IN....garbage OUT.

YOU will have to pay into the new system for 4 years before you can derive ANY benefits. Sound fiscally responsible to you? :lol:

But you see, Congress KNOWS that the CBO only shoots in ten year segments.... so they "hide" 4 years of cost of the first ten on the back end....outside of the CBO report.

See how that trickery works? many fall for it.... you? Now you know.
Again you are making outrageous claims with no fact behind them.

I would love to see a credible source that maintains any of these ridiculous paranoid claims.

Within one year of enactment:

"Insurance companies barred from dropping people from coverage when they get sick, ending the practice of rescission. Lifetime coverage limits eliminated and annual limits restricted."

Hmmm let's think about this for a second,

Is it a possibility you or someone you know might with health insurance might get sick at one point? But let's give back the power to corporations whose only motivation is the dollar and see how they treat you when you are costing them more money than they can make off of your sick ass.

jeff f

New Member
I may have been misunderstood, jeff. The points I researched from the campaign were responding to the post

"try and remember back to when obama was campaigning. one of his main issues was this very thing. everyone was all for it, until the end of the election. after that, the republican fear/hate machine kicked into high gear and all you mother fuggers got amnesia. sheep go, bahhhhhhh..... "

Showing that the 7 selling points for the plan on the campaign trail were either not met or far overreaching the original intent. That if the law would have been limited to only those items campaigned for, people would have a much easier time accepting it.
The means by which it accomplishes those goals may be the worst possible in terms of government control. And you are quite correct, it is financially unsustainable, no matter the implementation.
The previous post implies a conspiracy against bo; in that the republicans were intent on seeing him fail, regardless of the consequence to the country. I point out that the promises and the final product differ substantially, and support for the promises does not equal support for the product.

in the words of larry the cable guy...i apologize.

just so ya know, i am blamin it on the weed :hug::weed:

jeff f

New Member
What a load of crap! Yea right, if the intel were true, what bollox. They knew it was not true but did not care. What do you selfish scum want? A return to 19th century ethics? Should we abolish all welfare, medicaid, medicare, social security, public education and the dozens of other programs that help those in need? I've had enough of you lowlifes and will not be back on this thread.
whatever you big baby. :spew:

you cant answer simple questions like, WHERE IS THE FUCKING MONEY GONNA COME FROM? but we are the ones living in the 19th century?

should we abolish all wlfare? yes, mostly. the ones who are truly "in need" will be taken care of. mostly by family members because they will have money in their pocket that wasnt stolen by some beuaracrat sitting behind a desk that nobody seems to be able to contact.

i called the govt to get tax info the other day....you wanna see what your new "free" healthcare is gonna look like...try it.

seriously. call the irs for tax info. that will be the same people...remember the 16000 money cops hired by your savior, the negro with no dialect, who is clean and articulate...remember him? yes, those 16000 money cops...go ahead and call them monday and see how long it takes you to actually speak to someone. and have a made up simple question like, can you explain line X on a 1040 to me? see how long that takes you to get an answer and how many times you get transfered.

just wait till your askin the same dope about your hip replacement.

those with no experience in social medicine....boy are you in for some surprises.:sad:

jeff f

New Member
perhaps, if we had attempted to grow our ethical considerations from a basis of 19th century understandings instead of clinging to the amoral platitudes of political animals and catering to the envy of the indolent mob, we might not find ourselves with the dilemma of this forced conformity we find ourselves in today. individualism and self-reliance are dying, community has been replaced by coercion and personal responsibility is fast becoming considered a vice. you find virtue in the pyramid scheme of social security. i see it as a way of allowing government decades of access to our savings and distancing ourselves from the concepts of family, community and and self-control. you see some point to the millions enslaved by dependence on state sponsored handouts. i see only the degradation of huge segments of the population and the theft of wealth from its rightful owners. you see some enlightenment in the indoctrination of our children by the self-indulgence of a wasteful and top heavy educational system. i see the creation of generations of mediocrity and mindless consumption machines. you see through the eyes of the herd, following some dim vision of meager survival. i see the possibility of excellence within the actions of the individual. how hopeless this life must seem to you, denying the best of man and seeing only his baser instincts.
dude, seriously, youre brilliant. :clap: wish i could write like that or even think like that.

btw, he has no fucking idea what you just said.....:dunce::bigjoint:

jeff f

New Member
Within one year of enactment:

"Insurance companies barred from dropping people from coverage when they get sick, ending the practice of rescission. Lifetime coverage limits eliminated and annual limits restricted."

Hmmm let's think about this for a second,


yes, why dont you try thinking for a minute. lets say you are that business.

you have to pay for high risks and you wont be able to raise rates but you still must pay for care? sound like you want to invest?

yo dude, read a headline about healthcare in mass or ky or any other goofy fucking state that fell for the lies.

they have few insurance companies left . that means....get ready for this....govt run healthcare.

you know them right? the same union dolts that run the vehicle registration office, the county courthouse, the irs, your schools......

now imagine youre sick. are ya scared yet? you should be :wall:

it doesnt get any clearer than that.


New Member
Again you are making outrageous claims with no fact behind them.

I would love to see a credible source that maintains any of these ridiculous paranoid claims.

Within one year of enactment:

"Insurance companies barred from dropping people from coverage when they get sick, ending the practice of rescission. Lifetime coverage limits eliminated and annual limits restricted."

Hmmm let's think about this for a second,

Is it a possibility you or someone you know might with health insurance might get sick at one point? But let's give back the power to corporations whose only motivation is the dollar and see how they treat you when you are costing them more money than they can make off of your sick ass.
I'm not ur teacher.... I post only what I know to be true and 100% accurate.

inform urself....else look the fool here.

Anything which takes away the direct cost to the consumer... (health welfare in this case) will be OVERUSED. Like the free mints at the cash register of a restaurant.... who takes just one?

Massachusetts has ALREADY PROVEN as much.

I will leave the rest up to you.... it's your responsibility to inform URSELF...not me.


Well-Known Member
yeah but mass spent trillions to build a billion dollar tunnel....

doesnt say much for their internal oversight.


New Member
So what.... that has nothing to do with the insurance companies.... apples and oranges... it is the health care program which is broke...not the state.

jeff f

New Member
yeah but mass spent trillions to build a billion dollar tunnel....

doesnt say much for their internal oversight.

its the govt. their over sight is NEVER what its supposed to be.

govt cannot and will not ever in a million years be as efficient as a business that has to answer to share holders.

as expensive as healthcare is, it will only get worse when run by govt. dont believe my words, just look at every example in the history of govt. the very nature of the beast is inefficiency.

does helathcare need changing, you bet your arse. market forces, several of which have been discussed here in recent months, are the only way to drive down costs....period.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for making me laugh out loud. Todays lesson in reading comprehension....READ THE TITLE!!!!!

national medical DEVICE registry....as in they are going to monitor the effectiveness/safety of the devices. So...maybe the EKG is worried about having an RFID implanted in its forearm??? Thanks for the laugh retard.

I'm voting for Obama again and will do my best to get all of my neighbors, friends, families, and acquaintances to do so. My health care premium has increased 50% in the last two years with no increase in benefits to me. Its a broken system and those who say it isn't are either dumb, biased, or both.
How is having a rfid device installed in your arm laughable?

You're the only one laughing, so that must make you the retard.
No one is laughing about our freedom of choice being taken away.

Good luck convincing your neighbors and friends. More than half
the country already disapproves of what he is doing. Massachussets
has clearly shown us that the path we're headed on is unsustainable.

Go look up the stats sweetheart.

I still don't see how you cannot understand the text of the bill.

You can go ahead and get your chip, and I will laugh when you get
cancer, as its been proven that rfid chips cause cancer because
of the constant emission of radio frequencies traveling through the body.


Patrick Bateman

Active Member
yes, why dont you try thinking for a minute. lets say you are that business.

you have to pay for high risks and you wont be able to raise rates but you still must pay for care? sound like you want to invest?

yo dude, read a headline about healthcare in mass or ky or any other goofy fucking state that fell for the lies.

they have few insurance companies left . that means....get ready for this....govt run healthcare.

you know them right? the same union dolts that run the vehicle registration office, the county courthouse, the irs, your schools......

now imagine youre sick. are ya scared yet? you should be :wall:

it doesnt get any clearer than that.
Last time I checked your health care system was 37th in the world as ranked by the WHO.

Who is ranked higher than the United States?

1. France - Mix of public and private health care
2. Italy - Mix of public and private health care

Can you Americans get it through your fucking heads that your system is flawed and is on the way to improvement?

And are you seriously defending keeping massive insurance corporations massive?

I'm not ur teacher.... I post only what I know to be true and 100% accurate.

inform urself....else look the fool here.

Anything which takes away the direct cost to the consumer... (health welfare in this case) will be OVERUSED. Like the free mints at the cash register of a restaurant.... who takes just one?

Massachusetts has ALREADY PROVEN as much.

I will leave the rest up to you.... it's your responsibility to inform URSELF...not me.
Exactly, what YOU know to be true. Misinformation is misinformation no matter if you believe it to be truth.

Surely you have some sort of education, therefore you know that when making a point YOU provide evidence to back up the claim.

Oh, and let's not forget the oh so fiscally responsible outgoing republican administration has created an astronomical deficit - Fact.

This legislation will reduce that deficit - Fact.

Obama's ratings rose after health care reform passed - Fact.

Looks like you folks are part of a shrinking minority, enjoy the Fox News narrative while it lasts


New Member
The WHO again? What a HOOT!!! So much for your ability to dig data....or to interpret data you run across as plausible and equal (that's a big hint, so don't say I'm not fair)

If I know it... it IS true. Else I won't post it....so you'll never know what I don't think is true....k?

Popularity of Obama.... here's he facts...

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 30% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13 (see trends).
Sixty-six percent (66%) believe that America is overtaxed. Only 25% disagree.
Thirty-nine percent (39%) believe the Supreme Court is too liberalwhile 25% say it is too conservative. Forty-five percent (45%) expect that the President’s next Supreme Court nominee will be too liberal while 41% say the pick will be about right.
Over the past week, media coverage of the President has turned more negative. The Rasmussen Reports Media Meter is updated daily.
Check out our review of last week’s key polls to see “What They Told Us.”
The Presidential Approval Index is calculated by subtracting the number who Strongly Disapprove from the number who Strongly Approve. It is updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update). Updates are also available on Twitter and Facebook.
Overall, 47% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. Fifty-three percent (53%) disapprove.
In his new book, Scott Rasmussen states that “The gap between Americans who want to govern themselves and politicians who want to rule over them may be as big today as the gap between the colonies and England during the 18th century.” He adds that “If we had to rely on politicians to fix these problems, the outlook would be bleak indeed. Fortunately, in America, the politicians aren’t nearly as important as they think they are.”
In Search of Self-Governance has received positive reviewsfrom across the political spectrum and is available at Rasmussen Reports and Amazon.com.