20/4 vegetative light cycle

Everybody here is wrong...plants don't need rest cannabis is one of the few plants that don't need to "rest" what matters is the amount of light they get during the day....it's called DLI....if they get too much light it becomes wasted energy at that point....you can run you lights all day as long as you keep the PAR lower...if your goin to run them at 18-6. You can run it at a higher PAR
Now I Kno cannabis is one of MANY plants that doesn't require darkness...atleast during veg...thank you for expanding my knowledge about plant life

I actually was trying to back you up but can you find anything else I did wrong since you pay attention to detail so much
i dont know if its weird to comment on 2 year old forum but whatever.
I heard 20/4 which is what you asked for in the first place and not 24/0 which you people assumed, i read somewhere that it was best for the plants.
it was a reply on another forum but it said that using 24/0 hours would get you more then 18/6 but 20/4 would get you most.
i guess it is because the plant makes energy during the light period for the sleeping period, but lost most its energy after 4 hours of dark. 24/0 would be a waste of electricity but also a waste of the energy the plant was saving for the dark period, which is never going to occur.
I also think its best to let your stuff cool down so it goes a longer way with all this planned obsolescence n shit
Peace Tsmoke
You saved my first grow brother. Thanks couldnt wait for one year till response im so sorry :bigjoint:

Brother its almost a year since your wrote this. Thanks very appreciated, you just solved all my problem with this comment.
My opinions on rosenthal seems to be outdated i read his book like 10years ago or so...
I was about to go from 20/4 to 24/24 since i hang my lamp up today. Since i bedroomgrow i do have a lack of co2 probaly since i dont want to keep window open permanently since its freezing cold. Better not risk herms and stay with 20/4.