20/4 vegetative light cycle

Everybody here is wrong...plants don't need rest cannabis is one of the few plants that don't need to "rest" what matters is the amount of light they get during the day....it's called DLI....if they get too much light it becomes wasted energy at that point....you can run you lights all day as long as you keep the PAR lower...if your goin to run them at 18-6. You can run it at a higher PAR

Until flowering if you're growing a non-auto-flowering strain.
All I'm saying is I went to a 20/4 light cycle instead of 18/6 and increased my yield 30%. I just have a hard time believing leaving lights on a plant 24/7 is the best thing for a plant we care so much about.
Maybe because you DLI was on point not because of the light schedule
Dude it took me forever to even figure out how to post on a forum lol. But I have lived enough life and grew more pot than u could ever imagine. Jve just been an outdoor grower until a couple years ago. And its been a major learning curve. All I've done is read about light cycles. Most seem to favor 18/6. I was trying to gain something somewhere so I went to 20/4. I've read some that love 24 hr. I 100% disagree with that. If u disagree that's fine but that don't make me wrong and people should make their own decisions before they try a 24 hour.

And with you being a outdoor grower the hard part was already done for you...mother nature has the perfect DLI so you didn't have to worry about it
Yes you can run 20/4 in veg.

I've done 18/6, 20/4, 24/0, 12/12, 11/13, 10/4, etc... The only thing I've noticed is that 11/13 and 10/14 can help long flowering sativas finish faster.

I don't believe anyone that says they realized a 30% increase in yield going from 18/6 to 24/0. If they're making claims like that then they need to provide proof that they grew multiple plants of the same strain in the same conditions with the same lighting. A minimum of 5 plants for each light schedule preferably 10 or more. The only difference should be the 2 hours difference in light hours. Without that it's just talk.
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I will say this...I do treat my plants as if they were a person or a pet...I talk nice to them and treat them with respect lol I Kno it sounds silly but I feel like they are alive ...I mean they are alive