Hi, in my last 2 grows both ended up with seeds, basically the plants hermied or developed nanners - first time i suspect it was the timer, was a cheap analogue style one where you push in the buttons for whatever hours - i noticed the light was on after hours when it should have been long off, so im confident it was a dodgy timer
So i replaced that with a digital one - but again this grow was the same. I want to try and rule out some things as i dont want this happening again
My LEDs run off a HLG-320 - this is connected via power lead to the timer, which is plugged into the mains. When the timer switches off the whole fixture is off. I have a dimmer pot - now a couple of times I wiggled this and the light kinda flickered so was thinking about replacing this pot, it is a SODIAL 100K
I was thinking maybe the light was going off during daylight hours and confusing the plant, is there any way I could monitor light in the tent to see if it is matching my timer hours?
any help or ideas appreciated, maybe 1st hermie was the dodgy timer and the 2nd was just genetics but i dont like the odds of 2 in a row
So i replaced that with a digital one - but again this grow was the same. I want to try and rule out some things as i dont want this happening again
My LEDs run off a HLG-320 - this is connected via power lead to the timer, which is plugged into the mains. When the timer switches off the whole fixture is off. I have a dimmer pot - now a couple of times I wiggled this and the light kinda flickered so was thinking about replacing this pot, it is a SODIAL 100K
I was thinking maybe the light was going off during daylight hours and confusing the plant, is there any way I could monitor light in the tent to see if it is matching my timer hours?
any help or ideas appreciated, maybe 1st hermie was the dodgy timer and the 2nd was just genetics but i dont like the odds of 2 in a row