2 dead in school shooting in KY

No sir. I never said that at all. You are putting words why they don't belong.

I said

Right on brother. You tell all those dummies.
This is how me an mine was raised. The tooth fairy brought all my yungins a pistola. And that pistol is to keep em safe. And I teach em keep that gun under their pillow, right where the tooth fairy left it. Ya never know when they might need it. Amirite? Bet your ass. Uh huh. Yessir.
Lucky him that he didn't wake you, I'm sure your mother in law was pleased.

hey @Grandpapy. You are right! He is lucky that no one heard him. He wouldve been shot unfortunately. My old ladies mom has no clue what has happened. She is the Hilter of marijuana and if she were to find out what happened it would not be pretty on eithers parties behalf and the outcome would be permanent for all of us. They do not let things go and will hold this over not only my head but her daughters, due to her strong hate for the plant
hey @Grandpapy. You are right! He is lucky that no one heard him. He wouldve been shot unfortunately. My old ladies mom has no clue what has happened. She is the Hilter of marijuana and if she were to find out what happened it would not be pretty on eithers parties behalf and the outcome would be permanent for all of us. They do not let things go and will hold this over not only my head but her daughters, due to her strong hate for the plant
Really? Is it her house? What's her mommy gonna do, stop paying your cell phone bills and netflix subscription?

It's also hard to believe you have a distance of 200 linear feet, anywhere, in your house.

Sorry to interrupt, proceed with story time. . .
The fins know how to make a fine rifle :)

Been thinking of their cheaper brother the tikka

Although a sako trg is pretty damn awsome
Gota love that bolt pull

"Pre-Garcia" refers to the early rifles imported by Firearms International

When Garcia Sporting Goods took over importation in 1972, they cheapened certain details like the milling on the top of the scope mount bosses, and deletion of the white spacers and grip caps
Really? Is it her house? What's her mommy gonna do, stop paying your cell phone bills and netflix subscription?

It's also hard to believe you have a distance of 200 linear feet, anywhere, in your house.

Sorry to interrupt, proceed with story time. . .

That is funny. No not at all. It is right under 200. If you knew that side of the family you'd understand. They are the type of people who hold grudges. If I went after her son she would be finding out (trust me shes a nosy broad) why I was going after him. Family can make your life rough, real rough.We like leading a simple life and the less they are in our business the better. I am sure that you know how difficult in laws can be at times.
"Pre-Garcia" refers to the early rifles imported by Firearms International

When Garcia Sporting Goods took over importation in 1972, they cheapened certain details like the milling on the top of the scope mount bosses, and deletion of the white spacers and grip caps

I gathered it meant they where older
Thanks for the tid. Bit of info :)

Although now a days. With the advances in machining processes
Rifles are more accurate then ever

In the 70s haveing a 1" moa shooting rifle was considered ultra match grade.

Now rifles regularly hit 1/4" moa. Lol

Its crazy to think a man can shoot a 1/4" dot at 100 yards.
But David tubb is a super human shooter.
Sweet Jezus. *SMFH*

Being a bad parent to own the libs ftw.

I hear you, and I agree. This thread subject is about another child taking a gun to school and killing other people. This type of tragedy is happening every day or two, and it is affecting all of our society, and yet ...

the result is that 3 or 4 gun nuts post repeatedly to justify their idiotic ideas about keeping guns in their house!

Shaking my head is right! It's fucking pathetic!

Stupid people just can't help but prove it.

I hear you, and I agree. This thread subject is about another child taking a gun to school and killing other people. This type of tragedy is happening every day or two, and it is affecting all of our society, and yet ...

the result is that 3 or 4 gun nuts post repeatedly to justify their idiotic ideas about keeping guns in their house!

Shaking my head is right! It's fucking pathetic!

Stupid people just can't help but prove it.

Locked up guns are no more dangerous than...brocolli?

But when you leave them around the house loaded but "not chambered", then I'd agree with you.
Again they arent laying about the house
Nor are they without a secure holster.
At least mine
You said yourself that you leave them around the house, loaded but unchambered.

You also said your kids know how to use them because you taught them.

Your words, dumbass.
You said yourself that you leave them around the house, loaded but unchambered.

You also said your kids know how to use them because you taught them.

Your words, dumbass.
You might want.to reread

Also there is a difference in educating a kid about the dangers of a gun and how to operate one.

I stated. Many times my children arent strong enough to manipulate the weapons (except my 13 yo).

I didnt train them on how to use the weapon
But how to be safe when a weapon is present ie
The 4 rules of gun safety
Huge Difference

Thats how you teach a child.

First comes saftey awareness, then AFTER THEY ARE DEEMED SAFE.

Comes how to use the firearm.

What i said ...

Ar is in the closet.
One other pistol is secure in a holster in the nightstand . All others are in a safe .

When i leave, any weapons that arent with me are secured.

My carry pistol is the only weapon.
That would be on the counter after i take it off.
Also in a secure holster

Then transferd to the closet when i make my way to the room...
You might want.to reread

Also there is a difference in educating a kid about the dangers of a gun and how to operate one.

I stated. Many times my children arent strong enough to manipulate the weapons (except my 13 yo).

I didnt train them on how to use the weapon
But how to be safe when a weapon is present ie
The 4 rules of gun safety
Huge Difference

Thats how you teach a child.

First comes saftey awareness, then AFTER THEY ARE DEEMED SAFE.

Comes how to use the firearm.

What i said ...

Ar is in the closet.
One other pistol is secure in a holster in the nightstand . All others are in a safe .

When i leave, any weapons that arent with me are secured.

My carry pistol is the only weapon.
That would be on the counter after i take it off.
Also in a secure holster

Then transferd to the closet when i make my way to the room...
Your four rules are inadequate.