2 dead in school shooting in KY

Good eye. That is correct. Lucky the intruder didn't decide to execute the witnesses with @twistedvinesofbud own guns.
Or steal them and commit other crimes/kill someone. This is the biggest reason ours stay locked at camp. Camps are broken into frequently most often the guns are the first thing they steal. I'd rather lock up the guns and leave the door unlocked in case someone breaks down on the trails. It was -26 last night with the windchill. Cell service is shitty and the camp road is long. There's always plenty of food, water and wood to get anyone through the night.
Or steal them and commit other crimes/kill someone. This is the biggest reason ours stay locked at camp. Camps are broken into frequently most often the guns are the first thing they steal. I'd rather lock up the guns and leave the door unlocked in case someone breaks down on the trails. It was -26 last night with the windchill. Cell service is shitty and the camp road is long. There's always plenty of food, water and wood to get anyone through the night.
That's very nice to leave the camp unlocked.
you're 43 times more likely to kill yourself or a family member.

so leave them unlocked, white.

I will and happily
You are naive to think that kids will always act responsibly.

I'm glad nobody has been hurt but it's not due to leaving guns about the house. 1300 kids were killed or injured by guns last year, most were from kids doing what kids do and most of those families thought the same as you.

I never said kids act responsible!

Again teach your kids. Or can your kids be taught?
@twistedvinesofbud, didn't you just have all your plants taken right out from under your nose, while you slept?

You might need more guns laying around.

Yes I did unfortunately. I learned my lesson from that, that's for sure. If the person would have actually broke in, instead or entering the code into the garage and walking right in that would be a different story. When there are no alarms to the dogs, duh they Will not sound. Our garage is over 200 feet of where we sleep.

No, I do not need more guns, I got plenty.

Now if I had a smaller house or in a fucking hut that may be a different story, then we may hear someone come in.

Besides, could you shoot family? Because that's who did it.
I will and happily

I never said kids act responsible!

Again teach your kids. Or can your kids be taught?
Don't really think you have a right to say much on this subject. You managed to let someone sneak in and steal your weed plants. You are lucky the shit head didn't steal any guns you have laying around.

Then the fact you said it was an illegal state. Yea. Smart to grow weed and have guns laying around. Its not like that makes you look like a dealer or anything.:roll:
Its called a rapid safe. Literally opens instantly.

Get a dog. If you are so broke you can't afford a home security system with motion sensors you can get a driveway sensor on Amazon for twenty bucks. Has a 400 yard range between the sensor and base. That's a 400 yard heads up.

Brother, I have dogs, a security system too. I've got plenty of cash not a problem there. Security systems do no good when it's family!:(
Yes I did unfortunately. I learned my lesson from that, that's for sure. If the person would have actually broke in, instead or entering the code into the garage and walking right in that would be a different story. When there are no alarms to the dogs, duh they Will not sound. Our garage is over 200 feet of where we sleep.

No, I do not need more guns, I got plenty.

Now if I had a smaller house or in a fucking hut that may be a different story, then we may hear someone come in.

Besides, could you shoot family? Because that's who did it.
No shit. Think about that. Dude had the code and snuck in. They could just as easy stole guns from you. Just luck they didn't. Anyone that would sneak in and steal weed would steal anything else.

You never know when someone could do it again. Watch from a distance to get the code. Anything.
You are trying to sell the idea that your kids are better than everyone elses kids and/or that you are a better parent than everyone here.

It's a tough sell.
You might want to rethink your strategy... :roll:

No sir. I never said that at all. You are putting words why they don't belong.

I said

Or steal them and commit other crimes/kill someone. This is the biggest reason ours stay locked at camp. Camps are broken into frequently most often the guns are the first thing they steal. I'd rather lock up the guns and leave the door unlocked in case someone breaks down on the trails. It was -26 last night with the windchill. Cell service is shitty and the camp road is long. There's always plenty of food, water and wood to get anyone through the night.

At least you can drive to your camp and it has a door! Let alone crappey cell service.

A family who was camped about a mile or 2 from us had to have a family member
Medivaced out because he accidentally hit his leg with an axe. Which as unfortunate as it was

It could have been avoided had he used it properly

If they wouldnt have had a ham radio he would have probably died

As only sat phones and radios work where we hunted.

-26 is pretty cold

But we still have to work outside till -35 :(
Here's the deal!
I have my house on lock down I always have and always will.

There is no way into my house without knowing the codes to get into It! The only other way is to physically break something! The dogs will hear it and we are on It!

The person that broke in was related...
Here's the deal!
I have my house on lock down I always have and always will.

There is no way into my house without knowing the codes to get into It! The only other way is to physically break something! The dogs will hear it and we are on It!

The person that broke in was related...

Relatives steal guns. You don't have a leg to stand on. Strangers might break in next time.

Relatives steal guns. You don't have a leg to stand on. Strangers might break in next time.

All of our guns are in our room! Really hard to steal them there.

You all act like I have guns laying around the house like a pair of socks or something!

We are very responsible gun owners and believe what you think.
I'm pretty sure that would require a lobotomy. o_O

Thanks, but no thanks.