2 days of no help and they are getting closer to death!

aussie originals

Active Member
the meter I have says they are dry and the pots feel light. I was watering every 2 days until this and now I don't know whether to dry them out or water them. water doesn't pick them up that's for sure so I was thinking of trying to dry them out today see if that helps but obviously I don't want to dry them out. gree why to over watered and underwatered have to look so similar?!
they dont actually look the same at all. overwatered looks like yours and underwatered go completely limp, the leaves will literally hang off the plant as there is no water in the cells to support them.

im sure one day you will see for yourself. its all part of learning.

your course of action sounds right. let it dry out then give it a feed of 1/4 strength veg nutes and im sure she will pick up for you. good luck jazzpot and ignore GHB we all have to start somewhere and hell this site is so full of useless crap that trying to find anything worthwhile using the search button is pointless.


oh. my. god! how much attention do you need?! I'm waiting for answers to my questions not more boring insults. stop replying to this thread if I'm pissing you off so much.

On a completely related note, can someone tell me if the ignore list is anything like facebooks block list? cause when people piss me off, I ignore them, I don't pay more attention to them and would like to send gbh off into the cyber space place where he can't see my posts and I can't see his :D


Well-Known Member
OH! lastly, could someone tell me if this is a good investment? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ecotechnics-Cool-Tube-Reflector-120mm-to-use-with-250w-or-400w-versions-GROW-/111251626687
looks compatible to me but I'm the idiot who thought my soil had nutrients lol. should get those temps under 30C hopefully as I can't get away with leaving the door open once they start to smell lol
That and a cheap inline fan will solve your heat issues. Even a 250 watt would be to hot without extracting the heat. Your plants are over watered.imo


thank you jimmer and twostrokenut. Cooling tube is on the way :) so does that mean they can still comment on my threads?


Well-Known Member
Idk never used ignore I reckon they can post you just won't see it.....unless it gets quoted then you will see the quote in another post from someone who is not on the list.


Well-Known Member
oh. my. god! how much attention do you need?! I'm waiting for answers to my questions not more boring insults. stop replying to this thread if I'm pissing you off so much.

On a completely related note, can someone tell me if the ignore list is anything like facebooks block list? cause when people piss me off, I ignore them, I don't pay more attention to them and would like to send gbh off into the cyber space place where he can't see my posts and I can't see his :D

From what I see, you keep getting answers to your questions, but they don't seem to be what you want the answers to be so you keep asking the same question.

Peroxide. Watering every 2 days was too much. Let the pots drain, get light, then water. Give them a small dose of veg nutrients.

Scarlet 420

New Member
In that case. What colour are the roots? Id now recommend letting them dry out and replanting into a light mix
soil EC 1.0 appx. Use 1/4 strength veg nutes and a bit of root complex if you have it. Remember the new medium must be wetter than the roots and old pot as you want the roots to grow outwards in search of water.

Theres a lot of little jealous girls on this site. It's hard to know who to listen to isn't it? Remember one thing friend:-

Its the buds that do the talking around here! Lol



Well-Known Member
the mix does have those little water holder ball thingys (the name escapes me right now) so it could be that even though it feels dry to me,
Just some thoughts here:

You said you were watering every two days. If you are soaking them to runoff that is probably too often, in my conditions and experience it takes 4-5 days with a pot and plant that size. And those thingies you refer to I assume are "water holding crystals" or "hydrogel" which soaks up water into beads then releases it. That may be throwing off your meter somehow, I don't trust meters anyway.

The hyrdrogel is normally not needed nor recomended for inside growing. Outside in beds and pots it's often helpful to reduce the ammt of watering needed during dry spells and prevent moisture stress on plants. Inside we don't have that problem and the crystals can cause a lot of problems (soul gnats & other insects, mold, fungi,and other things that are not always beneficial.

On the other hand if your soil IS actually dry in two days you might have a problem with heat and/or low RH and/or too much airflow. A leaf in pic 3 looks heat/lamp burned, but that might not be it, just kinda looks like is. Another thing to keep in mind is that if your actually drying out in 2 days you are going to end up with nute (salt) buildup in the soil eventually. Too much water is evaporating from the soil, the plant is not using that much, and the evaporated water leaves behind the nutes and they build up.

Finally you can overwater and have heat issues going on at the same time, and have some salts building up.

Anyway just some things to consider.


wow, thank you for taking the time to tell me all that aimaim. I think you may be on to something because getting the temp down has been a real issue for me. I have ordered a cooling tube today so hopefully if that does the trick, and it should sort out my problems. I will also start looking for some different soil. I will also use boiled water (cooled) for now so it can't leave as much sediment of nutes as it evaporates :)


Well-Known Member
wow, thank you for taking the time to tell me all that aimaim. I think you may be on to something because getting the temp down has been a real issue for me. I have ordered a cooling tube today so hopefully if that does the trick, and it should sort out my problems. I will also start looking for some different soil. I will also use boiled water (cooled) for now so it can't leave as much sediment of nutes as it evaporates :)
Cool tube will work wonders for you, assuming you got a fan and ducting to move air through it.

As far as different soil, I am not familiar with what you are using, but just get a good general potting mix with plenty of perlite (or add some more) with no water retaining crystals, and no "extended release" or "feeds for 90 days" type added fertilizers.

Don't understand that boiling water trick you are talking about. Boiled water is going to probably have the same minerals in the water after you boil it, as prior. The "nutes of concern" are the fertilizers (nutes) you add to your water as feeding. Those nute salts are the ones that might build up and start burning if too much water is lost to evaporation, as compared to what the plant is uptaking. When water evaporates you are just generally losing plain water, H2O. Everything else mineral and salt-wise is left behind.

About the only thing off the top of my head that would concentrate from tapwater with detrimental effects is sodium. If your water had a ton of Na in your water it could build up and be a problem. Calcium could build up as well but it is generally not a problem . I'm sure there's some other salts or minerals that could accumulate if you had some crazy water supply. Anyway I'm not seeing how boiling your water would do anything to prevent "sediment of nutes" as it evaporates.

Good Luck - AIM


Unfortunately my neck of the woods has very hard water full of calcium so I have a pot of boiled water cooling. The plants look terrible today, very wilted, but at least I can be sure they are dried out! will be adding 4 drops of nutes and watering while lights are off to let them absorb as much as possible before it evaporates :)

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Can you buy water where you are? Boiling water will concentrate whatever is in the water. Capturing the distillate (steam) and cooling it will result in far fewer impurities, but that's not really practical for most people at home.
What about capturing rainwater? Depending on where you live, that may be an option as well.


Well-Known Member
transplant to bigger pot with better soil

a cooltube without an extraction fan + ducting will probably make it hotter.
Heads Up!