2 days of no help and they are getting closer to death!


Well-Known Member
Boiling water will concentrate whatever is in the water. Capturing the distillate (steam) and cooling it will result in far fewer impurities, but that's not really practical for most people at home.
Jazzpot, you catch this? I tried to tell you the same thing. If you got a Ca or other mineral problem, by boiling water you are concentrating it. The only thing being boiled off is water itself (and some gasses in solution) , just H2O. You are accomplishing nothing boiling your water as far as Ca goes.


2014-01-13 09.33.58.jpg2014-01-13 09.33.43.jpg
Ok so that's definitely nute burn so I'm sticking to plain water (gonna get some bottled water tonight) with no nutes. hopefully they will recover soon, I hate seeing them like this :(


Active Member
IMO i wouldn't have even start feeding those little ones until i transplanted into my final pot.

Also when feeding ur gonna actually wanna feed them like 1/4 of what it actually says to feed them at 1st.

Some ppl just stay at 1/4 of the recommended amount others gradually start to give their plants more as the plant get bigger

Hope everything turns out fine and Dandy :D im still waiting for my Seeds :/


HELP guys! my last thread went basically unanswered and now its 2 days later and they aren't getting better. 2 out of 4 plants are wilting and looking as though they have nitrogen deficiency. I've been trying to get the temp down but still only got it down to 31C with the door open. Whoever advised me to get the 400w not 250w was WRONG and now I'm thinking I'm gonna need to spend another £80 on a 250w! So if anyone has any ideas to help them without me spending £80 I would be most grateful!
I gave them the tiniest amount of nutrients yesterday and still 2 are looking close to death :(
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Help please![/QUO
are these pics the same plant? IF so you are far from death.The first pic looks like the worst if it is the bottom only its not so bad.your heat.you can go to wallmart and get a coolmist humidifier,this should bring down your temps a few notches. I think you need to ph your water. what are you watering with? Tap water? You can get ph up and ph down to help tap water. maybe try some distilled water. Your plants might not be getting any nutrients at all even if you r feeding because of the ph in your water.get a coolmist humidifier, give distilled water and it does look like a n def.you should water prob every 3days. when you put your finger in the dirt it should not be moist but crumbly and light.


sorry didn't see the post where u said u were getting water.you shall b fine.i was wondering you said you had afghan kush .do you notice that with kush,i have 3 and grown 2 before this...I notice they have a heavey leaf. they tend to lay down or look "lazy" around bed time,then perk up after about half hour of lights on.pretty cool plant strain.Anyhow happy growing and goodluck.:)


Well-Known Member
Jazz if you can see your roots you may be root bound I would transplant intoba bigger pot it roots are visible


Well-Known Member
it's nothing to do with him wanting to learn, it is to do with his attitude. it is all wrong!

starting multiple pointless threads is just diluting the good information that is on this site, then saying to people who tried to help him get going that it is their fault because they told him to get a 400w light.

his approach is that of an immature teenager who thinks he shouldn't have to trawl through posts to get the answers he wants, he signifies all that is wrong in this community and i think we need less like his kind in the world.
I think your attitude is all wrong, with all due respect mate unless you grew a perfect crop from day one and never made a mistake you can talk. You seem to be the only person here who seems to be bothered by jazz pot everyone else seems very willing to help him!
perhaps it people like you we need less of eg aggressive, rude, arrogant and just mean.
take a happy pill and come back when yer feelin more like a real person. Wow I thought stoners were cool!


Well-Known Member
hey jazz sorry to tell ya but if anything more light (with proper ventilation) would only help you.

You messed up your plant not someone who took time out of their own day to help you.

with that attitude and firm grasp on accepting responsibility for your own errors im sure you will become a king of cannabis along side arjan and subbie


oh lots of responses :) ok so GKID

  • IMO i wouldn't have even start feeding those little ones until i transplanted into my final pot.

    Also when feeding ur gonna actually wanna feed them like 1/4 of what it actually says to feed them at 1st.

    Some ppl just stay at 1/4 of the recommended amount others gradually start to give their plants more as the plant get bigger

    Hope everything turns out fine and Dandy
    im still waiting for my seeds :/​

Yes I knew that and yet I felt sure they had a deficiency and apparently 4 pipette drops was more than what they needed especially when I did it twice :/ oops! the recommendation was 2ml which is so tiny, I obviously over-did it.


  • sorry didn't see the post where u said u were getting water.you shall b fine.i was wondering you said you had afghan kush .do you notice that with kush,i have 3 and grown 2 before this...I notice they have a heavey leaf. they tend to lay down or look "lazy" around bed time,then perk up after about half hour of lights on.pretty cool plant strain.Anyhow happy growing and goodluck.

Cheers for that tip! now I won't panic every time they look sad! yes, I purchased some de-ionized water last night (shop didn't sell distilled) so I'm gonna water them with this while in crises management, and not until it's nearly their dark time so allow it to be absorbed :)


  • Jazz if you can see your roots you may be root bound I would transplant intoba bigger pot it roots are visible​

I know I will have to soon but with all this stress going on I'm a bit concerned about stressing them out more. I can see little roots poking out so not quite "root-bound" yet but it is something I'm keeping an eye on :)

redeyefrog, cheers for the support :)


  • hey jazz sorry to tell ya but if anything more light (with proper ventilation) would only help you.

    You messed up your plant not someone who took time out of their own day to help you.

    with that attitude and firm grasp on accepting responsibility for your own errors im sure you will become a king of cannabis along side arjan and subbie​

I know no one else messed it up, if I appeared to place blame elsewhere then it was less than half-hearted and I didn't mean it, just expressing my frustration :) the cool tube reflector is on it's way and I have some ducting left over so fingers crossed that solves the heat problem (I've DIY'ed it atm by keeping the bottom of the room open and that has dropped the temp to under 30C but obviously that is not a long term fix when things start to get smelly lol. :) hopefully with the temp down, venilation up, water pure and no nutes, they pick up a bit and I can transplant them :)



Well-Known Member
Also try to time your watering by watching the plant and the rule I follow is if lights are on and they look slightly droopy, they are looking for water, what you don't see below is the root system expanding and looking for water.
this encourages a healthy root system and you will have better results in the end.
With lights off they droop a bit so don't look at that only during light. Another way to keep her happy is a weak seaweed solution sprayed on the leaves, again about 1/4 recommended strength and spray your leaves once or twice a week it's called Foliar feeding and they love it.
i failed on my first two attempts and I learned less is more and I also learned not to love my girls to death.
keep it simple and let her do her thing, she's a weed and if you give her the right conditions she will flourish.
after you get one grow under your belt you can start playing with more advanced techniques.
i would suggest you basically watch and learn she will teach you everything you need and we will help with everything else.
happy growing mate!


Well-Known Member
4 drops per what volume? 4 drops per gallon? That seems way low just my opinion though....Whats the npk of the nutes and what nutes are they.


Well-Known Member
nvmd see it now.............
Jazzy said:
I'm using plant magic soil, I have so far tried using 4 drops of plant magic oldtimer nutrients mixed into half a litre of water (ph regulated this time just in cases) and watered all four with it yesterday (day 15 in their lifecycle I think it was). (the rec on bottle was 2 to 4ml per litre) strain is royal queen Afghan kush, the light is 3-4ft away and I have the vents open and a carbon filter extracting air out with a fan.​

Your nutes are NPK 5-3-3 and the instructions say 2-4mL per L of water.

A couple drops in a half liter shouldn't be burning anything....I would expect some burn from say a 16-16-16 fert but burning them with that amount of what you are using just doesn't seem right to me fwiw