2 days of no help and they are getting closer to death!


HELP guys! my last thread went basically unanswered and now its 2 days later and they aren't getting better. 2 out of 4 plants are wilting and looking as though they have nitrogen deficiency. I've been trying to get the temp down but still only got it down to 31C with the door open. Whoever advised me to get the 400w not 250w was WRONG and now I'm thinking I'm gonna need to spend another £80 on a 250w! So if anyone has any ideas to help them without me spending £80 I would be most grateful!
I gave them the tiniest amount of nutrients yesterday and still 2 are looking close to death :(
2014-01-10 09.30.39.jpg2014-01-10 09.30.52.jpg2014-01-10 09.34.23.jpg2014-01-10 09.34.42.jpg

Help please!

aussie originals

Active Member
looks like it may be overwatered. have you been letting the soil dry out between waterings?

it could also be under fed. are you feeding it anything? is it soil or coco?


Well-Known Member
Well set your mind at ease sir because your plants are pretty far from death. In fact they look down right nice compared to some of the crap i've seen here.

I need more information to make logical suggestions so tell me a bit about your grow. Medium/nutrients/strain/feeding schedule/light distance/cooling etc..

Without knowing much I can't help, but I can tell a few things from the pictures. First they don't look particularly heat stressed, but they do look either overwatered or they are wilting from underwatering. The medium looks to be moist in the pictures. Also if you are going to be seriously growing you need to find a way to vent the heat away. Dropping down to a 250 watt HID light isn't going to cure your heat problem, just drop the temp a handful of degrees. If you are going to spend extra money on something get a nice cooltube or hood and vent the heat elsewhere.

Must sleep now. I'll check back in the morning. Cheers.
Like said above it looks over-watered. The plant is really small, how much water are you feeding it? Also what type of 400 W light did you buy? Nowadays the best ones out there are Air-cooled tube sets with a digital dimmable ballast so you can turn the power down on it, vs buying a new 250 W one. How close do you have the lights to your plants? Light cycle? Soil?



Oh see I had seen those in setups on here but didn't know I could get a cool tube for £20 here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ecotechnics-Cool-Tube-Reflector-120mm-to-use-with-250w-or-400w-versions-GROW-/111251626687 So That would replace my reflector then so I can plug it into my ballast and stick my 400w bulb in it and that would drop the temp?

I'm using plant magic soil, I have so far tried using 4 drops of plant magic oldtimer nutrients mixed into half a litre of water (ph regulated this time just in cases) and watered all four with it yesterday (day 15 in their lifecycle I think it was). (the rec on bottle was 2 to 4ml per litre) strain is royal queen Afghan kush, the light is 3-4ft away and I have the vents open and a carbon filter extracting air out with a fan.


Well-Known Member
kill the plant, stop growing and just go out and buy your weed from now on because this clearly isn't for you jazzpot.

making multiple threads and constantley whining about you shitty plants and blaming people who tried to offer you advice is totally not the way to go about things.

in retrospect you should have done what i and many others did, read, take note and learn how to grow before even sprouting a seed. then you will have nothing but success. instead of trying to fumble through to a shitty harvest get everything you need in place to ensure you triumph.


the meter I have says they are dry and the pots feel light. I was watering every 2 days until this and now I don't know whether to dry them out or water them. water doesn't pick them up that's for sure so I was thinking of trying to dry them out today see if that helps but obviously I don't want to dry them out. gree why to over watered and underwatered have to look so similar?!


Oh fuck off off my thread GHB. don't want your negativity round here. I have read shit loads thank you very much and I'm here for help and advice, not insults. Bye

Scarlet 420

New Member
Firstly, it's ok to use a 400w for veg but it needs to be a good 80-100cm away from the top of the plant. Small plants have small root systems and don't need much food and definitely not a loads of water. What's happened here is that there is no oxygen in the soil due to the water logging which is why your plant can't take up the nutes. Let it dry out nearly completely and see if it goes greener in N. you may have rinsed the soil too much and need to use 1/4 strength veg nutes.

Scarlet 420

New Member
What's with all the negativity? I'm a shit hot hydro grower, commercial in fact and I don't see the benefit of putting others down in regard to their growing. We all had to learn.


Well-Known Member
Looks like your soil is peat and fytocell foam.....with growth stimulator and you might be mistaking the growth stimulator for plant nutrients.

So if they're getting yellow you were prolly right they might be starving.


Ok Scarlet 420 thank you very much, and cheers everyone. I will leave them alone until the soil is bone dry. the mix does have those little water holder ball thingys (the name escapes me right now) so it could be that even though it feels dry to me, they are still supplying moisture :) You should know though Scarlet that the roots have explored to the outer edges of the 6" pots already so I don't think their root system is small :)


Thanks for the positivity boost scarlet. Do you happen to agree with twostrokenut? Honestly I had thought that the growth stimulator meant that the soil had the nutrients needed :/


Well-Known Member
it's nothing to do with him wanting to learn, it is to do with his attitude. it is all wrong!

starting multiple pointless threads is just diluting the good information that is on this site, then saying to people who tried to help him get going that it is their fault because they told him to get a 400w light.

his approach is that of an immature teenager who thinks he shouldn't have to trawl through posts to get the answers he wants, he signifies all that is wrong in this community and i think we need less like his kind in the world.

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Next time you water add peroxide. 2 tbsp per gallon. It will provide direct oxygen to the roots. Everyone will tell you that it will kill all the good microbes but so what. You can add the good microbes once you get them perked back up. Peroxide... It works.


Not even gonna bother defending myself to someone like you GHB, I know your sort and you don't listen to anyone but yourself.

Rex Thanks for the advice but I think for a noob like me that is a bit dangerous lol. Maybe when I'm more confident :)

Thank you for all the help guys, my last post didn't get any definitive answer so I'm pleased it was just a flook and it fell through the cracks.

So the plan of action is to dry it out then hit it with 1/4 the rec dose of nutes and see what happens.

Twostrokenut, thank you for telling me that they aren't nutrients in the soil, I must have had a blonde moment there because I thought the soil would keep it in nutrients for a good 2 months. Makes me glad that the bottle of grow nutes I have is so big with small quantities required for doses because I'm gonna have to work out a feeding schedule for them to keep them in good health. I will go slowly and gradually until they have the correct amount in each watering :)