$2.00 per Gram coming soon

half the ounce is stems and seeds, and the other half is poorly grown none cured cannabis with very very low thc

Same as in Holland, apart from the prices, where the crap schwag goes for €5-7 a g in the coffee shops and, online on the naughty side of the line, drops considerably for half a kilo of bits and popcorn.

Enough to get some oil out of for edibles or vape fluid, but that's about it.
half the ounce is stems and seeds, and the other half is poorly grown none cured cannabis with very very low thc

I didn't comment on the quality because I haven't tried it. You're probably right though. But still there are many people that don't care. Not everyone is picky. I've realized that most people are not the connoisseurs people on this site are. For many that $89 ounce is good enough.
I didn't comment on the quality because I haven't tried it. You're probably right though. But still there are many people that don't care. Not everyone is picky. I've realized that most people are not the connoisseurs people on this site are. For many that $89 ounce is good enough.

I bet many here would be happy for that stuff just for routine smoking, and the good stuff kept for absolute pleasure.

A bit like beer, really, most of the time the mass produced cat piss is enough just "for the sake of having a beer", but sometimes nothing beats savouring the smells and tastes of a proper, not so cheap and mass produced urine, beer. Same goes for Scotch or Brandy, when you think about it, and even coffee.
I bet many here would be happy for that stuff just for routine smoking, and the good stuff kept for absolute pleasure.

A bit like beer, really, most of the time the mass produced cat piss is enough just "for the sake of having a beer", but sometimes nothing beats savouring the smells and tastes of a proper, not so cheap and mass produced urine, beer. Same goes for Scotch or Brandy, when you think about it, and even coffee.
Not me. If I can't have a well crafted micro brew, I'll just skip it. Quality over quantity.
Sometimes I'm happy with just some generic stuff to slam down on a hot day, but I always have the good stuff in the fridge for pleasure. But that's at home, I go to a bar and it's always a decent beer, and Belgium has a LOT of them, because I go there for pleasure and the beer is a part of that.
Sometimes I'm happy with just some generic stuff to slam down on a hot day, but I always have the good stuff in the fridge for pleasure. But that's at home, I go to a bar and it's always a decent beer, and Belgium has a LOT of them, because I go there for pleasure and the beer is a part of that.
I live in the home city of New Belgium, being a beer snob just comes with the territory lol
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the only way I will drink a shitty beer is if I am offered it by someone like at their house as a guest. But otherwise yes craft all the way, and i will always be the same with my bud if possible (-:
i politely refuse, most of the people i know are aware of my stomach issues, i always get a pass....i've told them all i can only drink certain beer, if i'm feeling good.....which basically means i don't want to drink your shitty cheap beer....
Hang on, nobody said anything about offering others cheap, shitty, beer, I would never do that, same as I would never offer cheap, shitty, weed.

Doing that is, frankly, disgraceful and a sign of someone without manners.
Only the finest IPA's from the beautiful state of Oregon for me. And we have a lot of them. We keep some Coors light on hand for my girls family when they come over. They always ask me "How can you drink that stuff?" when they see me drinking a good microbrew. They do that while drinking Coors light from a can. I don't even like having that piss water stuff in my refrigerator.
Only the finest IPA's from the beautiful state of Oregon for me. And we have a lot of them. We keep some Coors light on hand for my girls family when they come over. They always ask me "How can you drink that stuff?" when they see me drinking a good microbrew. They do that while drinking Coors light from a can. I don't even like having that piss water stuff in my refrigerator.
yep my family drinks bush light :spew:
Only the finest IPA's from the beautiful state of Oregon for me. And we have a lot of them. We keep some Coors light on hand for my girls family when they come over. They always ask me "How can you drink that stuff?" when they see me drinking a good microbrew. They do that while drinking Coors light from a can. I don't even like having that piss water stuff in my refrigerator.

See if you can find Houblon Chouffe, that's a wonderful IPA from over here with a light kick at 9% abv....

Oh, we get a few of your IPA's here, some are not too bad.
$8/G here in my sweet spot which are ounces and halves for what I consider top shelf.

From my experience, you can usually get 100 ounce specials at dispensaries around Denver. It's 50/50 whether it's worth buying or not, but I am picky. A lot of the super duper prices I've seen at dispensaries are for some bullshit.
it seems like the world has embraced the "disposable" culture. no one expects quality anymore. they expect shit that wears out in a couple of years. my dad still has a 40 year old washer/dryer set, that he repairs himself from time to time, and it works like new machines.
couldn't do that with anything built in the last 20 years, half of it's stamped together so you can't fix it, even if you know how, just have to buy a "replacement module" for 500 bucks to replace a 12 dollar condenser.
the same philosophy applies to weed stores, buy cheap shit, and mark it up as much as you can, when you get shit that people won't buy, put it on "sale" for only 5 times what you paid for it, instead of ten times what you paid for it....
we aren't legal here yet, and i've never been in a dispensary, but i can tell you right now they would hate me. i would bring my jeweler's loupe, and if it ain't pretty, fuck you, keep it
I don't know what it's like to do business selling to a dispensary, but I imagine it's probably like selling something to gamestop or a pawn shop.

If I didn't have to do business with dispensaries, I wouldn't. I guess I don't HAVE to, but..
If I didn't have to do business with dispensaries, I wouldn't. I guess I don't HAVE to, but..
I've seen folks with good weed get screwed on the buy because 'fuck you, what else you gonna do?' basically.
I'd rather go to jail than have my trade shit on because it's a buyer's market.
Fucking dispensaries are a blight on the industry.
I've seen folks with good weed get screwed on the buy because 'fuck you, what else you gonna do?' basically.
I'd rather go to jail than have my trade shit on because it's a buyer's market.
Fucking dispensaries are a blight on the industry.

I'm with you, I probably wouldn't step foot in the door if I didn't have to. But I love weed and my mind works in the business sense.

They buy it from you cheap enough for me to buy it from them cheap enough to still sell it for a profit on the black market. It's pretty much the same as its always been, but with a shittier and greedier middle man.
See if you can find Houblon Chouffe, that's a wonderful IPA from over here with a light kick at 9% abv....

Oh, we get a few of your IPA's here, some are not too bad.

I found a place across the river in Vancouver Washington that carries it. It's rather spendy at $12.99 for a 750 ml bottle but they're currently out of stock. I might give it a try one of these days.