Cool setup man, I have been looking into doing something similar. However i was checking out your pics and noticed that the consistency of your soil is not what it should be. It has WAY too many wood chips and broken sticks in it. Did you buy potting soil and possibly forget to mix it in with normal soil from you yard? Or maybe you just didnt add enough regular dirt? Either way your growing medium has way too much wood in it, a little is good for keeping the soil loose and breathable, but too much can slow/stunt your plants growth, possibly permanately if the plant grows in the soil for so long its roots become entwined in all the chips which then makes transplanting and removing the wood chips from the roots impossible without ripping apart the roots first. (trust me, i know from past mistakes
). If i were you id try transplanting to a better soil asap. When doing so try to brush away as many wood chips as possible, trying to get only the roots and the dirt inbetween and around them. Brush off as many wood chips surrounding the roots as you can without damaging the roots, its ok to loose a few of the thread sized ones, just try not too lose any large clumps of them, as that would force your plant to regrow the lost roots before above soil plant growth could begin again. Hope it all works out for you man, good luck!