1st time grow,flushing or no flushing how big is the difference???????


Well-Known Member
i havent completet my first run yet, but im close
anywho, i sampled my shit (potent as a donkey on crack and viagra) and i havent flushed yet. the bud smelled and tasted like chemicals i tell you. i think i gon flush man. not a pleasant taste at all
it's all about the cure, not the flush


Well-Known Member
it's all about the cure, not the flush
maybe so, still i think that flushing makes the taste smoother too. not sure.
on my next round i will grow more plants so i can fuck around more with em. you know, flush no flush, topping, lsd and all that good schtuf. just to se the difference


Well-Known Member
I didn't flush my first grow. I smoked some as soon as it was dry five days later, and it tasted like shit. I smoked some after a nice three week cure and I had the bomb. Still, going to be all subjective. +rep to Stinkmeaner for the right tude.


Well-Known Member
These guys have a combination of about a century of growing experience,
But actually look at what they're saying when they're advocating flushing. 'Don't feed your plants for the last 2 weeks of their life'. That's making the assumption that plants don't have nutritional requirements in the last weeks of their life which is totally wrong. Buds will continue to add weight and resin in those last weeks and feeding them only water is about the last thing you want to do if you're looking to maximize the genetic potential of your strains.


Active Member
ok so i'm growing in soil...how do i flush that? in 2 gallon pots i use only guano for my entire grows and supplement humic and fulvic acids. in the last 2 weeks they only get budswell and molasses. PPM's get to about 900 for just 1 feeding as the guano takes time to break down. PPM's of my runoff will never get below 500 PPMs. its dirt, there is so much stuff in there, and it’d take hundreds of gallons of water to flush it entirely. so...riddlemethis OP...what will i be flushing out of the plant? how is excess water in the root zone going to do anything beneficial to my plant?

also to anybody that thinks you can flush nasty shit out of the vacuole of a plant cell, go ask a botanist what this is there for? then go to Russia and ask the people around Chernobyl why they planted fields of hemp plants surrounding the concrete sarcophagus?

Cannabis is one of the world’s best accumulators. Once it takes it in, it doesn't release it back out. thus true growers know not to use chemical system products as they will never have the ability to leave the vacuole. They are put there because the plant realizes it is harmful and thus stores it away from the active area of the cell and uses it as a space filler. i would hate to see what's in 90% of the people’s plants around here.

you can flush the salt out of hydrotron and off of perlite and out of rockwool...but soil? best to have as much bactera, myco, protozoa, tricoderms, nematodes, and all the other microscopic creatures that create the best pot around by eating anything they can.


Well-Known Member
The nutrients are still within the plant itself in the last few days. Flushing a certain amount of time allows the plant to use up the last of the nutes it already has in its system. I'm no botanist, but it seems like flushing allows the plant to utilize the last of the nutrients it's already taken in without absorbing any more inorganic chemicals.

All in all, the simplest solution seems to be right in front of us: If you want a worry-free way to get good-tasting buds without all this flushing business, use SubCool's super soil with distilled water and give your buds a nice, long cure.


New Member
The nutrients are still within the plant itself in the last few days. Flushing a certain amount of time allows the plant to use up the last of the nutes it already has in its system. I'm no botanist, but it seems like flushing allows the plant to utilize the last of the nutrients it's already taken in without absorbing any more inorganic chemicals.

All in all, the simplest solution seems to be right in front of us: If you want a worry-free way to get good-tasting buds without all this flushing business, use SubCool's super soil with distilled water and give your buds a nice, long cure.

Actually you couldn't be more wrong...the N is NECESSARY for fermentation (curing ) to occur...so if you as you say "burn up" all the horrid chems as you seem to think, then you are hindering or preventing the cure...do some study before you spout off...what you are claiming will hurt the taste not help...from a scientific reality point of view

But if it makes you feel better then do whatever you want ...but your proposition and its reasonings are factually and scientifically flawed and therefore carry no merit

So now to all those that think they can flush a plant....get in line with the rest



New Member
I didn't flush my first grow. #1. I smoked some as soon as it was dry five days later, and #2. it tasted like shit. I smoked some after a nice three week cure and I had the bomb. Still, going to be all subjective. +rep to Stinkmeaner for the right tude.

#1 caused #2... you are so correct...has nothing to do with "chems"




New Member
maybe so, still i think that flushing makes the taste smoother too. not sure.
on my next round i will grow more plants so i can fuck around more with em. you know, flush no flush, topping, lsd and all that good schtuf. just to se the difference
Through this sort of outlook the truth will show...perfect way and only way for you personally to know... Keep your head on like this and you will be an awesome grower my friend...I learned more form the plants than anyone or thing...just remain objective and if something shows up different than you expected then hold on to that dearly..for that is the gold



Well-Known Member
I truely have no ego about this and if you read my threads you would see that, I merely put the info out there and it is up to the reader to decide what they wanna do with it, there are no nutes in the plant to flush out, it's not possible anyone that understands simple botany knows this
Flushing is about ridding the medium of nutrients so the plant no longer intakes foreign matter (nutrients) to sustain itself, and thus the plant has to feed itself by absorbing the unneeded leaves. You don't flush the nutrients out, you make it so the plant consumes all that's left before harvest,. You truely have no idea what flushing is or what it does, I'm done talking with you.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is about ridding the medium of nutrients so the plant no longer intakes foreign matter (nutrients) to sustain itself, and thus the plant has to feed itself by absorbing the unneeded leaves. You don't flush the nutrients out, you make it so the plant consumes all that's left before harvest,. You truely have no idea what flushing is or what it does, I'm done talking with you.
I know what it is and I know what it does, I also know how to get better buds. Some get it, some don't and I'm not here to twist anybodies arm. All I can truely say is that the folks who have tried what I put out there, love it! Not a single one that has tried it has come back and said I was wrong,,,,no they all come back and say thank you. All I care about is that we all get the very best we can out of our plants, I have no problem with you being done with me :)


Well-Known Member
If you had no ego, than you wouldn't have replied and tried to get the last word in when I already said I'm done with you, that makes you a liar doesn't it? I guess that makes both of us liars.


Well-Known Member
i'd be interested to no more about these " inorganic, foreign materials " in fertilizer. doesn't sound safe!

i wonder what different chemicals the plant uses out of the soil in an organic grow? what exactly breaks down the organics into compounds the plant can absorb?

why would i want my plant to die at peak production? does that stress produce more resin? or something?


New Member
Flushing is about ridding the medium of nutrients so the plant no longer intakes foreign matter (nutrients) to sustain itself, and thus the plant has to feed itself by absorbing the unneeded leaves. You don't flush the nutrients out, you make it so the plant consumes all that's left before harvest,. You truely have no idea what flushing is or what it does, I'm done talking with you.

And you have absolutely no idea how fermentation, or as it is labeled here, curing works...those supposed horrid chems which the plant needs to live are also what Fuels the fermentation or cure!!! The curing or fermantation is inhibited or stopped if "chems" are not present...doesn't matter if it comes from feces or a bottle it is necessary for proper curing or fermentation.. You are the one who is misinformed and has it ass backwards and apparently will remain that way...seriously read how fermentation processes work and you will see the error of your conclusions...or remain a sheep:dunce:...watch out for the cliff tho....


When vegetation dries, the individual cells which maintained life processes die. But marijuana can still be conditioned by means of fermentation. Fermentation is the process in which microbes and plant enzymes break down complex chemicals into simpler ones, mainly starch and sugars into alcohol and simple acids. In the process chlorophyll is destroyed, giving the material a more ripened appearance. If the fermentation is stopped early, the marijuana has a sweeter taste because of the sugars which the ferment produced.

Fermentation occurs when the moisture content of the marijuana is raised above 15 percent and the temperature is above 60 degrees. The more tightly packed the material, that faster the ferment proceeds. The rate of ferment is controlled primarily by varying the moisture content, but each batch proceeds at its own rate because of differences between plants in nitrogen content. (Nitrogen is necessary to maintain fermenting bacteria.) The process is delicate; should the ferment proceed too rapidly, the marijuana may be converted to compost. Watch the fermentation closely. After the desired colour or flavour (from a dried sample) is reached, dry the grass quickly to stop the process.

During fermentation, flavourings can be added to give the marijuana a spicy aroma. Such spices as cinnamon, cloves, ginger, mace, sage, or vanilla are placed between the fermenting material. Orange, lemon, or lime peels are also used. About half an ounce of spice or four ounces of peel are used for each cubic foot of material to be fermented. The spices are wrapped in cloth sachets. The citrus peels are strung. They can be placed between the layers of marijuana.

There are two types of fermentations: self-generating and forced. They are best used with leaves or immature plants.

Self-Generating Fermentation

Self-generating fermentation proceeds rapidly only when there is enough material to make a heap at least one cubic yard large. When smaller quantities are used, too much of the heat generated by the bacteria is dissipated, so that the process is slow and is more properly considered aging.

Place the material in a large container or in a pile with a tarpaulin placed over it, and lightly spray it with a mister if it is dry. Let the pile heat up for a few days, and then break it down. If it is repacked, the marijuana will develop a dull matte appearance and lose its sugars. IF the process is allowed to proceed even further, the marijuana will disintegrate." -http://www.lycaeum.org


kbo ca

Active Member
I really do not care what any of the writers say...it is simple botany and from personal experience it is a waste of time...dry trim and cure correctly for taste....period

this guy obviously knows nothing about growing good herb... Flush your plants for at least a week.. Ideally you want to flush for two and a half weeks.. The difference in taste will be the difference between your herbs selling or sitting on the shelf..


Well-Known Member
If you had no ego, than you wouldn't have replied and tried to get the last word in when I already said I'm done with you, that makes you a liar doesn't it? I guess that makes both of us liars.
as I said no ego and I don't lie have no need to, I posted for others that might read this thread, was not directed at/toward you, some members here want better buds that was who I was talking to. what I do here is purely for the love of the plant, I feel the new growers that come here have a right to know the truth, so I post it. Some listen, some don't, I move on, it really is that simple to me.

I would invite you to take 10 minutes and go to my calling all noob growers thread (sig link) go to page 40 there are several research post on oxydation & fermentation there, take 10 minutes to read em and if ya don't agree we're cool. Using the info in that research I can actually smoke a bud 5 days after the chop and it taste like it has been curing over a month others are doing it as well, all report the same thing. It works but what do I know after all I'm just an egotisical liar :hump:


Well-Known Member
And you have absolutely no idea how fermentation, or as it is labeled here, curing works...those supposed horrid chems which the plant needs to live are also what Fuels the fermentation or cure!!! The curing or fermantation is inhibited or stopped if "chems" are not present...doesn't matter if it comes from feces or a bottle it is necessary for proper curing or fermentation.. You are the one who is misinformed and has it ass backwards and apparently will remain that way...seriously read how fermentation processes work and you will see the error of your conclusions...or remain a sheep:dunce:...watch out for the cliff tho....


When vegetation dries, the individual cells which maintained life processes die. But marijuana can still be conditioned by means of fermentation. Fermentation is the process in which microbes and plant enzymes break down complex chemicals into simpler ones, mainly starch and sugars into alcohol and simple acids. In the process chlorophyll is destroyed, giving the material a more ripened appearance. If the fermentation is stopped early, the marijuana has a sweeter taste because of the sugars which the ferment produced.

Fermentation occurs when the moisture content of the marijuana is raised above 15 percent and the temperature is above 60 degrees. The more tightly packed the material, that faster the ferment proceeds. The rate of ferment is controlled primarily by varying the moisture content, but each batch proceeds at its own rate because of differences between plants in nitrogen content. (Nitrogen is necessary to maintain fermenting bacteria.) The process is delicate; should the ferment proceed too rapidly, the marijuana may be converted to compost. Watch the fermentation closely. After the desired colour or flavour (from a dried sample) is reached, dry the grass quickly to stop the process.

During fermentation, flavourings can be added to give the marijuana a spicy aroma. Such spices as cinnamon, cloves, ginger, mace, sage, or vanilla are placed between the fermenting material. Orange, lemon, or lime peels are also used. About half an ounce of spice or four ounces of peel are used for each cubic foot of material to be fermented. The spices are wrapped in cloth sachets. The citrus peels are strung. They can be placed between the layers of marijuana.

There are two types of fermentations: self-generating and forced. They are best used with leaves or immature plants.

Self-Generating Fermentation

Self-generating fermentation proceeds rapidly only when there is enough material to make a heap at least one cubic yard large. When smaller quantities are used, too much of the heat generated by the bacteria is dissipated, so that the process is slow and is more properly considered aging.

Place the material in a large container or in a pile with a tarpaulin placed over it, and lightly spray it with a mister if it is dry. Let the pile heat up for a few days, and then break it down. If it is repacked, the marijuana will develop a dull matte appearance and lose its sugars. IF the process is allowed to proceed even further, the marijuana will disintegrate." -http://www.lycaeum.org

Omfg! Microbes like yeast in per say consume carbohydrates and create ethanol alcohol! Well actually they first need to break complex carbohydrates down further into glucose, which is the most simplest form of sugar c6h12o6, and microbes like yeast don't produce ethanol, it's a waste produce like their sweat or urine, they also produce co2 in by breaking down glucose into c2h5oh, but what do I know I only had a few micro brews. These microbes have a downside, they can't consume raw salts or heavy metals, like the ones left in your buds if your plant doesn't use or consume them.

kbo ca

Active Member
Only problem is you don't need to ferment herb.. Curing is just a way to slow down the drying process, which makes your buds more potent.. curing does have a lot to do with taste, but if the buds aren't flushed properly they arent going to taste how they should. Try flushing one of your next plants for a couple weeks. Then tell us which one tastes better