1st time grow,flushing or no flushing how big is the difference???????


Well-Known Member
really though. i dont want my weed to taste what it smells like right now. real talk
but then again, WW aint pose to be much of a taster huh?


New Member
really though. i dont want my weed to taste what it smells like right now. real talk
but then again, WW aint pose to be much of a taster huh?
If you read above you will see that the flush will not improve anything but will actually harm taste smell...it is common sense if you read that and stop and think about it...but if it makes you feel better do it...just trying to help



New Member
Flushing, if only for 1 week will improve flavor and you wont be smoking residue from the fertilizer. 2 weeks flush is the best. Get some Clear-X and use at 30ml per gallon (after you have put twice the volume of water through your soil.. ex-6 gallon buckets need 12 gallons of water put through them in a day). Use clear-x heavily for 1-3 days, then use water with 1-3 TBSP molasses added per gallon until you harvest. You have put in all that work up till now, dont waste it on harvesting un-flushed plants ! The buds WILL continue to firm up and get more resin on them. Dont worry, Flush and be happy! Good Luck thegrowschool.com

You say this but teach people to grow??? you need to go back to school as what you are stating is false

Read my post from SENSI SEEDS ADMIN...



Well-Known Member
if one is tryin to do the impostor thing on mother nature buy copyin it, flushin sounds retarded. but then again, momma nature doesnt fuck around with chemicals.
i feel to lazy to flush anywho....oh well, i'll just have to cure it longer and better to get rid of the taste i guess


Well-Known Member
To those of you that are flushing and think it makes em better,,,,you may be right but for the wrong reasons???

It is a proven fact that drowning them at the end improves taste because the plant (all plants) will actually start the fermintation process turning sugars to alcohol in an attempt to survive "the flood" which can occur naturally in mother nature (why plants are wired to do this.

I suspect that those getting better taste from flushing are actually keep the root zone wet and not allowing it to dry out thus drowning them, as it take about 12 days under a light for the fermentaion process to occur?

There is a better way, those of us that follow this technique feed till the end then drown them, leave lights on for a day to moblize the water (which only takes a few hours) then lights out for 3 to 4 days, with out the lights the plant can't transpire the water and it drowns faster once this process starts in the living plant it will continue after the chop (harvest)

There is always a bit of truth in the myths if you look for it :)


Well-Known Member
I gotta say, at first I was on the fence/leaning toward flushing, but Sensi doesn't make mistakes. Especially when they have so much info to back up a claim.


Active Member
I've tried flushing and not flushing. I'm in no rush to smoke what I've grown so I let everything I grow cure for at LEAST a month before trying to smoke it. The only difference I've noticed after a good cure is the yield. I.e. no food = less yield.

Cure, cure, cure, 1000x cure.


Well-Known Member
It is a proven fact that drowning them at the end improves taste because the plant (all plants) will actually start the fermintation process turning sugars to alcohol in an attempt to survive "the flood" which can occur naturally in mother nature (why plants are wired to do this.

I suspect that those getting better taste from flushing are actually keep the root zone wet and not allowing it to dry out thus drowning them, as it take about 12 days under a light for the fermentaion process to occur?
As I do not follow yer rain methods nor do I flush,just stop the ferts and water NORMALLY how the fuck am I drowning the damn plants man?
I mean if that were the case they would die from rootrot long before finishing........I do not follow yer logic.
Do you have a thread where you have some actual pics of yer plants doing all that you claim?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to write a book and tell people to go kick themselves in the nuts, and I bet 99% of the idiots who read it will go do it if I explain it in a believeable way, convincing the reader that it will make his dick bigger. Few will ever do their own research, and will believe every fucking word just because it was in a book.

And I'll be rich, laughing my ass off while smoking some smooth, great tasting, non-flushed product.

To each his own. If you can taste a difference, fine, flush your little heart out. Your yield is suffering, but it's your choice and I really don't give a fuck. This red and blue argument will never end, so you guys have fun as I vow never to join a flushing debate again, because they are pointless.

I have my own asshole, I don't want to hear about yours.


Well-Known Member
spandy! sit yo ass down and shut the funk up! the only trashtalker aroun hurr is ME!
if you dont flush, i'll kill ya
if you do flush, i kill you twice before you even hit the ground! everybody need to listen to me. give me all your plants and i'll flush em for ya. and smoke em for you too! cause thats just what i do

kbo ca

Active Member
ill flush your moms little heart out... How do you kick yourself in the nuts?? Have fun smoking your shitty weed and playing with your asshole