1st "real" grow.. Advise from experienced ppl appreciated


Well-Known Member
You beg to differ so why dont you cut off the leaves on your next grow leaving only the tops until 2 weeks into flower.. and we'll see if you have the same yield you did on your last grow. Im sorry but if you get less then an ounce of one plant with a 1000 watts you shouldnt be growing, I highly doubt what your saying is factual.
So I think you are confusing "leaves" with "buds" or "bud sites." And yes if you fuck up really badly you can get next to nothing no matter how many watts you throw at it.


Active Member
I dont think you should go by breeders time if you want more yield, the breeders grow under optimal conditions 1000 watts per m2 so their plants are ready faster


Well-Known Member
You are arguing semantics which I do not.
Well, it matters if you are advising people to cut their leaves off. You will end up giving bad advice. Or do you not understand that? :wall:

Whatever dude, I am done with you. You are an idiot AND you have already shown that you have absolutely no sense of humor. Sims, watch out for whatever this guy tells you. Double or triple check that shit. As a matter of fact, you should probably do that with any advice you get on this forum, and yes that includes advice from me, I am not special. Some people will tell you what they think makes sense in their minds, but will ultimately guide you in a bad direction.


Active Member
Well, it matters if you are advising people to cut their leaves off. You will end up giving bad advice. Or do you not understand that? :wall:

Whatever dude, I am done with you. You are an idiot AND you have already shown that you have absolutely no sense of humor. Sims, watch out for whatever this guy tells you. Double or triple check that shit. As a matter of fact, you should probably do that with any advice you get on this forum, and yes that includes advice from me, I am not special. Some people will tell you what they think makes sense in their minds, but will ultimately guide you in a bad direction.
Lmao its kinda hard to know a joke over the internet and I dont see where I show to have no sense of humor lol Im not trying to demean your character.. When did I advise anyone to cut their leaves off I said you should cut your leaves off and tell me leaves dont equal buds. As for everything it is one hundred percent accurate.

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Well for the record I trimmed almost all the leaves off my glp .. and most off the Ww , I wasn't sure if this is good or bad at the time , (everybody has their own opinion) but I simply trimmed the bushier plants that were not getting light on the mid to lower branches.. if there is adequate light . Like on my cc plant. I did no trimming... I figure there's only one way to find out ... Although to properly do an accurate experiment I should use two clones from the same mother and cut the leaves off of one so that there is only 1 variable ...

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna lie I had to Google "semantics" lol... I thought I had a pretty good vocabulary , but that was a good 1.... And to what extent do runt seeds play in this equation?? I have 3 plants all grown under the same conditions ... My cotton candy is 4-5 times the size as the rest and I believe it will double the yield of the other plants ATLEAST . Idk if my Ww and glp just suck.. or if my cc is just a beast but I don't think pulling fan leaves would have changed that , I believe it was pre-determined from seed... The old nature vs. Nurture argument ... And I do think nurture does affect the plant , because without light water or oxygen there can't be life , but I think no matter what the conditions are . If I grow these three plants under the same conditions my cc will always yield more


Well-Known Member
i have been following ur thread but not posting. i have pulled less than an o off of a plant under my thousand watter. lighting isnt the only factor u need to consider when thinking yield. its strain, indica or sativa, veg time, light, temps of ur tent or growing area temps of ur root zone, humidity, watering schedule, nutrients and the proper dosages of those nutrients not to mention co2. if u dont have them right even with a thousand watter u may still end up with half a zip. although my half zip was only on a 2 week veg clone but still its all to be considered. plus u r wasting ur time trying to guess yield becuz u will be sadly disappointed in ur first run if u keep trying to guess.ur first few runs are considered practice runs since ur still a freshman at weed growing. try guessing ur second or third run. by about ur third run ur estimates should be pretty close. and take everything on this site with a grain of salt. not all the info thats givin is correct. but here is a peace of advice i can give u to tell if ur plants are done cuz u really shouldnt go with breeders time frames. check ur trichome color and watch for the swelling to end. u will notice the buds fattening up in the last few weeks of life. cut a short time after the swelling has stopped.


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna lie I had to Google "semantics" lol... I thought I had a pretty good vocabulary , but that was a good 1.... And to what extent do runt seeds play in this equation?? I have 3 plants all grown under the same conditions ... My cotton candy is 4-5 times the size as the rest and I believe it will double the yield of the other plants ATLEAST . Idk if my Ww and glp just suck.. or if my cc is just a beast but I don't think pulling fan leaves would have changed that , I believe it was pre-determined from seed... The old nature vs. Nurture argument ... And I do think nurture does affect the plant , because without light water or oxygen there can't be life , but I think no matter what the conditions are . If I grow these three plants under the same conditions my cc will always yield more
thats becuz its sativa dominant.

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Yea.. only 1 problem, I have no magnifying glass.. so how do I check to see if its done without???,just wait till pistols change color?? And are u saying sativas yield more than indicas??? I thought sativas were tall and skinny and indicas short & bushy but I thought the yield would generally be the same .and I know height is a major concern .. but if sativas yield more wouldn't they b preferred by indoor growers since they are way faster to grow and yield more??

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Random question ... Would the quality of my bud be severely affected is I chose to cure in plastic Tupperware? it is air tight and brand new, I know everyone says to use glass jars , but is this more of a necessity or just a slightly better option ?


Well-Known Member
Random question ... Would the quality of my bud be severely affected is I chose to cure in plastic Tupperware? it is air tight and brand new, I know everyone says to use glass jars , but is this more of a necessity or just a slightly better option ?
I was wondering the same thing, but I bought some glass jars anyways.

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Are u implying that I had something to do with the failure of the seed?? Lol maybe, but!!! It was left under the same exact conditions as my cc glp and Ww . And at the same Damn time ! (Actually a refference to a song I keep hearing on the radio, corny joke. I kno) but anyway .. & I think that if something were to b wrong with my method of germination ... The other 3 would have faultered aswell.

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
And I know .. I get it.. dud seeds happens , its just part of the game ... But I still feel like I got robbed. I mean , I did pay for it.. its not like since the seed didn't germ I get store credit or sum sh*t. So basically they get to sell me a seed , I get nothing , they get paid , and both parties are supposed to b happy ??? I know it might sound ok to yall. but to me... Hell no !!! In my hood u sell somebody a bag of b.s. bud . They gonna come back wanting their money back.. might sound crazy , but I've seen fights start over this, and u would b surprised how fast something so small could escelate into a situation which people end up getting hurt.. now I'm not saying I'm trying to take it to that level of ignorance. Not over a seed, and besides that's just not my character. But... The point I'm trying to make is......... Well... Idk what point I'm trying to make is , I just don't like paying for a a service or goods and not receiveing it. And I feel like they take advantage of that because they know the product is illegal and we can't really complain about it .