1st Indoor Grow Using a Stealth Cabinet with CFL's


Active Member
Hello All! im back with my every 3 day update! Things are looking a little "shattty" if i say so myself! The droopy-ness has continued, i have added water and kept up my nutrients every other watering! I placed my lighting a little different for more room to start my next grow and also to reduce heat! I moved my plant closer to the Exhaust fan and Intake Fan hoping that the constant air flow of expelled air and fresh air would help! I have always been told when watering your plant to treat the soil not the plant, i wait til the soil is dry 2 inches down before ever watering and water til water comes through the bottom (barely, not gushing). I placed my plant under 2 T5 60watt lights, these lights run very very warm raising my temps up to 84+ so i cant really run them unless im home and able to leave my Cab open. While using my T5 lights i did notice the plants droopy-ness was getting better, the new growth was reaching out for the lights but unforutantly i work 24 hour shifts, once ever 3 days so i cant keep those lights in and the Cab open while im away so i have to revert back to my CFl's. Never growing with CFL's i dont know really how much the plant wants and needs, i have the wattage right for a plant, i have side lighting, and im using 6500k and 2700k lights. Im also switching the plants to all 12/12 perpectual lighting and planning on leaving it on this 24/7, i have talked to a fellow on here who leaves his plants 12/12 an has wonderful yields for the past 3 years. Why not try it out? Im going to upload some pics let me know what u guys think?


Active Member
droopy plant cfl's.jpgdroopy plant cfl's 2.jpg

Here is the plant currently under the CFLs, I cant get all the lights in the picture due to having hanging side lighting that would block the view of the plant! If u notice in this pic, I am now using 2700k and 6500k lights since im going to be doing the Perpectual Lighting 12/12. I believe there are a constant 9 or 10 cfls no farther than 5 inches away at all times, some lights being places as close as 2 in but none as fas as 6inches! i really dont think the plant is not getting the light it needs, but it may? Never growing with CFL's i dont know what light is used by the plant. Im just in a predicament with these droopy leaves and its quite depressing! Lights? Water? Nutes? Air? im a temp and humidity nazi so i know its not the temps!


Active Member
t5 lighting.jpg

Here is hopefully Mrs. Droopy! lol I put this pic up for u to see the 2 T5 lights, that run hott as hell but the plant does like it. The plant after like 2 hours was already reaching for these lights over the CFL's

Thanks for Sub'N up LOYALTY, Over watering seems to make since to me? but also everyone saying that check the soil not the plant has kinda been throwing me off, the soil is dry top and bottom every day even if watered the day before. So what do i do? I water the bitch! 1/8 of a gallon every morning maybe a little more but that seems to be about how much goes in the Pot to achieve leakage under neith


Well-Known Member
Do minimum nutes and stop wattering for a day or two. When you water use a spray bottle on mist mode and use that spray to get the soil.


Active Member
Struggling indeed! happened so FAST! temps are 70-80 never more! I just put them on 12/12 today, it was on like 18/6. I will lay off the watering i reckon! I just hope thats the problem


Well-Known Member
I just googled all reasons why they droop and examined your pics. They will be 100% in 2 days once water and nutes are lowered.

So the new seeds, where do you put them? So your harvesting every 30 days? If so can you help explain how I can too? Have 4 plants in sprout, 4 plants in veg and 4 in flower stage at all time?


Active Member
Thanks man! i wont water them for a while i was slowly reading up all that and just came to that same conclusion! I guess i wont read my soil just read my plants like i do outdoors! I will send u the link of the guy who i talked to about 12/12 so wait for a PM


Well-Known Member
i would say overwatering as well, let that soil get nice and dry man. your plants will tell you when they need water or you can judge by the lifting the pot method. just get some dry soil and put it in a pot the same size and see how heavy it is, judge your other plants with that weight and water when they feel about the same weight


Active Member
Thanks Guys! Hopefully in 3days my plant will be back up and running and i wont be embarrassed to upload pics of the the thing! Im planning a Home Depot trip tomorrow after i get off, anything else i need! what would be some good soil HomeDepot will have for my next batch of plants that i placed in the RockWool?


Well-Known Member
any soil is fione just get some seedling soil for them when u put in solo cups, try and stay away from anything that has pre mixed nutes in it, its easier to add your own than risk burning them with water released nutes.


Active Member
Exactly what i was thinking! No Nutes in it, i just want some good medium! I got the General Organics Go Box i feel like im comfortable enough doing all the Nutes myself! The soil i started off with this year is whats throwing me off with the watering and nute schedule! Lesson learned! Im thinking about doing the Party Cup Challenge and just growing in some cups! Along with one plant in a bigger pot to make a few extra dollars :p


Well-Known Member
glad you settled with over-watering as the issue. As far as a nutrient free medium, i like coconut husk alot. Also a layer of sand over the top of the soil is always a good prevention from some pests.


Well-Known Member
Just fyi, Granny's 2¢ worth...

The 2" rule is very subjective, depending on the size of your pots, the size of your root system, and how well your soil drains. What soil are you using? Do you have sand, or perlite or something mixed into the soil to provide aeration and good drainage? If the soil cannot get dry all the way through, your roots will get stunted.

The soil needs to be relatively dry all the way through to encourage the root system to extend and look for water. When you water your plants, water around the rim of the pot rather than down the middle around the stem. Along the edges is where your root tips are and that's where your plant will draw water first.


Active Member
Thanks bluejeans! Way to simplify it for me, after checking on my plants today the soil is very saturated towards the bottom. the 2 inch rule does not apply for me and my soil. Im currently using 20% peat, 20% compost, and the remaining 60% is top soil/garden soil, not the best for my little indoor buddy. Im not using that mixture any more after buying my General Organics. Im going to let my plant soil dry out all the way, waiting prob 3-4 days to feed and water. I also just made a home depot run I have a few more things now :p I will update on Wed, happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Glad I could help! I thought your pots looked a little tall for the 2" rule to work well. That really is best applied to seeding and clones with no real root system yet, once the roots have started expanding, you gotta be conscious of the whole pot.