1st Grow... Working with what I got!


Active Member
Can anyone tell me why 1 leaf is growing bigger/faster than its counter part? And should I be worries about the slight yellow on the broad leaves? Sorry about crappy picture quality...

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Since these are in MG there will be a little nute stress on the little seedlings. Seedlings I just mist the soil and keep covered in a dome.


Active Member
Sorry... haha, yeah seed leaves... LOL my bad. I'm guessing it could be small burn... the very tip of the small leaf is almost white, and a little hard to the touch...

should I possibly wait to transplant into the FF or do u think the FF could help it?


Active Member
as far as the dome thing goes, I had two under domes, and they seemed to have just rotted away... thats why I'm down to 4 instead of 6...

Captain Jaz

Active Member
Don't worry about it, they are looking healthy, about time to get those lights 3-4" above them if you can, you don't want them stretching as if they stretch too much the stem can't handle it and they will fall over.


Active Member
I do have the lights about 2-3 inches away, but I realized that the pot settled down almost an 8th of the way, so the seedlings are deeper in the pot than they should be... next time I have to settle the pots first obviously, but how full should they be (reguardless of size) to the top?

Captain Jaz

Active Member
as far as the dome thing goes, I had two under domes, and they seemed to have just rotted away... thats why I'm down to 4 instead of 6...
Yea, if u use domes u need to poke holes in them for air. Propergators are best. But even then, I would only use propopgators for unrooted cuttings, and for seedlings until they sprout, after that, a nice warm 50%+ humidity veg room is fine

Captain Jaz

Active Member
I do have the lights about 2-3 inches away, but I realized that the pot settled down almost an 8th of the way, so the seedlings are deeper in the pot than they should be... next time I have to settle the pots first obviously, but how full should they be (reguardless of size) to the top?
I always fill my pots to the top, as any medium will settle a little. And also you want as much space for your roots as possible.


Active Member
I'm getting new/bigger pots when i hit home depot in about an hour... God, now I have to look up pot sizes bc im ocd like that... have to know what my options are!!! AH HA HA... the craziness continues


Active Member
ok... so I am currently in 6 inch pots with drainage tray... 16 in or 20 in for the upgrade? Bigger maybe? IDK but I'm pretty sure I'm only going to want to transplant once

Captain Jaz

Active Member
Yes, wait till they have 2-3 pairs of leaves, and make sure you scoop out as big an area around each plant as possible to avoid damaging the roots.
You could do that now... but you'd have to be uber careful, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for any deaths.. esp as u only have 4 plants.

Captain Jaz

Active Member
ok... so I am currently in 6 inch pots with drainage tray... 16 in or 20 in for the upgrade? Bigger maybe? IDK but I'm pretty sure I'm only going to want to transplant once
Your right there, ideally, you would be best off never transplanting, and going from seed/cutting in 5 gallon pots, but for most people, that isn't practical. 6" deep pots are the minimum for cuttings and seeds imo. And they will be good in those for 2-4 weeks.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
as far as the dome thing goes, I had two under domes, and they seemed to have just rotted away... thats why I'm down to 4 instead of 6...
Domes are mainly for people who get into a situation and can't be there to water. Even still they need airholes. I have a mini-greenhouse for my seedlings and my clones and all of my other plants are watered electronically, except when I'm cloning I'll water my moms by hand to get them into rapid growth. Right now I'm working on a F&D mother system for a single mom closet op for a friend who has been seriously misguilded. This afternoon I soldiered together a mini-pump using the tin from a spent aerosol can and a diskspin motor from a cd player. I have employed a six volt dc wall adaptor to operate it. Even though I feel the impellor still needs to be trimmed down a little bit more, my mini-pump has passed all the preliminary tests. After I have the impellor set in the pump properly I'll paint it with a non-toxic paint to make it look pretty. Right now it's pumping just a little to fast for what we have set. I use to grow your style in the eighties but it takes to long for a crop and then there's the male thing and all kinds of other problems. You don't need a lot of money, you just need to be creative.


Curling leaves could be many things, to much water/ not enough water. What i seemed to found out as a helpful tip, is to water them and then lift the pot up get the feel of how heavy it is. wait a few days and lift it again, you should know a significant difference. And the lighter it is then its time to feed:) or just poke your finger in the dirt and get a feel of the dirt, if its wet or dry, Ive read to go about an inch into the ground. But if you are using miracle grow, make sure its not the kind that has those little things in it that store water or whatever, i usually stick to organic dirt just cause i like to know what my babies are eating. Idk if i am of any use. but i have had a successful grow and I'm here to help ya if you need it! I'm always down to help out. Most of my info I obtained from reading online and such for months, lol i wanted to do it right. In the future if you plan on still growing I suggested investing into a HPS light. Lets of some heat help keep your little babies warm and more light the better:) I started growing for the same reason., save me some coin! and to know what im smoking of course, I'm sort of a what you call it a worrier? haha
Hope your grow turns to be a successful one! Enjoy :)


Active Member
The Fox Farm Ocean Forest and the Perlite have officially made it home!!! Yeah!!! The guy at the IGS gave him 2 free sample bottle of Humboldt's Snow Storm Ultra... anyone ever use this b4? Obviously its for flowering, but hey, it was free! LOL

Captain Jaz

Active Member
The Fox Farm Ocean Forest and the Perlite have officially made it home!!! Yeah!!! The guy at the IGS gave him 2 free sample bottle of Humboldt's Snow Storm Ultra... anyone ever use this b4? Obviously its for flowering, but hey, it was free! LOL
Good to hear it! And tbh, with good soil like that, you won't need nutes till week 3 flowering anyway. Or if you do, just be careful. I haven't used it, what is its N.P.K?