1st Grow... Working with what I got!


Active Member
Got some organic insect killer (listed mites, thrips, and everything else- so I figure I'm covered)... Hopefully this clears up any problems. Don't think I will be able to get a picture, because the 1st (and only so far) I found I got on a toothpick and squished... I think...


Active Member
At this point I don't think it's going to matter... The stem has shriveled up thinner than a toothpick and is all yellow and brown looking, but the leaves are still green and pretty (kinda)... I really doubt my poor little thing is going to make it... I've never had much of a green thumb. I suck!


Well-Known Member
At this point I don't think it's going to matter... The stem has shriveled up thinner than a toothpick and is all yellow and brown looking, but the leaves are still green and pretty (kinda)... I really doubt my poor little thing is going to make it... I've never had much of a green thumb. I suck!

yea at this point it does not matter.. you can come and get some new ones.

I think it was the dirt. was your soil hard when dry?


Active Member
It was only dry when I got it out of the bag... lol... It's FFOF, mixed with perlite. It hasn't needed water since my transplant... I need some nice clones that won't keel over on me. LOL


Active Member
Hello all. The thread is good to know primary steps. My friend and I decided to try a small hobbie grow and are very new to growing. Using a small area in his basement that stays around 35-40 percent humidity this is what we have done so far....

This is a random bagseed. It and 2 others are under 4-26w cfl bulbs. (20-4)
Lights are 8" above plants. They are 2 weeks from seed. (6 days germination and a week and a day in soil) Temp is kept at 75-80. He waters them every day and a half as needed. (No nutes yet)

So any thoughts can you give for us??? :|
Hello all. The thread is good to know primary steps. My friend and I decided to try a small hobbie grow and are very new to growing. Using a small area in his basement that stays around 35-40 percent humidity this is what we have done so far....

This is a random bagseed. It and 2 others are under 4-26w cfl bulbs. (20-4)
Lights are 8" above plants. They are 2 weeks from seed. (6 days germination and a week and a day in soil) Temp is kept at 75-80. He waters them every day and a half as needed. (No nutes yet)

So any thoughts can you give for us??? :|
First of all the bulbs are they 6500K, 8500K, 7200K, or 2700K?
You want to use more of a cool hue more in the 6500-8500K range.
Get the CFL's about 2-3 inches from the plants.


Active Member
So... 3 of my four cups have sprouted... all about and inch. YEAH!!! They love the fox farm compared to the Miracle Grow... they have already grown 3 times faster than the MG. I will be posting pics later tonight. Going to celebrate my daughters 3rd birthday!!!


Active Member
Made some phenomenal butter last night... then made 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies... YUM!!! Everyone all of a sudden got hit hard about the same time. It was wonderful...


Well-Known Member
Its just odd, I guess I should have posed as a chic because I started a thread kinda like this but it would prob be titled"1st grow , spent hundred and hundreds(still am)" and it got to like 9 pages of comments, not that I'm looking for comments/opinions on anything that I do (the finished product is enough for me) but I mean wtf??? I grew 5+ foot tall plants first time up and nobodies interested . AND most of the post on said thread "1st grow , spent hundred and hundreds(still am)" most of the comments are me talking to myself!! haha, wtf. Gonna make a new pro, gonna sound real feminine and shit. gonna get me some free seeds!


Active Member
Its just odd, I guess I should have posed as a chic because I started a thread kinda like this but it would prob be titled"1st grow , spent hundred and hundreds(still am)" and it got to like 9 pages of comments, not that I'm looking for comments/opinions on anything that I do (the finished product is enough for me) but I mean wtf??? I grew 5+ foot tall plants first time up and nobodies interested . AND most of the post on said thread "1st grow , spent hundred and hundreds(still am)" most of the comments are me talking to myself!! haha, wtf. Gonna make a new pro, gonna sound real feminine and shit. gonna get me some free seeds!
I feel you bro I just notcied that yesterday this Journal has like 3,300 views, I've had mine up since mid november and im at like 1600 views, I dont personally care though as long as long as i get some smoke and do some learning. but hey its more intriguing to the people on here when a female is growing lets face it there is a lot of guys on here just like us. You see a female growing and it sparks the interest level up...and no offense to the females I dont think that was offensive but just saying
haha, oh but I like my sig just the way it is!
and I would just leave your sig hit enter at the end of it and add another line that way it is a little easier for people to find it and check it out

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I feel all ya'lls pain. I'm trying to get 1g/w off a 250wCFL DWC, up for over 2 months and a measly 136 posts and half of them are mine. I'm changing my name to "I have boobs and can make babies" I'll get 10,000 replies overnight. No love for the Old White Males.

Oh yeah, good job Capt.


Active Member
dayfour.jpgdayfour4.jpgdayfour2.jpgcookies.jpg Day 5 from planted seed... doing so much better than my first set of seeds. And some cookies I made... Mmmm DELICIOUS!!!


Active Member
My white widow seeds arrived in detroit yesterday!!! That means I should have them no later than tomorrow. Im so excited!!! Have to get the new grow room finished.


Active Member
Day 6ish (my night and day is all screwed up... so my plants probably are too) LOL... Lights are 24/7 right now, average temp is about 78 and humidity is 30%.
All of my plants have their second set of leaves coming in... Getting big and looking pretty.

Waiting for the mail today... Just found out my free seeds are Kannabia La Blanca (white widow x snow white) and Kannabia Smile... And i keep getting texts at the most random times from people saying they have a seed or two for me. LOL...

You guys said something about nobody commenting on your threads... Don't feel bad... I had almost 200 views on here recently with no comments... So it's not just the boobs. LOL