1st Grow - Sea of Green, 2x6 Standard Sliding Door Closet


Active Member
Legal Preface: My girlfriend and I are both authorized medicinal marijuana patients and as such are allowed to grow a total of 12 flowering, 24 vegetative plants. Our current count is 9 flowering thereby easily falling under the maximum number allowed to us by the state of CA.

Thanks for checking out my first grow! If you have constructive criticism or any pointers, they will be highly appreciated! As with anyone new to growing, I spent countless hours researching an array of different techniques. There is so much information out there and while most of that info seems to agree at a base level, when you get more in-depth into the intricacies of nutrient cocktails, PH & temperature affecting nutrient uptake, etc. it seems like there are varying opinions from "experts" everywhere, many of which conflict.

Essentially, I have tried to find the best of those expert opinions and give it a try. I tried to take the most reputable forum posters with the most experience and weight their information highest to try to get the best idea of how to complete a successful first grow. In this journal, I will try to represent all of the information I've come across and hopefully anyone who sees this will be able to point out any bad or incorrect information. Please feel free to respond at any time with constructive criticism!

After much research, I have decided to start off in my first foray into the growing world by doing an Ebb & Flow set-up in my closet. The space in this closet is pretty unique and having researched for a month for a grow tent that will actually fit into a 2x6x9 space. Depth is the obvious limitation and almost all tents are deeper than 24" so I decided to build my own enclosure within the closet. I am using the following parts:

1x XtraCool Air-Cooled Reflector
1x 400w HPS Hortiluxe Bulb
1x 400w switchable ballast
1x 200CFM Carbon Scrubber
1x 400CFM Inline Fan
1x 2x2 Botanicare Flood Tray (Part #707050)
1x 20Gal. Botanicare Reservoir (Part #707135)
1x set of flood/drain fittings
1x Sunleaves Durapump Air Pump (Part #SDA500)
1x Sunleaves 3" Air Stone (Part #SDAS506)
1x ActiveAqua AAPW250 - 250gph Reservoir Pump
1x ActiveAqua AAPW160 - 160gph Backup Pump (used for draining reservoir)
1x Pair of Adjustable Grow Light Reflector Hangers
25' Ultra-reflective 6" ducting
4'x25' Ultra-reflective Mylar
4'x10' Ultra-reflective Mylar
1x Oscillating Fan Tower (already had this)

Some people may think that I over-purchased for my first grow but my goal was to be able to expand in the future for minimal additional investment. Additionally, the goal is to expand into additional grow trays as opposed to larger trays so that I can uniquely control nutrient saturation in each tray and can set up a perpetual harvest similar to Al B Fuct's famous harvest every 2 weeks SOG.

After picking up all the required parts, I started first by getting everything situated in my closet in the final positions so that I knew how best to utilize my space. Please see the attached pictures for an idea of how things are set-up in my closet.

Once I had spaced everything appropriately, I took moving boxes from Home Depot and cut them down one side and folded them out flat. This left me with an approx. 6'x3.5' cardboard panel that I used as backing for the Mylar. I used 3M spray adhesive and rolled the Mylar out across the cardboard and let it dry. When finished, each panel has flexibility at the joints and the flaps can also be used to complete corner transitions in the closet.

After finishing up all my panels, I mounted them to the walls using Command adhesive strips (no long-term damage to the closet = win) and let the upper portion of the box fall over the hanger rod in the closet. It was like a revelation when the first panel fit perfectly and tented across the hanger rod, lol. Once I had the rest of the panels in, I attached one to the inner-most door and allowed it to extend ~6" across the end of the doorway to cover the open gap between sliding doors when closed. To cover the inside of the outer sliding door, I simply created another cardboard/mylar panel that I manually put in place prior to closing the door. This allows me ease of access for reservoir/plant maintenance. Additionally, I created movable panels for the areas that cover my light/pump timers and my reservoir heater/base of oscillating fan for ease of access to my equipment. Finally, the last touch was using foil tape (Home Depot) to patch any holes and close up anything that did not need to be accessible.

You can see the finished result in the 'Final' pictures below. These pictures are from the end of Week 1 so you can also see my plants in their current state. My next Journal entry will detail my nutrients, PPM, PH, plant types, and a picture of each with height and a general assessment of the plant's health. I will follow up each week with updates including the same information.



Well-Known Member
is that a cool tube? I dont have much experience, but i was told that it affects lumen output a lot... so better avoid it?
but really nice set up... whats the temperature and humidity in there?


Active Member
is that a cool tube? I dont have much experience, but i was told that it affects lumen output a lot... so better avoid it?
but really nice set up... whats the temperature and humidity in there?
Sorry for the late reply...been away. No, this is an XtraCool reflector that has 6" input/outputs so that the bulb can be air cooled. It also has a glass shield on the underside so that heat generated by the bulb does not transfer (well, almost none transfers..) downward to the canopy. The intake side is connected too my carbon filter and exhaust goes into my ceiling and connects to my inline fan where it is exhausted out into the attic space. Essentially I've just created a negative pressure situation in my closet so that air is drawn inward via the doors from the room and exhausted into the attic.

Temperature sits between 71 and 75.5 degrees F at the canopy and never fluctuates more than a half degree over my house's thermostat temperature. Humidity also remains pretty ideal between 44 and 49 so I should be able to keep any bud rot out. I picked up a digital thermometer/humidity gauge from Lowe's last week for $20 bucks that has a probe on it which I hung at canopy level.

Thanks for checking it out! I will post a couple more pics of their current status in a day or so. I have been spending the last couple days battling with some curling leaves indicating that I may be overwatering. I was doing 2x/day during light for 15min each but my rw cubes retain shit-tons of water. I switched to 1x/day watering to see how they react and thus far they look slightly better. Next time I am going to try putting a coco mat underneath the cubes for a bit less absorption and a little more drainage.


Active Member
Heh...tax return money. Total invested is right around $850 bucks. I wanted a set-up that I could easily add tables to in the future for minimal expense. Total cost of a new table/res/all components required is like $135 bucks per each 2x2. I probably could have saved another $100-150 by going with DIY solutions or cheaper stuff but I wanted to take the equipment fudge factor out so that I have less questions about what is causing my plants' problems when they occur.


Active Member
Sorry for the lack of updates everyone. I've been extremely busy with work. Okay, down to the details of the grow.

I pre-conditioned all of my rockwool cubes with PH 5.5 water. After reading thoroughly and the arguments on all sides for water types, I'm just going to go with my tap water. I left it out 24 hours (even though everything I have read says that 1-2 hours is sufficient for whatever chlorine is going to evaporate to do so) just in case prior to conditioning my cubes and soaked them for about 30 min. According to the Grodan site, it is a common misconception that the cubes need to be soaked for a long period of time and the initial conditioning phase is simply to dissolve and break down any leftover limestone in the spun rock substrate. We'll see what happens but I'll trust Grodan for now...

I am using SuperThrive concentrate (1-2 drops per gallon) to promote good root growth (will stop using SuperThrive 3 or 4 weeks before harvesting - have heard that it may affect the taste...anyone have any experience with that?). Also, I am using Supernaturla Bloom Aqua as my only nutrient supplement. N-P-K on this shit is 11-8-18 so it seems like there is a pretty decent balance of nutes since I am flowering ONLY. Being my first grow I wanted something simple and the hydro store owner recommended this. I know everyone's got some bullshit at some time or another from their 'hydro store guy' but I have seen 2 of this guy's grows and I trust him. Hopefully he didn't steer me wrong (a lot of people seem to have issues with these nutes it seems from doing some forum browsing - anyone have any experience using these nutes?). He did tell me, though, that the directions on the label indicating 1.5tsp/gal are retarded and to start with a half teaspoon per gallon and adjust from there.

For right now I'm sticking with testing the PH using the test solution that came with my PH up/down kit but I've never done this before so judging between varying shades of orange and yellow, even while sober, leaves me scratching my fuckin head. I'm the type of guy who likes to know the actual number, too, so I will probably pick up a digital tester later this week. I'll most likely pick up a TDS/EC tester then as well...we'll see how my plants end up looking, but reading about wanting to see a very slow decrease in the TDS in your reservoir has pretty much made my decision for me.

All clones purchased from local dispensary. I got about the second pick out of his entire batch and I got the first rooters and biggest stems. Yellowing on lower leaves of some of them, too, indicating root growth...hopefully they don't suck :)

3x Maui Wowie
3x Green Crack
3x Trainwreck

These are 3 of my favorite strains (the local shop I got them from has like 14 pretty popular strains...they seem legit, too - got to see the mothers and the dry product). One of the Mauis (MW#1) was not happy when I got home and got it in the closet so I'm hoping it will recover well. I have propped it up for now to see if it will recover. One of the Trainwrecks (TW#1) is also pretty pansy...small stem and a bit lean-y but I have faith! Here are the pics!

Green Crack #1 - Day 1.jpg
Green Crack #1 - Day 1

Green Crack #2 - Day 1.jpg
Green Crack #2 - Day 1 (blurry - I know)

Green Crack #3 - Day 1.jpg
Green Crack #3 - Day 1

TrainWreck #1 - Day 1.jpg
Trainwreck #1 - Day 1 (propped up - pretty weak)

TrainWreck #2 - Day 1.jpg
Trainwreck #2 - Day 1

TrainWreck #3 - Day 1.jpg
Trainwreck #3 - Day 1

Maui Wowie #1 - Day 1.jpg
Maui Wowie #1 - Day 1 (Looks baaaaad. Poor fella. I have it propped now.)

Maui Wowie #2 - Day 1.jpg
Maui Wowie #2 - Day 1

Maui Wowie #3 - Day 1.jpg
Maui Wowie #3 - Day 1 (Auto focus hates my plants, heh - this one is STRONG!)



Active Member
End of Week 1


After being propped for a day both MW1 and TW1 have recovered and are free-standing. I've got the oscillating fan on them getting them stronger stem muscles, too, so it looks like no problems. The one I was worried about most, MW3, is one of the best looking now.

I watched the plants for a couple days and PH adjusted my water to what seemed closest to 5.5 to me on the color scale but after 3 days, while they looked like they were improving, they were also showing signs of nute burn. I immediately went out and picked up a PH meter and a PPM tester so I could really see what was happening. Turns out my estimate was more close to 6.4 PH which was NOT what I was aiming for. Adjusted my PH to 5.6 and then checked my PPM which turned out to be 459. After that, I measured daily for PPM/PH fluctuations and while I saw standard increases in PH, I also saw the PPM going up indicating that I was over-nute'ing my babies! Fuck that, I says.

After I figured out that my nute mixture was too high (I know now that I probably should have started my clones out for the first week on a pretty weak solution, but hey - first time for everything) I removed a bit of water and added new with a PPM more around 350 to bring my concentration down. I adjusted this down to 453 the first day and it still went up. Will continue to adjust down in this manner until I've got equilibrium or the PPM begins to decrease.

Also, I noticed what appears to be a bit of leaf curl on some of the girls...I'm thinking that 3x/day for 15min each cycle is just too much so I backed the cycles down to 2x a day and will keep checking the cubes' weight. Take a look at the pics in the first post for an idea of how things are coming - I didn't take any individual pictures of the plants this week.


Active Member
End of Week 2

Cleaned everything in res, tray, and entire grow room with a water and hydrogen peroxide mixture just after the end of Week1 and started with water PPM of 400 (my tap water is 102 PPM so ~300PPM from nutes) and PH of 5.6

The plants' leaf curl seemed not to subside at 2x/day watering (to be fair I only let it go one day on this cycle - I can't leave well enough alone, of course) so I took them down to 1x/day. After a couple days, they improved or at least stabilized but the curled leaves didn't seem to want to recover for some reason. I talked with my 'hydro store guy' and he recommended that I bump it back up to 2x/day watering because the cubes needed to be re-oxygenated. He explained that I may have to do 2x/day watering to keep oxygen on the roots until they get a little bigger and can suck up enough of the water from the rockwool cubes. This makes perfect sense and after trying it for the last 3 days 2x/day for 15 min each all of my plants look great!

Also, I noticed that my clones had some small spots on the leaves when I got them (you can this on some of the MW and GC clones) but, being inexperienced, I assumed this was nute burn or the plant using the nutrients in the leaves for new roots. What I now know is that those are motherfucking spider mites! Will not be buying clones at that place ever again. Luckily, even though I'm noob, I'm OCD enough that I paid attention and saw some expansion of the spots on the plants. After much research into nutrient deficiencies and PH uptake ranges, etc. I came across the pests/diseases and BAM I knew exactly what it was. Pulled out my old Focal microscope (my dad gave me this when I was 7..he got it when he was like 10 in 1967!! this thing has 600x magnification!!) and sure enough, motherfucking spider mites. Immediately went to the hydro store and picked up some Azamax and foliar sprayed the SHIT out of my babies. I'm going to repeat the same treatment 7 days later and then 10 days after that. There will be no spider mites. Some people have said that Azamax may have a negative impact on the taste of the buds but this is early in flower and I don't want to fuck with the soap/water or neem oil solutions. If you guys have any experience with Azamax and getting rid of these little assholes, please let me know about it and whether or not I'm doing things right!

While researching nutrient disorders and the like I came across some charts for optimal PH levels for nutrient uptake. After reviewing this info I have begun adjusting my PH to 5.8 just before ligths out every day. During this time I've also been working with my PPM and bringing it down slowly over time. It appears that I've found my balance at 370 PPM for my babies in their current states so I'll be keeping it here unless I see issues. Do you guys think that I should top-water soon with distilled water to flush them being that I've been making so many changes?

Finally, after foliar spraying Azamax I thought it may be ideal to add aluminum foil covers to the rockwool cubes to reflect more light at the plants and to keep algae down. What do you guys think? This does keep the oscillating fan from hitting the cubes so some of the water that used to evaporate just stays - I don't know that I am thrilled about that...

Anyway, here are the pictures of the plants. I think I'm mostly over-worrying everything but I just can't leave well enough alone...that's just my personality, heh. My main concern at this point is the spider mites. Those fuckers will die. DIE DIE DIE!

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Green Crack #1 - Day 14 (One bad ass plant here...almost as cool as TW3 below)

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Green Crack #2 - Day 14 (Fucking Mites - you can see the damage on the lower leaves)

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Green Crack #3 - Day 14 (Mite damage was especially bad to this one but new growth is free. Hopefully Azamax does its job.)

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Trainwreck #1 - Day 14 (obviously doesn't need propping anymore)

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Trainwreck #2 - Day 14

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Trainwreck #3 - Day 14 (this is the baddest of the bunch. has doubled in size already.)

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Maui Wowie #1 - Day 1 (Mite damage here too...may have started here or on MW2)

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Maui Wowie #2 - Day 1 (Probably the worst mite damage here. New growth is clean for now though.)

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Maui Wowie #3 - Day 1 (Again...mites =/ They really liked the Maui plants. Hopefully they left some good bud production for me!)

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A shot of the whole tray for comparison to week 1.

View attachment 1540912


Active Member
Bump...no love for a noob? If anyone gets a chance, I would love to hear some opinions on everything so far. :joint::shock:


Well-Known Member
I grow in a similar sized closet.. Glad to hear you don't have heat issues as I did at first, but nice set up! You seem to do alot of research so I'm sure your grow will turn out to be "fruitful" good luck!! And good read I'll be folowing along


Active Member
I grow in a similar sized closet.. Glad to hear you don't have heat issues as I did at first, but nice set up! You seem to do alot of research so I'm sure your grow will turn out to be "fruitful" good luck!! And good read I'll be folowing along
Thanks sticky...drawing the heat up into my attic helps out a ton. I can't say enough about how awesome the sealed air cooled reflectors are. A buddy of mine has one that's not sealed and he has to keep his light 20" above his canopy where I've got mine about 10". We'll see how much of a difference that actually makes but knowing that more lumens = bigger/more buds, I can't wait to see the end result.

About the research - I've basically spent the last 8 months or so just reading journal after journal seeing what mistakes people made or issues they ran into and other great ideas people had and came up with my concept for that closet. I just finally got the scrilla to pick up all my equipment and said fuck it. I should have just tried it earlier on a more basic level because I've been dying to but hey, hopefully it will all have been worth the wait and I'll have some bomb dody for all my effort.

Thanks for followin along man!


Well-Known Member
Nice work.
I will be watching closely.
Impressive so far.

I am really jealous of you ability to go to a shop and buy clones ready to plant.
It's unbelievable.

I can see you bolting on more tables fairly quickly.
Good luck.
Job well done.

Research then work.
Logical man!


Active Member
This is a quick update with some pics because I haven't updated in a while. The pics were from 4/12 so Day 18 and the Week 3 Updates below are from throughout the week all the way up to Day 21.

Today (4/21) is actually Day 27 and I will get more pics sometime today or tomorrow and update again then. Also, the Trainwrecks got so fucking tall that I had to LST them to keep my canopy relatively even, lol. I made sure to look for others who had done LST up to 3-4 weeks in flower and saw people having no issues prior to the stems becoming more woody. Also, being that the TWs will probably harvest a week or two after the MWs and GCs, I am not really worried about any delay the LST stress will cause in final harvest.

Happy late 4:20 everyone!! Still cruisin on some fine Jack Herer :bigjoint:

Week 3

Sorry for lack of updates to anyone who has been watching. Working between 60 and 80 hours a week lately and barely have time to maintain the plants much less update heh. Things have been pretty steady recently with growth and the Trainwrecks have fucking taken off. I have had to angle my light so that it stays pretty even with the canopy but the adjustable hangers I picked up have proven priceless.

The Green Cracks started showing serious flowers first with the Maui Wowie just behind and the Trainwrecks showing small flowers but still feeling content to grow like crazy. I picked the TWs up at 6" and they are ~15" at day 20. The MWs may have gotten pissed early in the grow due to the mite damage and have grown from 5" to about 8" only but the growth is really dense on the stems and there do appear to be tons of bud sites so I am thinking they will turn out well after all. The GCs are the middle of the pack but have gone from ~5-6" to about 11-12" with TONS of bud sites that are getting THICK. The sugar leaves are blanketed, too, and simply brushing your hand against one of the buds leaves you with a beautiful pungent smell attached for about 10 min. NUM NUM NUM.

The mites were whores at first and definitely got the MWs and GC3 the worst but after the initial Azamax and the follow up spray 7 days later there appears to have been no futher damage and all the mites are looking dead as fuck under 300x mag. *happy dance*

Without further ado, here are the pics from Day 18...I didn't organize by plant because I'm lazy and have no time today but next update will have them by plant for anyone who wants to compare sizes as they have been growing :)



Active Member
Nice work.
I am really jealous of you ability to go to a shop and buy clones ready to plant.
It's unbelievable.

I can see you bolting on more tables fairly quickly.
Good luck.
Job well done.
Thanks a lot man. I'm with you on the buying clones from a shop...the shop I went to has a huge variety of popular strains but I'm going to be a little wary next time I go to grab clones. I will probably do one more grow from shop clones and then buy some good seeds online or mother a couple of the clones out to cut off of...the spider mite problem I ran into initially was a bit off-putting but they're under control now so oh well :)

Definitely going to be adding more tables after this grow. Well...I may wait until I do one more grow because I need to stack my chips up to get my tuff shed and all the materials I need for a 4 tray grow. Once I'm running 4 trays I will be going Al B Fuct perpetual harvest style and everything will be right with the world.


Active Member
END OF WEEK 4 ( Day28 )


Things are coming along nicely. Not too much to update since week 3 other than standard weekly reservoir cleaning/change. I am still experiencing the slowly climbing nutes and I'm thinking that within the next couple days I will top water once to remove any buildup, clean out the res, and refill with straight water. I'll probably run that for 5 days and then switch back to nutes again with PPM starting around 300 and adjusting by increments of 50 up/down depending on how the plants react.

Mites are gone...thank baby jesus. Now that we're 4 weeks in the difference can really be seen between the mite damaged plants and the untouched ones. The worst damage was done to GC3 and MW2 with MW1 and MW3 only slightly better. You can really see this in the development of the plants...where GC1 and GC2 are big/thick and the TWs have grown like crazy, the others have remained a bit stunted. Even being stunted, though, they are all doing really well now and have been putting on some slow height growth. They also have very thick growth around the main stem and it seems like all of the bud sites have become more densely packed around the main stem so I think they'll turn out pretty stellar.

One curiosity - GC3 has a few old 5 bladed leaves but when it was stressed hard it began developing 3 bladed leaves and since has only sprouted these mutant leaves. The plant looks healthy and the buds look stellar so I doubt there will be any effect on potency or anything but I can't wait to try it vs. its' sisters to try to analyze the differences!

I have continued to LST the TWs because they grew like fucking crazy. My other plants are 11-14" tall and the TWs are 24-27"! I had to tie these bastards down into a slow looping right-facing arc (can be seen in the pictures if you look hard). I will be moving the plants around in the tray tomorrow and untying some of the lower points because the stems are steadily getting more woody but I have successfully reclaimed a uniform canopy height for now and can move my light back down to 6-8" off the tops of the plants. At that height I'm at 76 degrees at canopy top and I'm still right in the range of 40-47% humidity.

One last side note - as soon as I open my closet I am punched in the face by the stanky smell of some dank-ank tweeds. When I barely brush any sugar leaf or bud now that part of my arm/hand comes back REEKING of dank. Even better is that each strain has its own unique smell and stirs up warm memories of smoking each. No more typing...pictures now :)













Whole Tray This Week

Whole Tray Last Week (For Comparison)