1st Grow (Bagseeds/DinaFem AutoFlowering Haze)

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Well-Known Member
MD looks good man! lots of white puffs wherever i look! how tall is she?
I am guess-A-mating around 2 feet, I will measure her tomorrow and post a pic of it. m2m you think you can shake your kush plants over MD so I can borrow some of your crystals....LOL your plants are looking fucking insane with all the crystals!!!!


Active Member
kool man! did you ever think about super cropping the taller branches? basically bending them over to even out the canopy?


New Member
Yeah the clawing is confusing... esp. when on light nutrients. My guess is that a lot of the nutrients were being washed out when feeding the different nutrient parts separately. Some elements were in low ratios and some were in high or regular ratios resulting in signs of deficiency with some things and signs of toxicities with others. But in any case, like with most nutrient problems you probably won't see much of an improvement in the old leaves and should concentrate on the new leaves coming in around the bud sites and the secondary growth at the internodes.

But now that you are mixing and feeding right and as long as new growth is improving, I'd keep on bumping up the nutrients a little at a time now that you are @ 50% and just keep watching for signs of nutrient burn as it's increased. I really do think the mixing/feeding method was at fault more than anything else (with maybe a little too much watering thrown in for a bit there).

We'll see bro. Keep the updates coming.
'Sup TaoWolf? Been seeing you around and you also seem to be good peeps so hello.....

After reading your words I think you nailed it....Thats why I thought I saw P overnute but N deficiency which presents a dilemma as it also shows signs of trace element deficiency as well which even further confuses the matter....hence my rain or flush feed suggestion to put enough nutes in the needed ratios which should pretty quickly show impressive signs of improvement as well as explosive growth...

That is the amazing thing about these plants and nutrient whack outs....they let you know quickly when you got it right....and the more wrong it was before you fixed it the quicker and more impressive the turn around...some of the yellowing will green up a bit and the new growth will spurt whether in flowers or foliage depending on what stage of development

The interaction of the elements as they are absorbed is an amazing thing...done correctly as one is needed the next is prepared and ready in harmony....the chemical make of the elements needs to be a working program which complements each others intake in the proper amounts....this further explains why all these "wonder nutes" come in so many different bottles as the sources for the elements
are the least expensive available and not complimentary to one another but antagonistic hence the 20 bottles...as their main motivation is your dirty dollar rather than your beloved girls is why they also use the least expensive sources...more $ for them....and you have to buy all of them for proper nutrition...but then if you do use them all their antagonistic traits appear as ph problems but in actuality that is not the case at all....looks and symptomatically behaves the same way as improper ph but is because of the undesirable antagonistic interactions between the inferior elemental sources...Therefore it is much more advisable to use professional horticultural nutes that you find the botanists and professional horticulturists use as those companies must provide high quality complimentary elemental sources at a reasonable prices or those professionals will never use their product...and with very little research even within this forum you will find the true high quality fertilizers or nutes brands and see what the good but inexpensive stuff will do...as well as how easily

Sorry bout the rambling but I hope to impart some understanding of elementals as it is key to results....



Well-Known Member
kool man! did you ever think about super cropping the taller branches? basically bending them over to even out the canopy?
no, I dont know how, I need to learn how to water my plants first. It took me over 2 months to give MD a full 50% dosage of nutrients. Its cuz I was mixing them incorrectly. But if you are really good at super cropping and want to give me a link to learn i would be more than happy. What does even out the canopy mean?



New Member
Here are the others.....

Pic 1 Baby Lou, never saw this plant perk like this....:-P
Pic 2 Pat or shall I call her Perky Pat? :-P
Pic 3 Pat,Baby Lou,Dee Dee and Stranger
Pic 4 same but DeeDee goes under the CFLs as soon as the lights go out. So thats Shorty in her spot.(You can notice the new green growth coming in on all those plants, they are loving the nutes)

They are looking the best the ever have and I thank all of you who helped me...

So you are witnessing favorable results from my recommendations? I do... even MD greened up a bit I see

once Md dries out (the soil) give her 50-50 GB and TB again but increase big bloom to full 60 ml dosage....IMHHO

Keep 'em green :mrgreen:



New Member
no, I dont know how, I need to learn how to water my plants first. It took me over 2 months to give MD a full 50% dosage of nutrients. Its cuz I was mixing them incorrectly. But if you are really good at super cropping and want to give me a link to learn i would be more than happy. What does even out the canopy mean?

To arrange the tops of the plants the same difference from the light source so as many as possible get good light and can grow as many good tight buds a possible where as if not even then some get more than others and you get a couple of good ones and alot of fluffy small ones.....follow? You can top, fim, lst, supercrop etc. or all of it to keep it all as close to light as possible

Hope it helps

Namaste' :leaf:


Active Member
super cropping video... this ones pretty good...



Well-Known Member
super cropping video... this ones pretty good...

Thanks for the vid m2m. Interesting and informative but it might be too difficult for me right now, I need to learn the basics first.


Well-Known Member
'Sup TaoWolf? Been seeing you around and you also seem to be good peeps so hello.....

After reading your words I think you nailed it....Thats why I thought I saw P overnute but N deficiency which presents a dilemma as it also shows signs of trace element deficiency as well which even further confuses the matter....hence my rain or flush feed suggestion to put enough nutes in the needed ratios which should pretty quickly show impressive signs of improvement as well as explosive growth...

That is the amazing thing about these plants and nutrient whack outs....they let you know quickly when you got it right....and the more wrong it was before you fixed it the quicker and more impressive the turn around...some of the yellowing will green up a bit and the new growth will spurt whether in flowers or foliage depending on what stage of development

The interaction of the elements as they are absorbed is an amazing thing...done correctly as one is needed the next is prepared and ready in harmony....the chemical make of the elements needs to be a working program which complements each others intake in the proper amounts....this further explains why all these "wonder nutes" come in so many different bottles as the sources for the elements
are the least expensive available and not complimentary to one another but antagonistic hence the 20 bottles...as their main motivation is your dirty dollar rather than your beloved girls is why they also use the least expensive sources...more $ for them....and you have to buy all of them for proper nutrition...but then if you do use them all their antagonistic traits appear as ph problems but in actuality that is not the case at all....looks and symptomatically behaves the same way as improper ph but is because of the undesirable antagonistic interactions between the inferior elemental sources...Therefore it is much more advisable to use professional horticultural nutes that you find the botanists and professional horticulturists use as those companies must provide high quality complimentary elemental sources at a reasonable prices or those professionals will never use their product...and with very little research even within this forum you will find the true high quality fertilizers or nutes brands and see what the good but inexpensive stuff will do...as well as how easily

Sorry bout the rambling but I hope to impart some understanding of elementals as it is key to results....

You are not rambling....you are educating me to learn....MY FAVORITE!!!! Thanks for breaking it down for a nOOb. +REP ILL


Active Member
Should I start working on her to go around the container?
Completely up to you and your style. I haven't ever really experimented with trying it like that because I never really had pot lids (like in soil) that lent themselves to doing that easily, I'm just not that limited in vertical space, and I'm more than happy with the results of a topping (or two) to get a 'close enough for me' result with less work. I've toyed around with the idea of screwing some little brass screw-hooks along the edges of the net pot lids as anchor points for LST'ing... and if I ever get some sativa-dominant plants, I'll probably give it a try.

Speaking of the subject though, I think that thread looking for people to experiment with getting 2.5 grams/watt detailed a method of circular LST'ing. Here it is:



Active Member
'Sup TaoWolf?
Thanks for the hello Ill - and I agree completely (no apologies necessary for rambling with me, it's my favorite past-time on here)! I've gotten to a point with nutrients that I just use a simple, complete 2 part (veg/bloom) that's primarily (although not technically completely) organic in composition and that works for me and my style. Crazily, I'm finding out that the bloom part of the brand I use actually has more than enough nitrogen in ratio for cannabis to be used alone through the relatively short veg I do as well - as long as I'm keeping up on the reservoir changes (which I do anyway to keep things clean and avoid problems)... I haven't noticed any differences or deficiencies during veg this time by giving very little veg part. So I'm simplifying what I feed even more (to one part entirely) next grow to see if the veg part is even needed in my situation. The only additive I sometimes use is Liquid Karma for clones/seedlings/young plants in DWC. But money is tight right now so I have only used a small amount left-over LK at the beginning of this last grow...

In any case, I'll jump in on following your grow Illumination!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the hello Ill - and I agree completely (no apologies necessary for rambling with me, it's my favorite past-time on here)! I've gotten to a point with nutrients that I just use a simple, complete 2 part (veg/bloom) that's primarily (although not technically completely) organic in composition and that works for me and my style. Crazily, I'm finding out that the bloom part of the brand I use actually has more than enough nitrogen in ratio for cannabis to be used alone through the relatively short veg I do as well - as long as I'm keeping up on the reservoir changes (which I do anyway to keep things clean and avoid problems)... I haven't noticed any differences or deficiencies during veg this time by giving very little veg part. So I'm simplifying what I feed even more (to one part entirely) next grow to see if the veg part is even needed in my situation. The only additive I sometimes use is Liquid Karma for clones/seedlings/young plants in DWC. But money is tight right now so I have only used a small amount left-over LK at the beginning of this last grow...

In any case, I'll jump in on following your grow Illumination!
What lineup exactly do you use, Botanicare?


Active Member
Yup, Pure Blend Pro (hydro). Notice the label difference in nitrogen ratio is minimal between the two parts: PBP:Grow (3-1.5-4) and PBP:Bloom (2.5-2-5).


Well-Known Member
Now I just checked Baby Lou out because I was going to take her out and take pics. When I picked her up she was light as fuck. I couldnt believe how light she was. Anyway I fed her last on Thanksgiving...of course my plants had a real feast. My question is do I just give Baby Lou water now or should I give her more nutes?

So baby Lou has really sucked up the soil dry....Also Baby Lou was my 1st plant I ever Top'd.

PIC#1 of MD who hasnt looked this perky since I messed her up awhile ago!! I know it isnt much but at least its a sign in the right direction and I do notice the perk in MD cause she has always been droopy.
Ok here are some pics of how I check the moisture of my plants.

Any input please help. Thanks.




New Member
Thanks for the hello Ill - and I agree completely (no apologies necessary for rambling with me, it's my favorite past-time on here)! I've gotten to a point with nutrients that I just use a simple, complete 2 part (veg/bloom) that's primarily (although not technically completely) organic in composition and that works for me and my style. Crazily, I'm finding out that the bloom part of the brand I use actually has more than enough nitrogen in ratio for cannabis to be used alone through the relatively short veg I do as well - as long as I'm keeping up on the reservoir changes (which I do anyway to keep things clean and avoid problems)... I haven't noticed any differences or deficiencies during veg this time by giving very little veg part. So I'm simplifying what I feed even more (to one part entirely) next grow to see if the veg part is even needed in my situation. The only additive I sometimes use is Liquid Karma for clones/seedlings/young plants in DWC. But money is tight right now so I have only used a small amount left-over LK at the beginning of this last grow...

In any case, I'll jump in on following your grow Illumination!
An honor to have you along with my lil grow....was supposed to be expanding my lil op but alas hired help that doesn't show combined with below freezing temps has suspended construction. So soon I will ramp up my lil op where it is so should be an interesting ride.:bigjoint:

As you do hydro I on the other hand like the soil. Power here due to high winds and elevation over 6500 ft pretty much rules out hydro for me. Plus I rather like the buffering and ease of recovery soil or actually soiless offers.

Look forward to seeing you there as well as further sharing knowledge and discovery.

BKB things looking up?



Well-Known Member
bkb man all the plants are lookin good. and that is a sick 3 way meter thing you got going there. so good to see MD perked and flowering like crazy. just a little past my oldest plant in the flowering process hehe. peace



New Member
Now I just checked Baby Lou out because I was going to take her out and take pics. When I picked her up she was light as fuck. I couldnt believe how light she was. Anyway I fed her last on Thanksgiving...of course my plants had a real feast. My question is do I just give Baby Lou water now or should I give her more nutes?

So baby Lou has really sucked up the soil dry....Also Baby Lou was my 1st plant I ever Top'd.

PIC#1 of MD who hasnt looked this perky since I messed her up awhile ago!! I know it isnt much but at least its a sign in the right direction and I do notice the perk in MD cause she has always been droopy.
Ok here are some pics of how I check the moisture of my plants.

Any input please help. Thanks.

The rain is amazing how they need water faster than the slow method..causes them to go into hyperdrive...about to reply to your pm



Active Member
Hey BKB - can you take a picture of the newer leaves coming in around the budsites on MD when you get a chance?

@Illumination - I miss the mountains! But I've forgotten what winter is like from being too far south for too long. lol


Well-Known Member
Hey BKB - can you take a picture of the newer leaves coming in around the budsites on MD when you get a chance?

@Illumination - I miss the mountains! But I've forgotten what winter is like from being too far south for too long. lol
Here you go as requested Mentor and It looks nice! Wow I am excited about the recovery of my girl MD:-P!

Last 2 pics are of Pat and Baby Lou, can I trim off those dried up fan leaves on Baby Lou?




Well-Known Member
bkb man all the plants are lookin good. and that is a sick 3 way meter thing you got going there. so good to see MD perked and flowering like crazy. just a little past my oldest plant in the flowering process hehe. peace

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Maui whatsssssss up bro. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving bro! That meter I got is from Lowes. I only got it to use the moisture part, I dont use it for pH. It was $7.96 If I remember correctly. Good to see a pic of your plant. Do you have a thread or journal for your grow? I would be interested to follow. Good to see you stop by. Peace

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