1st Grow (Bagseeds/DinaFem AutoFlowering Haze)

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Well-Known Member
if you get a timer, bucket of water small water pump and hoses with splitters you could set it up to at least water them a bit while you're gone? Good luck man, hit me up when you get back, I should be full recovered within a week


Well-Known Member
if you get a timer, bucket of water small water pump and hoses with splitters you could set it up to at least water them a bit while you're gone? Good luck man, hit me up when you get back, I should be full recovered within a week
Thanks, I hope you feel better, watch out for the infamous dry socket! Ouch I had that and it hurt.


Well-Known Member
Here is a quick look at my 3 ladies this morning. I had to clean my tent out so I tok some pics of them.

Pic #1 Baby Lou, Pat n Stranger (from left to right)
Pic #2 same lineup different view.
Pic #3 Baby Lou's top
Pic #4 Pat's top
Pic #5 Stranger's top

These are all the same bagseed as Mamadude. If i didnt screw up MD just imagine how she would really look. Let me know what you think of these 3 ladies. I am sad that I have to leave them for 5 days so lets hope they will be ok.



Active Member
Heh, I hate that guy but... yes. Yes I was. lol

And actually no noticeable stretch today! Thankfully! I think she's finally done and can get on the business of growing some buds instead of stems. I'm guessing she's going to be a little longer flowering than it looks like yours are going to be. But that's alright, wasn't planning on harvesting until January in any case and I'll start the next two in the cabinet while Athena and Isis finish up.


Well-Known Member
Heh, I hate that guy but... yes. Yes I was. lol

And actually no noticeable stretch today! Thankfully! I think she's finally done and can get on the business of growing some buds instead of stems. I'm guessing she's going to be a little longer flowering than it looks like yours are going to be. But that's alright, wasn't planning on harvesting until January in any case and I'll start the next two in the cabinet while Athena and Isis finish up.
Good cuz I cant stand that guy either, annoying. Two of MD or something else?


Active Member
Snow White and MD. ;D

But let me know when you start germinating for the next grow and I'll try to match start times.


Well-Known Member
Snow White and MD. ;D

But let me know when you start germinating for the next grow and I'll try to match start times.
I will do them as soon as I chop MD down. But I will also wait till your ready though cuz I want us to grow them at the same time. will be a real cool thread.


Well-Known Member
Well I am hours away from leaving to go handle business with my MOM and pay respect to her. I wont be back till Thursday so I am a little nervous about the plants being alone. I fed everything and they should be ok till Thursday. So lets hope for the best for my grow.

I will update and prolly check back on here when I am showing TuTu my pics. Sorry thats my true best friend's. Havent seen him in years.:peace::bigjoint:

Take care everyone and take care of your grows...I will be back.




Well-Known Member
Thanks all for the encouraging words. I need them. Well I am back and ready to get to work on my grow again. Its been 5 days. I will update as soon as I get a chance to water everything. LOL


Well-Known Member
Day 48 Completed

I came back today from my mom's service. I was away for 5 days from my plants and it is obvious that they needed water and food. My mom's service was beautiful and it was the hardest thing I ever had to go through in my life. No joke! So thank you everyone who wrote kind words to me and my family.

I am ready to go full throttle now and finish up this grow.

MD is looking almost ready. Her buds are not getting any bigger but I did squeeze one and her buds are very dense. I was actually surprised how solid and dense they are. The red is coming through and I didnt realize how fast it is going in Flowering. After tomorrow she will have completed a full 7 weeks of Flowering. So I made it rain on MD today but I didnt give no nutes cause I figured by 14 days she will have nothing left in her soil to eat and I will be doing water feeding only. I dont know if what I am doing is correct but any help from someone please let me know. Hoping Ill or Daniels can help with how to finish my plant off using the Making It Rain.

Baby Lou is looking horrible and "STUNNED" She is starving but I am sure she will bounce back after Making It Rain on her today. I also gave her GB 100% TB 100% BB 125%. She has no signs of nute burn from the last feeding which I went over 100% recommend dosage. She actually looks like her leaves are much greener. Just looking hungry. We will see how she is tomorrow. I am sure she will start to perk again and slowly start geting better. I am sure she is Stunned and will need a day or 2 to recover. I will see tomorrow.

Pat too was hungry but damn is she getting a nice cola brewing with lots of frost. Maybe she is getting in the Holiday Spirits. LOL Fed her the same except I only gave her 1 tsp of Grow Big for (N).

It seems that Fox Farm really lacks in covering the "N" in later stages of Flowering. I dont know I am also just seeing what I can do with these Nutes.

Stranger was hungry too. She is really turning into something special too. I really think she is the healthiest of all. I love her green color, its perfect to me.

Here are the Pics:

Pic#1: Baby Lou (hungry and stressed)
Pic#2: Pat (hungry but getting fat)
Pic#3: Stranger (hungry but looking very healthy)
Pic#4/5: MD top
Pic#6/7/8/9: MD buds

Well please help me on what to do with MamaDude, and feel free and comment on anything.



New Member
continue making it rain as usual...feed her....she will pack on more....7 weeks is nothing... needs more k and p to ripen...especially k

Hope it helps



Well-Known Member
continue making it rain as usual...feed her....she will pack on more....7 weeks is nothing... needs more k and p to ripen...especially k

Hope it helps

Got it, I will continue to feed. I will also increase them. She is well over 100% of FF Feeding Schedule.
Last feeding she had 125%TB and 125%BB so I will take it up to 150% on both to see if she can handle it. I hope it works. Ill how long do I feed her till? Also how do I flush her at the end as far as getting all fertz out of her? Thanks bro.

I am happy to be back!!!


New Member
you should actually begin tapering off and get down to about 60% by chop time...I do not pre-harvest flush as it it a senseless practice that doesn't do anything but make people "feel" better...the bad tastes are fermented out in drying curing...flushing is ridiculous as a plant purge IMHHO

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