1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'm a top floor flat so it's almost kickass for me now i'm hydro.
i've a lovely big window that has a large walkable gutter outside that i can just dump my old water straight into wihtout moving 3 meters from the cab :)

the issue arises when my flatmate hears a rushing and sees 40L of water flooding past his window on a hot summers day :P

gonna pot up some herbs this somer to give me a vague excuse for my cupboard of nutes and pots etc
i'm guessing you dont have anybody overlooking the window cos id think it very odd of my neighbours to be pouring litres of funny coloured water out into a gutter lol
Keep it up!
cheers fella! im trying lol
grows are lookin nice man. i got my journal up for the jack47 take a look and let me know what you think https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/313479-sweet-seeds-jack-47-grow.html
will do fella not many folks growing sweetseeds stuff yet!
Have you tried adding any cal mag or epsom salt?

It seems like some kind of nute def. I have been putting mine outside for some fresh air and real sunlight and they are starting to make a turn but they looked similar to this before I started adding the epsom and cal mag..... Easy does it though a little at a time..
i dunno man its been weird since day 1 i dunno if its nute related, worht a punt tho ill pick up some epsom next time i pass a chemist
don i fimmed a couple of branches and they look a little like this, will update some pics later 2day on my thread ;)
i hear what you guys are sayin but its been like this from the off i could understand if id screwed around with it but ive done nowt but a normal feed:wall:
will do fella!
ooh something very exciting happened last night! i made canna cupcakes and for the first time i made edibles that taste good!! just a vanilla cupcake mix but i beat the cannabutter a bit first then added everything and it seems the mixing helped with that taste - anyone who has ever eaten a manky edible will know that feckin taste lol then i piped on some vanilla buttercream icing and some chopped walnuts on top, happy days
yeah thats the technique like, just ading green is a bit of a waste but making the butter to add does improve the taste a lot. give it the subtle dope taste but the kick of a mule with a hangover
YAY!!! got the weirdest stone on coz i went and knocked out a bunch of bongs - ended up kinda asleep but still managed to get mr moo to drop the hand lol WHEEEEEE
up down confused and hungry!?!
if anyone is uk and wants good edibles then go to tesco and get some tescos own cookie mix...its in a purple box and they are so nice i tend too o.d on em.lol
i rock the morrisons own cookie mix 25grams of butter for a tray = about a dozen reasonable dose cookies. 2-3 at a time is my limit
lgp likes the aunt bessys fudge brownies but i aint tried adding the special stuff yet
all the brownie recipes i know have way too much butter in them for cannabutter youd be on a para as quick as you could say is he lookin at me funny...

twisted topped freak (lemon)

I fimmed this girl a week before flowering as i was going to stretch her out some more (glad i didnt now lol) i did it to 3, the other 2 are ok but this is the main one in the middle of the plant :( lol. i wanna chop freaky little head off but gonna leave it to see what happens lol.

kinda looks the same, my lower leaves do a little.
aye ive got a few crinkled leaves from my 'attempt' at fimming lol

i just dont know but im intrigued enough to let it live i think...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i'm guessing you dont have anybody overlooking the window cos id think it very odd of my neighbours to be pouring litres of funny coloured water out into a gutter lol
especially a shiny silver bucket :P full of red water? :P

there are aproximately 70 households pointed towards my window :P location has it's downfall sometimes :( that's what my pump is for. if i can ever find it again. got a very nice MCP350 left over from a computer i toned down a bit. that should be able to empty 15L in a few minutes :) i will eventually rig it so that emptying the totes for new feed will be nothing more than flicking a switch on the wall and it'll drain them off :) shouldn't be too hard at all. got 20m of hose under my bed for some reason


Well-Known Member
yes!! what the fuck is with a weed hangover lol all my dreams and illusions are shattered

why are forums filled with people who go around looking for an argument? or some way try and brain rape everyone with their 'superior' knowledge? the bit that bugs me is coming in making HUGE assumptions, there was no argument it was a simple conversation void of any kind of conflict, but enter superdouche with his imaginary cape and its bullshit ahoy. bah lol

there is always the ignore list, blessed be lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I doubt its owt you've done Don coz you know what you're doing, my guess is moody genetics
youd think so hahaa its all a deceptive façade. aye i think ill grow it out just to see what comes of it. it could be the dankest of dank. lol yeah right
especially a shiny silver bucket :P full of red water? :P

there are aproximately 70 households pointed towards my window :P location has it's downfall sometimes :( that's what my pump is for. if i can ever find it again. got a very nice MCP350 left over from a computer i toned down a bit. that should be able to empty 15L in a few minutes :) i will eventually rig it so that emptying the totes for new feed will be nothing more than flicking a switch on the wall and it'll drain them off :) shouldn't be too hard at all. got 20m of hose under my bed for some reason
thats some clever thinking just pumping a bit into the gutter i had visions of you chucking bucket fulls out the window
yes!! what the fuck is with a weed hangover lol all my dreams and illusions are shattered

why are forums filled with people who go around looking for an argument? or some way try and brain rape everyone with their 'superior' knowledge? the bit that bugs me is coming in making HUGE assumptions, there was no argument it was a simple conversation void of any kind of conflict, but enter superdouche with his imaginary cape and its bullshit ahoy. bah lol

there is always the ignore list, blessed be lol
woah someone tried to knowledge rape you!?!?! wtf internet knowledge thugs are a plenty but its like water off a ducks arse. the ignore button rules!

loving the PHAT nugget avater kmoo!


Well-Known Member
I am not in UK, but I hope I can taste some of those cookies when I get there.

Whats going on in DON's world. Long time no talk mate.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sup bender buddy! well since the popo incident not a lot my uncle passed got the funeral on thurs apart from that work and being skint. what else is new eh

at least the toon are top of the league and getting promoted!

its losteak night im heading up my old house to see a mate get pissed and watch lost eating a slice of gammon as thick as we can get the butcher to cut it haha thinking im gonna get a blunt wrap n get blitzed

whats crackin on t'other side of the big puddle? (apart from your casey, thats shits on and poppin)
To the guy with the weak stem problem it depends on what kind of light your using and what kind of medium, im using miracle grow with a 250 watt conversion light setup n my plants r so healthy n growing really quick n all i been using was water no nutes n o yea try not 2 give them too much water for u could drown out your roots its better when the dirt is rather dry so i would say water about every 3 days


Well-Known Member
sup bender buddy! well since the popo incident not a lot my uncle passed got the funeral on thurs apart from that work and being skint. what else is new eh

at least the toon are top of the league and getting promoted!

its losteak night im heading up my old house to see a mate get pissed and watch lost eating a slice of gammon as thick as we can get the butcher to cut it haha thinking im gonna get a blunt wrap n get blitzed

whats crackin on t'other side of the big puddle? (apart from your casey, thats shits on and poppin)
Shit Don mate, when did the popo incident happen, was it when I was MIA. link me to post. Hope all is well. You are still growing so I guess you are OK.

have fun tonight man, toke a blunt for your mate Bender. Glad your teams are winning, though I have no idea what sport you guys even discuss, lol is it soccer?

well the other side of pond is going OK. medical cannabis laws are moving in a positive direction so I am happy with that, because even though I am growing medicine for myself and shouldn't have any trouble with the law. The local city cops in a lot of cities are still not understanding of the law and still harass medical patients, even though in court cops loose these cases.

The economy is officially in the fucking sewers, people are loosing jobs left and right and going homeless.

A cannabis economy stimulus plan otta do the country real good. More people aren't going to smoke just because it is legal, a simple statistical comparisons between western countries will easily prove that.

Other than that, the CJ and OG you know about the that. I knew Casey was gonna get big, but didn't expect this much frost. As far as OG, it has surprised the shit out of me, I mean she looks like a different strain this round. It is way way bigger this time around. So I guess OG is here to stay.

We will see how I do with Chem D. I am expecting the Chem D and Grape Rom to beat OG's yield and possibly the potency. So I am not sure how long it is going to stay.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah the popo was last week man jut a few pages back but the crack was some toe rag kicked the back end of the motor in and my lass without thinkin phoned the law...

many bricks were shit, but we made it through no bother, they were literally on the other side of the door to the op.

yeah i read a while back the conflicting local pd and state were at odds or something so legal growers were being treated as crims. at least your not getting put into the big house for it tho.

yeah i hear you on the different this time round my dairy queen was the same you would have sworn it was almost a different strain, but i binned the poor pheno's yours is the same cut haha

grape rom and chem d next on the menu man your going to be a space cadet!!! happy daze..........

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well its probably bout time i updates this mofo

2 purple sensi stars

one is already well on the way to some fine colours by looks of it

im officially out of the party cup competition... am debating whether to try n find a place outside for 'it'


sweet afhgani delicious

cali orange, smelling lush

main cola on the HDF

the floater is still unsurprisingly dodgy


Well-Known Member
What a collection of genes man. Terrific.

Man Don, all looks well.

I am very fond of the main cola bending sideways trick. I saw you did that before with the stem side ways and colas pointing up. I wanna try that looks nuts dude.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
who cares if it's airy. look what you made man! that is butch! imagine your father telling you at dinner that from now on you live on your side, but you do it anyways and excell! madness? :lol:(i might still be a little drunk, shhh)


Well-Known Member
who cares if it's airy. look what you made man! that is butch! imagine your father telling you at dinner that from now on you live on your side, but you do it anyways and excell! madness? :lol:(i might still be a little drunk, shhh)

Hahahah you might still be drunk but that is one hell of an analogy. Cheers to that. :bigjoint:

Agreed with tip top


Well-Known Member
whats the craic? lol i've been up half the night on the chuck and i'm bored!

surely you guys are awake n crackin haha weeee, sleep deprivation


Well-Known Member
yay yay yay my seeds arrived!!

5 fem trainwreck from greenhouse co and 10 blueberry from dutch passion.
