1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
all the blueberry are popped, the two trainwreck are splitting. just put them in wet paper towell between plates - gonna stick em in jiffy in a min coz i just realised i've run out of coco lol

there will be a journal going up in the next couple days, i already have loads of photos lol


Well-Known Member
What a collection of genes man. Terrific.

Man Don, all looks well.

I am very fond of the main cola bending sideways trick. I saw you did that before with the stem side ways and colas pointing up. I wanna try that looks nuts dude.

I agree with Bender, I love the super cropping action, lots of mini colas. Looks great.

Anyroads, hope all is well, Don .

:peace:Peace bru,


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Hahahah you might still be drunk but that is one hell of an analogy. Cheers to that. :bigjoint:
Agreed with tip top
aye good analogy man, my folks taught me right from wrong and said i make my own choices from there on out. they wertent happy with what im doing but as im a grown ass man i do what i like, i take the consequences not them.
yay yay yay my seeds arrived!!

5 fem trainwreck from greenhouse co and 10 blueberry from dutch passion.

congrats kmoo!!! the wreck was one of my alltime faves tho i believe theres a couple different phenos about one prone to change colours which i didnt get sadly but the smoke and yeild are top notch! good luck and yeah get a link posted up ASAP

cool make sure u post us a link here if donald dunt mind lol
dude you know i dont give a shizzle but will kmoo mind the innevitable fat chicks

I agree with Bender, I love the super cropping action, lots of mini colas. Looks great.

Anyroads, hope all is well, Don .

:peace:Peace bru,

cheers D the monster is at about 20-30% hairs turned i reckon its got another week on just water flushing ( im not re using the coco ) i just hope it dries to a good weight.

im always dissapointed with phenos that are all hairs and little calyx's they almost never fill out

im going to let it go full amber as its a while since ive rocked it couchlock style and im putting the prices up o it better have a good kick.

the babes got their first heavy nute yesterday 1ml purple maxx on top of the cannaboost and the normal A&B another week or so and illl start the build up of pk13/14

i fucking hate mondays

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye just keep biting my way through the shit sandwich. external lifes not so good at present folks dying my mam having mini strokes. i feel fucking bi polar mate but thats just between getting wrecked.


Well-Known Member
aye just keep biting my way through the shit sandwich. external lifes not so good at present folks dying my mam having mini strokes. i feel fucking bi polar mate but thats just between getting wrecked.
The shit sandwich of late has been a real stinky one for a lot of folks. Doesn't help, but times a great healer. One minute everythings fuked, the next we are on cloud 9!! (sometimes literally:bigjoint:) Don't want to go into a mega big rant but you'll get through it....

Driving in the snow: Some people keep slowing down and slowing down, not realising that the slower they go, the more snow builds up in front of them and it gets harder to drive, so they keep slowing down.....wtf, get out of my way, I am overtaking and clearing this shit path of snow!!!! While everyone else is slowing down, it's time to drop a gear and put the foot down. That's how you get out of the snow!!!

Here endeth the rant:-P

Peace bru, DST

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah man i hear ya i know theres tons of folks worse of than me and ill always be ok i have the mental strength to know i will always be ok. im an independant sort.

ups and downs smiles and frowns man.

doesnt look like were going to get much snow while the rest of the country is swamped as per usual. shame i could do with some time off


Well-Known Member
aye just keep biting my way through the shit sandwich. external lifes not so good at present folks dying my mam having mini strokes. i feel fucking bi polar mate but thats just between getting wrecked.
sorry to hear that Don......my condolences!! Time is a mutha fucker!! it gives and takes away!! I beat its ass if i ever caught it !! LOL


Well-Known Member
yeah man i hear ya i know theres tons of folks worse of than me and ill always be ok i have the mental strength to know i will always be ok. im an independant sort.

ups and downs smiles and frowns man.

doesnt look like were going to get much snow while the rest of the country is swamped as per usual. shame i could do with some time off

I hope your ok fella, well everything in life is sent to try us for a reason, all we can do is fight through it, as it will make us mentally stronger, add to life experience. Keep ya chin high fella.

All the best m8, mj123

just seen that main cola, v nice mate, belta as always.

Anyways bud, take care.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
I hope your ok fella, well everything in life is sent to try us for a reason, all we can do is fight through it, as it will make us mentally stronger, add to life experience. Keep ya chin high fella.

All the best m8, mj123

just seen that main cola, v nice mate, belta as always.

Anyways bud, take care.

to true maryjane ;)

keep ya chin up bro :)


Well-Known Member
lol@inevitable fat chicks - please explain? lol

most of the girls have broken soil, but here in jolly old colony if you go over your broadband download allowance they put you on speed limiting for the rest of the month, and i'm talkin about feckin dial up type speeds i'm on at the moment lol so i'm not even gonna bother trying to upload the pics i'm takin til the first, i'll get my girlie crank on and chuck the laptop or something retarded

i got a mad case of tonsillitis come on yesterday, fever got up near 41c and i started trippin hardl ol could see lil jelly bean men i was callin oompa loompas. weird shit

mr west

Well-Known Member
well someone always says the girls are looking fat, wich always prompts an inevitable larger lady pic lol

like so lol, they look like they having fun and not a gatoux in sight lol.


Well-Known Member
ahh that may explain why when i looked through your photo albumn ages ago there was heaps of pics of fat chicks lol

not even a cupcake in sight! lol


Well-Known Member
eeeck Don, I thought I was having a shit time, now you got tonsilitis!!! Staphylococcus (I had to look the spelling up to be honest) is also a big thing for me, the smell is just too much. If you get it more than twice a year over here the doc sends you to get your tonsils oot!! Get well soon lad and get garggling some salt water, barf.



Well-Known Member
my mate just gave me a 30 oxy lol it hurts too much to swallow so we're gonna give that a crack

don got tonsillitis too?? bummer

i was trippin balls on the fever eh, i left a voice message for my boss and i gotta say, i'm pretty sure it was a bit weird lol