1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
So, the Big Liver's is down bro. For all the right reasons i couldnt wait no longer hahaha. But the space has made way for other's to bloom, and its kinda helped a little with this dank smell lingering around. Shit when out sitting sunning it up yest, i lit a banger and had to put it out every other puff with the reek, while walking along a nice country path lol.
Some wicked smoke man ;)



Well-Known Member
So, the Big Liver's is down bro. For all the right reasons i couldnt wait no longer hahaha. But the space has made way for other's to bloom, and its kinda helped a little with this dank smell lingering around. Shit when out sitting sunning it up yest, i lit a banger and had to put it out every other puff with the reek, while walking along a nice country path lol.
Some wicked smoke man ;)

could you describe the taste of the livers a bit cindy? im about 10days from chopping her and after months of reading bout the livers im fucking dieing to give it a try whats it taste like m8?


Well-Known Member
Taste sambo! Damn you got me there bro. lol. This is my first chance to do something proper with it myself mate, and still drying. But a 24 hr. fast dry and its well..... ??? You will have the reek from her by now, and it only get's stronger/better bro. :)



Well-Known Member
i hope my livers cross is just as good as the original. also hope it turns out as nice as dons did. i have a few more beans so i may start a mother.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
No holidays for my immigrant.lol
man i need a holiday. i need a tolerance holiday. yesterday i drank from 10 till 1 and didn't even feel pissed. not even a sniff of a hangover this morning either. tho im sure the hangover god will level the score soon enough.
I know it was a jest lad...just call me fukkin Stato, lol.
soz man, im hopeless at reading inflection.
So, the Big Liver's is down bro. For all the right reasons i couldnt wait no longer hahaha. But the space has made way for other's to bloom, and its kinda helped a little with this dank smell lingering around. Shit when out sitting sunning it up yest, i lit a banger and had to put it out every other puff with the reek, while walking along a nice country path lol.
Some wicked smoke man ;)
is unmistakable, like cheese once you've had that whiff of thick funk ou could blind pick t out of a dozen types of weed. ji took mine down thursday night,and the smells still lingering in the dining room. it was only a diddy sized one too
could you describe the taste of the livers a bit cindy? im about 10days from chopping her and after months of reading bout the livers im fucking dieing to give it a try whats it taste like m8?
Taste sambo! Damn you got me there bro. lol. This is my first chance to do something proper with it myself mate, and still drying. But a 24 hr. fast dry and its well..... ??? You will have the reek from her by now, and it only get's stronger/better bro. :)
wait till you do a big run and get the hash on the go. livers hash is exquisite.
i hope my livers cross is just as good as the original. also hope it turns out as nice as dons did. i have a few more beans so i may start a mother.
good luck tryna! was worried about my 3 but they smell unbelievable, pheno's are all over the shop but it was just my first pollen chucking. highlanders got a pink throwback pheno which looks a treat.
Oh Don how was the wedding? Did ya have ya boyz over. Lovely dress Kate had on..LOL
wedding was done pretty quick to be honest. i went to a couple of pals house n we ate fancy cakes home made choccy truffles, cucumber sandwiches.... and drank 3 bottles of pimms cup. honest i never want to see pimms again. aye her dress was kanny. but the star of the show was princess Beatrice's fuckin mental hat. honestly what a pillock

another corking day today. going to get the grass cut... get the pots done and maybe buy a couple of sun loungers.

have a great weekend guys

mr west

Well-Known Member
well thanks alot done u just broke the wedding ban, that pic was first pic ive seen so far to do with the weeding

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Im a fool if i think i can avoid it altogether now lol
Yeah no kidding huh!! I managed not to turn the news on yesterday but every time I turn on my computer thats all the homepages are all about...

Last two girls are coming down this morning buddy :) The L x CC. I think I'm more excited about the livers candy store pheno than the pink pheno though...smoke test will tell. Going to veg both of those phenos out into large bushes for the next run! Got 5 nice clones going ; !)

I'll def take a couple of pics afore they come down though


Well-Known Member
pimms cup?????

Ok Bro WTH is that????LOL

What was up with some of those hats....You got MAD HATTERS over there M8. The guys that make the hats must say, lets make this shit tell them it looks good get good an snockered, and laugh our ass of when they wear them outside the house...LMAO...Fuck me I would be pissed if my tax rate was as high as the UK's and they paid for some fucked up weeding like that. Take that money and help the military guys.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
ambers gonna be all over that monday morning lol. great show HC bro :) am i right to think thats the livers x cherry cheese? (dont u have some of them seeds doc?)