1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah man i see a lot and i do mean a lot of peeps happily familied up, *sob story in bound* my folks split when i was 5, moved countries and it aint no fun not having a parent. its why im so independent. im going to be able to give little one what i missed. by hook or being crook ;) likewise all of us well with the odd exception do this to get by whereas some to have the niceties eh man.

one day i'll look back and think what the fuck was i doing man. at prsent though its more lke why didnt i start 10 year back when i first got into smoking. hey ho bedtime for me work tomorrow. tho the emails are done, just done them FUBAR. gaffers been advised i will be late/wrecked. WINNING!


Well-Known Member
aye man i know that pete fella's a twat.... as you say needs must, ive never said never but i cant say i want kids.
Aye they'r a handfull man haha, but i love it. Just when you done it all like 15 years ago and to start over now is a wake n bake for yir ass. lmao. All in the name of nature offcourse, no for-play involved ;)


Well-Known Member
hahaha what up juan cindero you chopped her? or taken a tester, looks beaut.

alreeeet doc! nowt much ive had a midweek naughty but otherwise champion. the tents err 2.40 x 1.20 x 2 M its big i havent cranked its full potential by a long way. when i first cracked on me and my partner in crime sat in deckchairs inside n smoked a doob. the grape ape is a stubby chubby for sure indi as it gets by looks of it.

thanks man! how far in is that?
about 2 1/2 Weeks 12/12 it is mate.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
young willy is that ur magnetic balast on a piece of wood? sorry for the off topic donny but its kinda fitting on ur thread ;)

looking smashing Don bro, that dog scrog is really gonna be something i recon bro, good skills :)


Well-Known Member
young willy is that ur magnetic balast on a piece of wood? sorry for the off topic donny but its kinda fitting on ur thread ;)

looking smashing Don bro, that dog scrog is really gonna be something i recon bro, good skills :)
Yeahit is mate. It has a piece of sheet metal between the ballast and wood so not as bad as it looks lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
young willy is that ur magnetic balast on a piece of wood? sorry for the off topic donny but its kinda fitting on ur thread ;)

looking smashing Don bro, that dog scrog is really gonna be something i recon bro, good skills :)
cheers fella! im hoping so, was going to ask do you fill it out then let shoots grow up through for a bit or just fill it n flip it?

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i normaly just fill the screen and flip. the morning before 12.12 is the last time i touch the shoots then just leave it be till u need 2 supercrop and hst etc about 2 weeks 12.12. the lemon needs fuck all supercrop as i would imadgine the dog to be as well but the livers 'co and cheeses would probs need some attention.

also for the floppy ones something i got from osc about 4-6" pea and bean netting (from ebay etc about a fiver), about 1 week 12.12 chuck a bit over say 2-3 layers so u can slowly pull layers up as it streches. works like a treat at holding everything up towards the end and easier to put on when young :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
top tips lad cheers! just been in to top the res up and saw a bit of the binnings of mold on the top of the coco :( i thought i was getting away with the temps n humidity but obviously not. emergency drain down of the res putting a new tube to extend the reach and moving the res out. what a fuck on! just what i need today!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i do use it man. it was just a little bit i almost missed it at first. ive done the best i can to remove the top layer and sprinkled more coco on top, got the res out and the dehumidifier in. going to keep an eye on the rh and temps n see how they work out. probs end up putting the dehumidifier on timer or look at a portable air con for the hot months.

fuckin knackered after moving that lot round. whole lot is different in there now. ill take a pic in a it. first tho the gaffer has phoned and said fuck it lets not go in today. phones on divert to mobile, im going to get some beer in me and sun on me!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
yeah i do use it man. it was just a little bit i almost missed it at first. ive done the best i can to remove the top layer and sprinkled more coco on top, got the res out and the dehumidifier in. going to keep an eye on the rh and temps n see how they work out. probs end up putting the dehumidifier on timer or look at a portable air con for the hot months.

fuckin knackered after moving that lot round. whole lot is different in there now. ill take a pic in a it. first tho the gaffer has phoned and said fuck it lets not go in today. phones on divert to mobile, im going to get some beer in me and sun on me!
Hey hey there ya go!! Damn, feeels like a friday!!

Yeah I'm on budrot alert in the cave as well. None yet but really need to add a dehumidifier in there

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its felt like friday since about last thursday! aye im just looking at air con units and they arent cheap like. saying that ive just found one on ebay free pickup! think ill keep an eye out for a digital one.

keep toot HC man!!

fair bit of salt build up in that res when i emptied it.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its both halfs but i stupidly only took the shot from 1 position! got 3 biguns under one 600 and 1 beast under the other one with the others finishing up. one they've gone there'll be 2 under each 600 Muahahahaaaaaaa! im a bit annoyed at myself for not training them properly but they were cramped in the veg area. next time ill have the space of the tent to play with:fire:


had a quick sniff of the cherry livers, its absolutely honking thick skunky


Well-Known Member
top tips lad cheers! just been in to top the res up and saw a bit of the binnings of mold on the top of the coco :( i thought i was getting away with the temps n humidity but obviously not. emergency drain down of the res putting a new tube to extend the reach and moving the res out. what a fuck on! just what i need today!
Why do u use a res when using coco. is it a drip system of some sort, or more like flood and drain.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
auto pots use a valve that sits in a housing, when the pots heavy and wet the valves closed, coco dries it opens. gives the girls exactly the amount of water they want. its ingenious really. guys are making a killing out of a bit of plastic.