Wow this thread has a TON of great information on SOG growing, it is making my head spin. Unfortunatly it also makes me realize that i prematurely jumped into buying equipment without maximum efficency in mind. I have a 9 SQ ft enclosed DR100 Tent with a 250W Aircooled HPS. I purchased an Aero unit, 16 sites with the thought in mind of going from clone to sog style plant with no veg time. First of all i realize now i dont have enough plant sites, and they are not close enough. Help me figure this out guys.. Check it out This is the unit i bought from huge harvest
It uses 2 inch net pots and the spaceing between sites is , well ill let them tell you.
The Clone & Grow 16 uses a 6.75" spacing gap in order to allow plants enough room to develop, as aeroponically grown plants tend to be very bushy. With a full 6.75 inches plants have room to grow and receive sufficient amounts of oxygen
I had a conversation with treeth and i believe we concluded that the spaceing was off.
With that in mind how would you guys maximize efficiency with this unit?
some of the math...
Only 27.7 w/sqft with the 250W but i do have some LED and other side lighting to get the number more like 46.1 w/sqft
The light is enclosed with glass and aircooled so it is TOTALLY cool, i can keep my hand right on the glass when it is fully warmed and it is not even uncomfortable! Unfortunatly because of the spaceing i will have to back the light off somewhat to cover the near 9 sq feet the unit takes up.
You guys have a great discussion going on here, please take a look at what i have here and give me your expert opinions!
Treeth knows all about my never ending questions