18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

marijuana has a life of only one year, if you veg a plant for over one year it will start to die, its best to flower your old mothers and replenish them with new mothers... the big mothers always produce the most gold.
it would be best to have a seperate veg area for veg plants, seperate area for seedlings and clones, and of course your flower room, and a seperate area for the mothers. so an added room to sea-of-green.


Well-Known Member
I feel that the 18/6 is better for one simple reason, it's what nature intended.
Old thread, but popped up recently in my sights.

But then soil is better then hydro. nature NEVER intended these plants to grow in water. But almost every research shows faster and bigger growth with hydro. There is no reason we can't do/offer better then what nature provides. (like indoors, perfect temps and humidity, sterile from bugs, hungry animals, etc)


Active Member
You got a reference for that?
The plants photosynthesize as long as the light is on. As long as the light is on, they are using it and continue to grow. Cannabis does not need a dark period during the vegetative growth cycle. Cutting the light period to 18 hours rather than letting it run continuously is just wasting time and space.

Kaiser Puff

Active Member
Well.. 15 years of experience trying everything imaginable and a degree in Horticulture and Entomology.. that's my reference. So I don't have a "link" if that's what you were looking for..
katfishjohn is right, cannabis is a C3 plant and will thrive in 24/0 just fine as many growers can attest to.


Active Member
Listen, Im not going to bore you all with scientific bullshit but I just googled this post and I think I lost a few brain cells reading it.

24 hour light cycle is great for early sprouts - mid veg switch to 18/6 - 1 week before flowering put it to 16-8 - (this is when you sex them) - for a FULL 24 hours before 12/12 put it in complete darkness to trigger the flowering horomones.

Im not a scientist but I know how to grow a plant. Just harvested a cfl grow of 71g wet weight 2 plants.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Listen, Im not going to bore you all with scientific bullshit but I just googled this post and I think I lost a few brain cells reading it.

24 hour light cycle is great for early sprouts - mid veg switch to 18/6 - 1 week before flowering put it to 16-8 - (this is when you sex them) - for a FULL 24 hours before 12/12 put it in complete darkness to trigger the flowering horomones.

Im not a scientist but I know how to grow a plant. Just harvested a cfl grow of 71g wet weight 2 plants.
Since your not mother nature its not a gradual changwe always messing with the timer schedule which COULD hermie the plants, just a thought.. either do 24/7 and switch to 12/12, or take a chance at getting a hermie. MY 2 cents given.



Active Member
I use a kinda odd light cycle. I have a 1,000 watt HPS and a dual tube 40 watt CFL(1,600 lumens VEG light). I leave the 1,000 watt on from 7 am until about 9 pm(it requires a large exhaust which happens to be next to my neighrbors bedroom wall-duxplex kinda deal). My CFL's stay on 24 hours.

I got 4 clones all the same size(1 oregon grape, 1 moby dick, and 2 afghans) about 4 weeks ago. All were about 8" from soil. In 3-4 weeks, I got a 28", a 26", a 24", and a 20". All are bushy as $%^&. Heres a pic.

In the background you can see my God bud clone(had root aphids and is recovering) and my super rare "REAL" Maui Waui clone(was donated by a dispensary owner and will remain a mother plant). I however, did notice a few times i left the light off all night. There seemed to be substantial growth. I thought it was just me, but looking back, it also could have been coincedence. First grow BTW. Whatcha ya'll think!



Active Member
All are clones and should be females.....I'm not sure if me not being exact with my lights has any effect on gender though, kinda scary, I'd hate to lose any of my babies. I'm gettin my room sealed tomorrow(currently has small cracks which light can get through, not much but its still light) and will set my timer up.


Active Member
I firmly believe that 24/0 is best for vegging. I've tried both... and plants grow much faster and are shorter/bushier with the 24/0 schedule... because they don't stretch in search of light. They don't need rest and they don't need dark for root growth.
I agree 100%

I agree they stay shorter and bushier.
well ive kinda done both 24 hours basically meens its constantly doing phototsynthesis and growing gradually and 18 is i think better because that way in the 6 hours of darkness in has time to use its energy for growing rather that photosynthesis and it will not hit ur electric bill like a ton of bricks haha. yeah but in its dark hours is when it will grow best. but ive done both and they work fine eether way so do wat u want but me personally would go with 18 on 6 off bongsmilie
u ever notice they only stay awake for aprox 141/2? check it out sometime if u havent noticed..


Active Member
Pros of 24 hour for me, plain and simple.. 100 percent fool proof, plant em and water em and that's it (providing your power doesn't get cut off).

No reason a guy like me needs timers or elaborate setups for vegging the plants I do for personal use. Just stick em under 24 and pull em when y our ready for 12 12


Well-Known Member
someone on here did an experiment with 18/6 vs 24/0. Same strain, same nutrients, all that good shit, and the 24/0 was clearly bigger by atleast 30%. I myself though run 19/5 just because everyone needs sleep, makes the electricity bill not look as harsh either.


Well-Known Member
someone on here did an experiment with 18/6 vs 24/0. Same strain, same nutrients, all that good shit, and the 24/0 was clearly bigger by atleast 30%. I myself though run 19/5 just because everyone needs sleep, makes the electricity bill not look as harsh either.
Cannabis plants don't need sleep in veg. the only benefit to a dark period in veg is saving on electricity.

p.s. this thread is 2 years old.