18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

I have done test on 18/6 v 24/7 and to be honest there is no benefits to the 24/7.
But i can say that i do think that the plants need the 6 hour lights off to sleep.
roots mature faster in the dark when the plant is not putting its energy into photosynthetic tasks. 18/6 provides a more healthy root base imo.
That is a myth. Growth is equal above and below the ground, lights on or off. Plants have circadian rhythms just like people. Your best bet is to pick a light schedule and stick with it. 20/4 or 18/6 being the preferred period for C3 annuals in the veg stage.
just stick to a sced and leave em on that has for roots growing faster in the dark how do we know we cant test this one thing is for sure they defo like the dark period.but make sure the temp when the lights are off is not to hot or they will stretch.
for my current grow, I went 24/0 for about 2 weeks then 20/4 because the night temps were cool (50-55 F) then switched 18/6 once under the HID (to save electricity)

My plants were not showing gender after 2 weeks of 12/12, so I reduced to 11/13 to trip them, which has worked well and reduced electricity consumption

I think it may vary between strains, but generally speaking I do not believe 24/0 has any growth advantages, nor worth the electricity cost and/or the bulb's life span.
for my current grow, I went 24/0 for about 2 weeks then 20/4 because the night temps were cool (50-55 F) then switched 18/6 once under the HID (to save electricity)

My plants were not showing gender after 2 weeks of 12/12, so I reduced to 11/13 to trip them, which has worked well and reduced electricity consumption

I think it may vary between strains, but generally speaking I do not believe 24/0 has any growth advantages, nor worth the electricity cost and/or the bulb's life span.
I TOTTALLY agree it's all a personal choice between how much light n how much money.each man will have to make his own choice.especially when we get to HIDs the charge is not fuckin funny.thank god spring is here cos at the end of the day the sun is a growers GOD shame somtimes circumstances don't allow for all of us to use it.COME ON YOU FUKAS GET GUERILA GROWING ITS AMAZING HOW DIFFERENT THEY GROW N EVERY SPECTRUM BIG YIELDS GREAT FUN LOL RESPECT Smudge
feel free to follow smudge, im on here and there
I would take a small quiet fan as an intake (maybe two computer fans of a small 5" quiet fan) and leave that on all the time
that way you could shut off the exhaust and still get fresh air in
if your exhaust will wear out the intake fan, because the exhaust sucking faster than the intake fan is blowing, then you need to cut a passive intake in also
That would worry me cos of hermys interrupting sleep is meant to be a major cause of lady boys.pls let me know how things go peace Smudge
Hi, sorry about the delayed reply. As far as hermie is concerned, non whatsoever and they also do not flower, however, once switched to 12/12, flowering can induce in a week top's, usually about 4-5days though.
I was also worried about hermie but they get a solid hour of light interruption everyday at the same time and I guess the girl's just go with it. As far as I have seen, no herm.
I'd say go for it, do a trial run with me.

I have done test on 18/6 v 24/7 and to be honest there is no benefits to the 24/7.
But i can say that i do think that the plants need the 6 hour lights off to sleep.
Totally agree, 24/0 only uses electric and that is it, I have found better results in 16/8 and 18/6. The plants really do need the dark, I won't call it sleep or rest time because they actually continue working but during the dark phase, they definately focus more on root growth.
also gotta say 18/6 in my opinion and ive tried em all lol

typically plants in nature never receive 24 hours of light

where they do the plants have had to adapt over millennia to flower and pollinate because if they cant their genetics are gone from the world forever that's why trying to keep a mother indefinitely is not a good idea cannabis isn't supposed to veg forever
Cannabis is not supossed to live in perfect conditions as well. Like we grow - perfect co2 levels, perfect temperature, perfect light timing... Still You get better results than growing outside.
i like 18/6. i know weed will grow under 24/0, but unless i'm trying to force a plant i don't think its good for them. there are natural functions that happen in the dark period, if you never give your plants a dark period, they're forced to do things unnaturally...which to me, means stress, and stress means unpredictable plant behavior.
I believe 24/0 is beneficial if you are growing with CFL's or limited wattage, but if you have lots of horsepower (such as HID) then the plant will not benefit from 24/0 as it becomes over saturated with light.

I typically only use 24/0 when starting the seedling under a few CFL bulbs, then change to 20/4 in a week or so, then place under a 600 watt HPS at 18/6.

I've also had great results with 16/8