150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource


Well-Known Member
thank you all...I havent weighed them out yet..I was gonna wait until I put them into jars...Im hoping an oz. Im gonna chop her sister in a bout 4 days..I want full amber trichs on that one.


Well-Known Member
Just started my first grow and I will be using a HPS 150 for the flowering.

I have my plants in a dripper/DWC under CWF for veg. I will be moving to a Ebb/flow system for the flowering under a 150 HPS...

I am about 20 days in right now from seed and all looks ok for my first round...

The seeds are White Widow and some "bonus seeds" from the seed bank when I ordered. The "Bonus seeds" are doing great. A few issues with the White Widow but I'm trying to get it all in order.

Just finished up the Flower side the other night and waiting impatiently for the day the ladies, I hope, transition to the Flower side....

I hope to grow a mom or two on this first round and keep the system in operation all the time...

I'll keep the Grow Journal up to date.....



Well-Known Member
welcome! welcome!

so for the other homies I got a big update!

i decided to step it up a notch and order another 150watt system from htg and some grow big and neem oil. so ill be running 2 150's side by side. think my girl will like it???

that way once i have all these plants into flowering i can spread em out more. and now i can do a Sea of green.

and if i feel like it i can set up a veg and flower room seperately. yes! having 2 lights is gonna be so much better than 1!


Well-Known Member
welcome! welcome!

so for the other homies I got a big update!

i decided to step it up a notch and order another 150watt system from htg and some grow big and neem oil. so ill be running 2 150's side by side. think my girl will like it???

that way once i have all these plants into flowering i can spread em out more. and now i can do a Sea of green.

and if i feel like it i can set up a veg and flower room seperately. yes! having 2 lights is gonna be so much better than 1!
the more light the better, eh? and i've read that having two sources of light can be better than having one light source of a bit more power than the two combined(make sense?). and, most importantly, you can still be in the club, right?:weed:


Well-Known Member
Lol yeah that made sense bro..
2 x 150w HPS will not emit as many lumens as say a 400w..
150w = 15-17000 lumens
400w = 50-54000 lumens

So in theory you'd need 3x 150w to get close to 400w output, and as 3x 150 is 450w it makes no sense to just not use the 400w.

And yeah the clubs still cool with supplemental lighting..i'd say as long as the grows are based around 150w anything kinda goes.
I use my 150w from start to finish 12/12 and turn on my supplemental 70w when theyre flowering to give em an extra burst..
SORRY if i'm waffling, just got in and i'm a lil mashed.

Have a fun wkend gang :)

Go steady y'all


Well-Known Member
i cant wait , you think i can get a decent yeild off 4 plants under the 2 together? what about 6??? advice comments idea.....anything would be rad. they are gonna be directly side by side in a 9spare foot area maybe a lil smaller


Well-Known Member
well right now man i have only 2 girls one just showed my sex today and has been 12/12 from seed , other one is 12 inches tall and is on day 20 of flower......both under the 150hps getting ready to add the other next week


Well-Known Member
but.....but if the sprout i have in veg is gonna stay there for a month and hopefully is a female. once all three of those plants are harvested then ill strat a sog. probably summer.


Active Member
where have you guys got your 150 watt HPS grow lights from, the online hydroponics stores only seem to do 250 watts and over. I am in the UK so only UK companies please.


Well-Known Member
hey frosty ill ask you the same question i asked bxke


hey i got another quick question and its kinda matter of opinion but i just wanted you thoughts. so right now i have a rubber maid set up goin and its kinda pointless. the mylar could just be on the wall instead of the container and i took the top container off cause i couldnt vent it well enough. needless to say that idea is gonna go away. but my real issue is. im growing in my bathroom right now and dont want to get budrot from the humidity. now my closet is 2foot wide 7feet deep and 7 feet tall. i cant grow in there because i cant vent it or get power without cutting a wall. (cant do that i rent the house) so i have my bedroom and thats it. i cant do it in the living room cause my front door is there. i have the rest of my house but my room mate has the other part and i dont wanna encroach ya know. what would be a good idea for my grow space in my bed room. 2 150w hps. the room is 10x10. should i section off a corner and disguise it? what should i do??the other issue is, there is no door on my room so i cant get it 100 percent dark. its open to the living room, not totally just the doorway.

im so fuckin confused about what i should do? any thoughts? tons of rep for you or anyone who can help


Well-Known Member
I'd go for a 'drobe bro...
get yourself a cheap ass double wardrobe(the ones with 2 doors work fine and are quite roomy inside), assemble it, stick the lights in and cut your vent holes in the top and back, so they cant be seen,and install fans..paint it or mylar inside and youre set.
No-one will think twice bout a big ole 'drobe in your bedroom.
my first drobe grow was approx 4ftx3.5ftx6.5ft.


Well-Known Member
Works real well , there's a bunch of threads available on RIU and other sites that have used some kind of closet/wardrobe. take a google for 5 and you'll see what i mean.