14K multi strain run.. Odanksta

I have been using unbleached coffee filters and I think it has been affecting my yield so I bought some nylon screens 1414889906146.jpg
Dude ur killing it hell yeah can't wait to see when this is all filled up and going.
And cool man moving on over to OR
Plans for a big outdoor?
Dude ur killing it hell yeah can't wait to see when this is all filled up and going.
And cool man moving on over to OR
Plans for a big outdoor?
I actually consider myself more of a outdoor grower, but Ive been forced to grow indoors the last couple of years, because I live in the city. Outdoors would be nice! We found a place up north in Oregon close to Washington close to the coast that is within our budget, with 5 acres and a 4 bedroom house. But we are currently looking at properties, it really helps having a slum lord as a partner. Lolz.
CAM01554.jpg CAM01557.jpg Just got done with the tranplants, these have been sexed. Two of each Shoreline crosses and a couple of others. These were no till from my last harvest. I just ripped out the old root balls threw some plant success in the hole and slapped a new plant in! I got another 1k light hung too. And partitioned that part of the house off. Tonight was the third feeding of NFTG, I also fed once with fish emulsion at the beginning and I topped of the containers with fresh amended soil with earth worm castings and a little Dolomite lime.
Here is the other room the three plants up front are males. I need to hang a 150 hps in a closet to breed these out, that will be the second back cross of these strains. I used the last of these seeds for these plants if I dont breed them out I will lose these genetics. Ive been working on these genetics for over seven years. Ive found some highly desirable phenos especially the chocolate Thai cross, it actually taste like chocolate!
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I actually consider myself more of a outdoor grower, but Ive been forced to grow indoors the last couple of years, because I live in the city. Outdoors would be nice! We found a place up north in Oregon close to Washington close to the coast that is within our budget, with 5 acres and a 4 bedroom house. But we are currently looking at properties, it really helps having a slum lord as a partner. Lolz.
Hell yeah man the outdoors is the best I'm just doing the indoor to get by this winter ha.
That's sick man that's how my buddy's gots started (had a slum lord get the spot and paid him back, partners now or somethin ) and they got a spot (5 acres) in anza Easter San Diego county and have been killing it for two years they said last year they got like 300 out of there and the house and land was only like 110k so they paid for that spot real quick haha.
How's the weather up there in northern or? Would you be using a greenhouse or is it not too cold up that high?
I'm down in San Diego county it stays warm like all year haha.

Plants are looking great also, what's the stuff your lining the floor with? I have my tent and any water that goes in the tent seriously just soaks through I'm scared the carpet will mold after a few months if I of not get a tarp or somethin like that under there.
Hell yeah man the outdoors is the best I'm just doing the indoor to get by this winter ha.
That's sick man that's how my buddy's gots started (had a slum lord get the spot and paid him back, partners now or somethin ) and they got a spot (5 acres) in anza Easter San Diego county and have been killing it for two years they said last year they got like 300 out of there and the house and land was only like 110k so they paid for that spot real quick haha.
How's the weather up there in northern or? Would you be using a greenhouse or is it not too cold up that high?
I'm down in San Diego county it stays warm like all year haha.

Plants are looking great also, what's the stuff your lining the floor with? I have my tent and any water that goes in the tent seriously just soaks through I'm scared the carpet will mold after a few months if I of not get a tarp or somethin like that under there.
Im down south in the red state at the moment. Outside down here we've been in the 60's. My rooms have been running in the mid 80's because I havent air cooled anything yet. Im hoping I wont even have to, I promised the landlord I won't put any holes in the walls if I don't have too, lol. I dunno about Oregon I'm pretty sure it colds up there. If I do outdoors I will probably be doing light deprivation, oh how would I love burning hps's in a green house and not worry about breaking the law;).
Is that a bedroom? Or big walk in closet it looks like 6x8 or so?
These are all bedrooms. I just moved Into this house about 3 days ago. At the other house a bathroom is being used for a veg room. And at the other other house where I just harvested and still harvesting. I am using a bathroom with a 150 to reveg some stellar genetics. And yeah the black plastic is 6mm black ploy from home depot like $70 bucks for a 100' x 10' roll I usually would be using panda film but all this is temporary so I dont care. The rooms are pretty large i think both are 10'x10'.
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Hah uh oh the red state. You will love the change.
Crossfade69 pulled some amazing light dep this year and he is in Oregon I belive. I think you'll do great over here.
I took 16 cuttings tonight, as soon as these clones root that other room is going into flower. Then with those clones am I firing up another 1K. I have more lights then plants so I am playing catch up right now trying to fill all the rooms quickly as possible even if it means butchering my moms.
Somr of the plants are showing cal-mag deficiencies already. I forgot that these genetics I bred are Mag hogs. NFTG is a calcium based line and I might have waited to long before feeding them and I transplanted from jiffy pellet to a solo cup in a crappy straight peat moss seed starting dirt. And I let them stay in the solo cup to long. Also my dog got into one one of the bottles of NFTG's and spilt all the galhi mania which I believe is there base nutrient, I've been winging without but really need to buy another bottle, unfortunately none of my local hydroshops carry it. And it is very odd nutrient line, everything smells horrible but like the owner said its bottles of dead animals. It smells so bad they had to use mint to mask the smell. So it literally smells like minty road kill..
You can tell this will yield fat colas CAM01547.jpg
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I have a lot of shopping to do. I need 4 more sets of yo-yo's, a shit ton of soil, pots, hydroponic nutes, hanging hooks, some more breakers, earthworm castings, another gallon of Gala mania, and whatever else I can think of. Probably need some new filters for my RO system and new bulbs for my other fixtures, considering running a dual spectrum but I'm not sure yet.
Alright, I foliar fed twice now with Bloom Chaos, I've been giving them a 4 hour break from the light, when the lights go off I wait about 20 minutes then I foliar feed. I fed at 680ppm's at pH of 6.8, the next day I flushed with RO of 6.pH, next day I fed at 1080 ppm's 6.8 pH then tonight I flushed with Herculean Harvest at 230 ppm's and at pH of 6.3. I've been aggressively feeding, topping and super cropping. I also have been using a HPS from the start. Started them with a T5's but once they were about two inches tall they went under a 150 hps, then transplanted at about 8 inches and they went under 1000's, they have started to show stress and mag deficiencies. So I'm going to 18/6 tonight to give them a break, then next week one of the rooms will be transplanted into 7 gallons and will be turned down to 14/10 for a week then into flower the week after, by then the hydro room will be fired up with the clones I took last night.

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