11/9 the day legal pot died

You might be surprised how many liberals in favor of strict gun laws actually own and are proficient with guns, Tampon Timmee. One day you might be very surprised. That would be Terrible Day.

Thats about how many I thought had them.

Thinking things would end poorly for the left.

Trump already has enough problems and protests without going after legal cannabis industries. If he allows Sessions to lead a crackdown he might start looking at a 20% approval rating soon enough. He'll be damn near alienating the whole country in some way, shape or form if he does that.

I consider the nightmare scenario to be one in which Trump simply ceases to give a rats ass about what people think of him, and he simply drags our whole country down into the abyss with him.

you voted for trump and now you are just prayng he doesn't take your pot away. you are a house slave.
to all the trump cucks who said he wouldn't mess with a profitable enterprise and he would respect states rights: FUCK YOU.

we tried to warn you fucking idiots.
to all the trump cucks who said he wouldn't mess with a profitable enterprise and he would respect states rights: FUCK YOU.

we tried to warn you fucking idiots.
What was the alternative? Not like Hillary was a good legalization choice either. Her running mate pretty much said he would never approve of legalization under any circumstance. I won't even start on how Hillary wanted to ban guns, was thoroughly corrupt, wanted to invite hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants in to rape and pillage our nation, etc. This was like an election between Stalin and Hitler ever since the DNC screwed Bernie out of a fair shot.

This election was screwed from the very beginning when Killary and the DNC cheated America out of the candidate the left actually wanted.
Great option.
Tim Kaine is a Marijuana Pain: Hillary’s Prohibitionist VP Pick

Tim Kaine’s regressive and repressive views and votes on marijuana recently earned him into a “hall of shame” over at StopTheDrugWar.com. Just last month, they consolidated NORML’s congressional scorecard, and displayed the names of 26 current US senators to whom they have given an “F” rating on marijuana prohibition. Unsurprisingly, only four were Democrats; unfortunately, one of those four prohibitionists is Tim Kaine. He recently said:

I wouldn’t vote for a law at the federal or state level that would decriminalize marijuana.
Great option.
Tim Kaine is a Marijuana Pain: Hillary’s Prohibitionist VP Pick

Tim Kaine’s regressive and repressive views and votes on marijuana recently earned him into a “hall of shame” over at StopTheDrugWar.com. Just last month, they consolidated NORML’s congressional scorecard, and displayed the names of 26 current US senators to whom they have given an “F” rating on marijuana prohibition. Unsurprisingly, only four were Democrats; unfortunately, one of those four prohibitionists is Tim Kaine. He recently said:

I wouldn’t vote for a law at the federal or state level that would decriminalize marijuana.

tim kaine is also opposed to abortion personally, but sides with pro-choice politically.

and he wasn't running for president.

you fragile, racist, fearful authoritarian.
tim kaine is also opposed to abortion personally, but sides with pro-choice politically.

and he wasn't running for president.

you fragile, racist, fearful authoritarian fucktard.
Just saying, at the time Trump appeared to be the better pick for cannabis policy. Trump generally said it should be a state rights issue, and there was little concern at all until he picked Sessions. Hillary gave the tired bs of "We need more research" and picked a known prohibitionist as her running mate. Could anybody really predict the Trump administration taking a complete 180 on his campaign talks?
Trump appeared to be the better pick for cannabis...Could anybody really predict the Trump administration taking a complete 180 on his campaign talks?

"if you can not spot the con man, it is because you are the mark"

seriously though, you are dumber than a bag of hair.
Just saying, at the time Trump appeared to be the better pick for cannabis policy. Trump generally said it should be a state rights issue, and there was little concern at all until he picked Sessions. Hillary gave the tired bs of "We need more research" and picked a known prohibitionist as her running mate. Could anybody really predict the Trump administration taking a complete 180 on his campaign talks?
typical. Trump's support comes from people who aren't listening to what he says. In his campaign speeches BEFORE wrapping up the nomination, he said he supported medical MJ. He never, not once, said he supported recreational use. After he won the nomination he went very quiet about this subject. There were some platitudes about states rights said in some speeches but nothing to say he wouldn't support government action against rec users.

Could anybody really predict the Trump administration taking a complete 180 on his campaign talks?
A lot of people predicted he'd do just this. It wasn't hard to see that he didn't care about the low-lifes who use MJ to get high.

Drug enforcement has always been about propaganda, scapegoating and appealing to law and order assholes. It's no different with Trump's administration.

You were shagged