11/9 the day legal pot died

"the attorney general serves to be faithful to the constitution".....this will be sessions excuse for going after pot....
Interestingly, the constitution says absolutely NOTHING about cannabis being illegal. They had to amend it for prohibition of alcohol.
do you believe trumps attorney general will ignore federal laws outlawing pot?...
Just saying that the constitution doesn't necessarily require him to enforce them either. The laws prohibiting it are unconstitutional to begin with. Whether Sessions will follow the INTENT of the constitution is the issue.
I believe trump will reschedule marijuana to a schedule 2 drug & this will end legal pot nation wide.
Weed is still legal and in more states. Something tells me Trump don't give a fuck about weed just the important issues on the Federal level. He was all for states rights and as we can see he has honored most of his campaign promises unlike Obama who didn't do shit for the American people in his 8 years!! Did make it better for foreigners though but not even a slight raise in minimum wage!
Weed is still legal and in more states. Something tells me Trump don't give a fuck about weed just the important issues on the Federal level. He was all for states rights and as we can see he has honored most of his campaign promises unlike Obama who didn't do shit for the American people in his 8 years!! Did make it better for foreigners though but not even a slight raise in minimum wage!
trump is against raising the min wage. Trumps is all about law & order, he will enforce federal pot laws. It would be out of character for him not too....just wait for it
its amazingly funny that people think trump pushing fed laws on pot will make people hate him. look at the states who picked him. wheres their recreational? trump doesnt give a fuck about a bunch of stoners. looking at the states who picked trump, meth will be legal before pot. and with Jeff "“I used to think they’re okay,” until learning that some were pot smokers" Sessions as our new piece of shit. itll never happen. theres money to be made in jailing people for it without it being legal on a federal level.. if it were to go completely legal though.. i could see it going another way. but we all know thats not going to happen
i've noticed that you do not respect yourself in the least.

which is why it is no surprise that you idolize someone who does not respect you in the least, and proves it over and over and over again by lying right to your face.

"i will release my tax returns after i am elected" - your hero throughout the entire campaign

"he will not be releasing his tax returns" - propaganda minister conway, after election.
You have to love her reasoning though. America elected him President without seeing them - so America does not care about his taxes. Lol. Stupid fuckers fell for it.
looking at the states who picked trump, meth will be legal before pot.
