11/9 the day legal pot died

....."Without any protection from Congress, every marijuana grower and dispensary owner who came out of the shadows to become a taxpaying member of the legal recreational cannabis industry in Colorado, Oregon, Washington state and Alaska has exposed himself to potential criminal prosecution by a DOJ run by Sessions."......:shock:
There was just a chance to reschedule and it didn't happen under the current administration and raids were more than Bush Jr. in the last 8 yrs......anybody remember Barry McCaffrey the 1st barry? hmmm

Fuck republicans fuck democrats.
Well good morning to you too sunshine, spreading love early today.
It's always a pleasure to read your posts as it signals the nadir of my day. Can't get any worse.

still clinging to that delusion of your regime respecting states' rights, nazi?

notice how i use apostrophes correctly, nazi?