11/9 the day legal pot died

That he is. He's been on the wrong side of history for quite some time. Alabama didn't even think he was fit to be a federal judge. He was too racist, according to Alabama.


Alabama thought Jeff Sessions was too racist.


I have like no info on this dude other than this thread so I will take your word for it. Seems like a stuffy old douche that would go home and have a nice bourbon or 10 with some painkillers and be in love with himself of the "legality" of it all.

I think these morons think they're defending the Constitution or something by enforcing Executive statutes from the CFR. Isn't that where the DEA and all the drug laws are?
I'm just saying that >60% of the public approve of legal cannabis. Are the feds really going to go directly against the will of the majority of the public on this issue? Seems like a great way to make a lot of enemies, and screw your reelection chances for very little gain.

Less than 20% thinks abortion should be illegal but they are hell bent on making it illegal. You'll eventually learn through painful experience the true meaning of narcissism.
Less than 20% thinks abortion should be illegal but they are hell bent on making it illegal. You'll eventually learn through painful experience the true meaning of narcissism.
Yeah, and they aren't gonna do that either. Overturning Roe V Wade would simply show the female voter base that Republicans are fighting a war against women. Trump and the Republicans need to be careful here. If they push too hard they'll piss everyone off, and we will just see the country swing back to the left next election.
Yeah, and they aren't gonna do that either. Overturning Roe V Wade would simply show the female voter base that Republicans are fighting a war against women. Trump and the Republicans need to be careful here. If they push too hard they'll piss everyone off, and we will just see the country swing back to the left next election.
Swing BACK? Check it out... Clinton won the popular vote.
Bingo! Hey this Trump thingy might not be so bad after all..I can live with making $4k for a P couldn't you? :lol:

Are you in Colo? Did you hear it too? No more Croptober. :mrgreen:
I'm in co.. Why no more croptober? Think outdoor is a bad idea next year? Even if within legal limits? I have a 99 count but was going to keep it at 30-49 plants to keep it wayyyy under the unspoken federal limit + do all greenhouse