101 Already Asked Questions

Hello to all - this is a lengthy post but the question is at the very bottom of you want to skip to that.
I've had one plant for several weeks that a friend started for me. Growing inside, in my closet for now, but I have a tent for her when hubby can get vent fan put in. She's been very healthy, I haven't overwatered. Today she's wilted down and I'm afraid she won't come back to her previous healthy state. I used tepid water only to give her a good drink today. Last water/feeding was Thursday. She's in preflower stage. I've read about flushing but haven't done it. I'm afraid I've killed her.

Will a wilted down plant come back?
Hello to all - this is a lengthy post but the question is at the very bottom of you want to skip to that.
I've had one plant for several weeks that a friend started for me. Growing inside, in my closet for now, but I have a tent for her when hubby can get vent fan put in. She's been very healthy, I haven't overwatered. Today she's wilted down and I'm afraid she won't come back to her previous healthy state. I used tepid water only to give her a good drink today. Last water/feeding was Thursday. She's in preflower stage. I've read about flushing but haven't done it. I'm afraid I've killed her.

Will a wilted down plant come back?

I doubt that I need to answer, because I imagine that your plant has returned from wilting since you watered. So yes, a wilted plant will return to vigorous growth. Be sure to give your plant plenty of fresh air too.

If the wilting continues, then you have a problem in the root zone, and repotting to a slightly larger pot with fresh medium will help.

Havnt been able to give me gurls full attention lately check in them tonight to find this..
Thinking possible iron def or something???
Im trying to make it where the entire board is involved. But if I see a good post I will put it in here.

Dont get upset cause in a few days I am going to delete everyones post in here and try to keep it looking nice. When I am done I will go ahead and lock it. Till then post away.
Hi Widow Maker

Your link in your sig is broken, sorry to say

Cheers MickAff
Hi guys,

I got a question. How do i conceal the smell of marijuana on a cabinet grow box? Do i put a humidifier inside? Please help noob right here
Hi there sir! I live with my parents and i wanted to make a cabinet.drawbox in my room so i know there would be a risk of them smelling the plant in my room. Do u have any tips of concealing the odor from the plant?
Hello everybody. So I'm a first time grower my 1 girl seems to be doing very well just looking for a little advice about feeding, when to flower, and general. Any advice would help thank you