OK so I started with single seed / plant about 7-8 months ago. Now have 3 additional Females, however they are younger. Unfortunately I started sexing a batch of about 10-12 but turned out most were Not females. I was wondering if I go back to a 24 hour lighting cycle from a 12/12 cycle – will this traumatize the plants or will they just stop flowering? Also if I sort of mutilated part of one of the 1[SUP]
st[/SUP] plant by taking buds off in all the wrong ways & places, but this luckily unintentionally made for several stalks. The whole thing now has 3 stalks of flowering areas now but one of the 3 doesn't seem to be growing at this time (or at least didn't with this last time that I sexed the plants), will that change at the next harvest? FYI this was this particular plant's 2[SUP]
nd[/SUP] time being put into flowering stage (the 12/12hr cycle).
Anyway my main questions were:
#1 Roughly how many harvests can a single plant yield, like total? Or should you aim to keep reproducing New ones so that you can keep smaller plants moving / growing? I saw some guys tutorial which stripped every leaf off the plant, which I would guess is because he's not trying to re-grow that plant, is that correct?
#2 what (besides that which I've already done wrong) should I NOT do? Basically is there a “Daily or regular maintenance” guides? Or a top 10 Worst Mistakes you can make?
#3 Lastly will buds ever grow if a plant is not harvested or handled properly? And what is the best way to harvest (if you want to try to keep the plant for as long as possible)?
That was mainly everything I needed for now. Any guidance I could get on this strictly theoretical garden that I don't have but hope to get started soon, would be greatly appreciated.
I know a lot of stuff is already in here (as far as answers) and I'll keep looking but I've read a lot and couldn't find answers to these couple of theoretical questions above...
Thanks & Best wishes to all.
Also BTW if this beloing in a different thread please feel free to relocate as needed but just let me know where it goes also? Thanks again